
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Archive for the ‘Germs’ Category

Pumping in Plastic – My Gas Station Germ Phobia

Wellness Wednesday

Hello Friends, I hope all is well in your world.

I bet if you asked the question “where is the “Happiest Place on Earth”,  most people would respond Florida, right? But how about if you asked this question, “where is the germiest place on Earth”

I don’t know about you, but for me it’s at the gas station, but it’s not the gas station’s bathrooms, it’s the gas station’s gas pumps! With a 100 mile daily commute I am at a gas station at least twice a week filling up, just follow me on Swarm/Foursquare to get an idea.  And it’s because I’m there so often I sometimes wonder about the person who used the tank handle before me and if the gas station attendants regularly clean the handles. pumping with plastic


Just the thought of touching all those germs from the millions of hands grosses me out to the max!  That is why I keep plastic gloves in my glove box, after all, that’s where gloves are supposed to be kept – right?  I also have a box of gloves hanging by the back door at home so I can grab a few if I run out of the ones in the car.

pumping gas in plastic gloves

I know people have stared at me at the pumps, but I don’t care and I feel better knowing that I am not getting or spreading germs at these pumps.  Afterall, with all these viruses and diseases being spread around it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What say you, do you have a germ phobia?  

Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
