
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘style inspiration’

Summer Scarf & Thankful Thursday - Personalized Romantic Gifts
Hello friends,


I am thankful that the summer weather here in the Mid-Atlantic area has not been oppressively hot and humid.  We did get some really heated days earlier in the season but then came those low to mid-80’s temps which were fantastic.

Last month I read a blog post by Mo over at “Who is that Girl Mo” which gave me the inspiration to wear this scarf.

Summer Scarf

I wore the outfit on a Casual Friday which is when I like wearing my white jeans or pants.

Thrifted White pants

I have several pairs of white pants, these included which were thrifted from Goodwill, the infinity scarf was purchased last fall from Burlington Coat Factory.

Summer Scarf

The sleeveless tank top, tote bag and wrap-around bracelet are all from Avon – didn’t I tell you that they have nice accessories!

Summer Scarf

I love how these Montego Bay sandals pulls in the colors from the scarf.  

Thank you Mo for the inspiration, whoa, hold on…wait a minute…come to think of it…I did wear a summer scarf last year…uh oh, I think I just had a a “senior moment”!


infinity scarf worn with a maxi

June 2013 OOTD – click on picture to see entire post

Well it was probably a temporary lapse in memory, but I am thankful that I did remember and thanks to Mo’s post, it was the trigger.


This has been yet another wonderful week and yesterday our ‘baby bird’ left the nest!  Both of our sons are now in college and I am thankful for that, even if my wallet isn’t.  

I am thankful for the time we have together as a family, I am thankful for my friends and of most importantly I am thankful for my faith. 

Now it’s your turn – what are you thankful for this week?  

I hope you will join me over at Katherine’s Corner to share some of your favorite things.
