
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘volunteering’

Now That You’ve Got More Time, What Are You Going To Do With It?

Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world.  Did you know that on average people worldwide are living six years longer than they were 20 years ago?  Thanks to improved medical advances and declining tobacco use the average life expectancy for women in the United States is 81 and male life expectancy is 76.

life expectancy

So now that you’ve got more time, what are you going to do with it? If you are nearing retirement or have retired what creative and inexpensive activities would you like to do in your golden years?

Getting together with friends or neighbors visiting cultural sites, libraries, historic homes or museums or how about taking a Yoga or Tai Chi class to increase your flexibility.

tai chi for seniors Volunteering your services, participating in church or religious groups are also other great options.  A lot of people actually fear retirement thinking they are going to be bored, but trying something new or doing something that you’ve always wanted to do can be both fun and exciting.

Have you ever wanted to write a book, sing, act, paint, or learn to play a musical instrument? Perhaps you would enjoy sharing your knowledge by teaching, writing a blog or in specialty cooking and baking.  Local travel to neighboring states discovering what is in your own back yard can also be an inexpensive adventure.

No matter what you choose, if you start making a list now while you’re still working you’ll have more to look forward to when that great day actually arrives.

Let's Chat What is the one activity that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time?


Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!


Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

Help us Stamp Out Hunger this Saturday! 

Please place a bag of nonperishables (no glass) besides your mailbox prior to mail delivery on Saturday.

Your letter carrier will take care of the rest!

Volunteers are needed at local post offices in New Castle County on Saturday to help unload mail vehicles.

Shifts vary! To sign up or learn more, please click here!

SOH-Bagweb For more information contact the Food Bank of Delaware

Tweet #StampOutHunger and spread the word!

dedivahdeals signature

Phone Banking for President Obama

For months leading up to the election I had received emails requesting monetary donations, I have donated small amounts on several occasions.  I’ve been asked to post to Facebook and Tweet OFA information; I have also complied.  I’ve received emails containing songs and videos asking to pass them on to my contacts which I have also done.  I had signed up and received emails requesting to donate my time volunteering at a phone bank or knocking on doors – which I had never done…at least not until yesterday.

 I like many other supporters like to talk the talk but are hesitant when it comes to walking the walk.  That all changed yesterday when I volunteered to Phone Bank for The President at the Democratic Headquarters in New Castle.  I will admit that it wasn’t an email, tweet or post that convinced me; it was having a conversation and later meeting a wonderful lady, an Obama volunteer who offered her extra yard sign.  When she called, I once again said I didn’t have a whole lot of time to volunteer because I lived in Delaware and worked in Pennsylvania and on weekends I had to blah…blah…blah…excuse…excuse…excuse.  However, before I ended the conversation I was asked her if she knew where I could purchase an Obama 2012 Yard Sign.  She told me that she had an extra and since she lived close I decided to stop by and purchase, but she gave it to me – FREE of charge.

 That one simple act of kindness made me change my mind so yesterday I volunteered a few hours and made 123 calls to registered voters in Pennsylvania.

 I along with 4 others sat in a room armed with a cell phone provided by the Committee, a Voter Contact Script, and List Sheets with the names and numbers of registered voters.  I called and spoke to supporters or left messages thanking them for their previous support.  To those that answered the phone, I asked if they had any questions, if they needed a ride to the poll and the approximate time that they would be voting.

 Although we were given a written script to read and requested to keep our conversations short and polite there was the possibility of reaching someone who wanted to challenge.  Fortunately I witnessed such a conversation when a fellow volunteer reached an uninformed and undecided voter.  With each negative and incorrect statement she countered with the correct information in a polite, non-combative way.  The conversation lasted about 10 minutes most of which I overheard and was mesmerized by his misinformation about the President and his opponent.  However, her ability to counter with the correct information as well as providing him with the website to read was awesome.  She was pretty much drained after that conversation but was rewarded when the next several callers she reached were overly enthusiastic, “Fired Up and Ready to Go”

 The Democratic Headquarters housed volunteers for all the State’s democrats running for office or reelection.  They provided us with free pizza, water, soft drinks, cookies, crackers and candy but I was filled with was a sense of accomplishment as well as meeting some great people with the same goal – to get President Barack Hussein Obama reelected – 4 more 4 44!!