
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘employment and training’

Small Business and Social Media Marketing Workshop

Hello friends, last week I had the distinct honor and privilege to present a Small Business and Social Media Marketing Workshop at Independent Resources, Inc., in Dover. The invitation was extended by Jacqueline Reyes, MPH, Program Coordinator Small Business Program at Independent Resources, Inc.

The snowy weather was cause for low attendance, however, the small group setting made for great interaction and lots of fun sharing. I was invited to return in the Spring and I am definitely looking forward to doing so.

Social Media Workshop attendees

Independent Resources, Inc., is a non-profit Center for Independent Living that provides quality services to people with disabilities by assisting them in achieving and maintaining independent lives. The agency’s signature programs are:

Launch Space: a small business program for persons with disabilities. The goal of the program is to increase the number of persons with disabilities engaged in self-employment by offering a ten-week training on entrepreneurship and one-on-one coaching;

Transition Life skills Program: the program offers workshops designed to educate, build self-confidence and empower individuals who have expressed interest in making personal transtion from nursing homes, residential homes, shelters and transitional programs to an independent life style;

Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: offers document translation services, community education and outreach; advocacy; employment assistance and telephone assistance. They also provide adaptive equipment such as a Tty and a Sorenson video phone for consumer use.

Peer Support Group: provides social and recreational activities; support groups; and life skills training to low income individuals with disabilities. The major goal of the program is to enhance the quality of life and to promote the independence of people with disabilities by affording them the opportunity to participate in recreational and social activities of their choosing.

Emergency Preparedness Workshop: September is the National Preparedness Month, so Independent Resources, Inc., (IRI) partners with the Modern Maturity Center; the Delaware Citizen Corps, Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA); the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies; Bayhealth; and the Division of Public Health to hold an Emergency Preparedness community workshop annually.

I am always humbled and grateful when I can assist others and that is why today is truly a Thankful Thursday.

Certificate of Appreciation at Social Media workshop

I was given a Certificate of Appreciation for my service but having an adult son with intellectual disabilities, I want to thank them for their service to the community.  

What are you thankful for this week?

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