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Archive for the ‘4th of July’ Category

Beat The Heat with Summer Sun Tea

Hello friends and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

happy 4th of july

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday and if you need another way to beat the heat try this easy recipe for

Summer Sun Iced Tea

It takes very little energy on your part to make.


 Fill a water pitcher with cold water, add 6-8 tea bags tied together with a twist tie.

Summer Sun Tea

Let it sit in the sun for at least 4 hours, then remove tea bags.

Summer Sun Tea

You could also leave in the window sill if you can’t leave it outside.

summer sun tea

 Add fresh mint leaves, lemon wedges and your choice of sweeteners.

Summer Sun Tea

Try other tea flavors and if like me, you have an overabundance of mint in your garden, clean a few leaves to make minty ice cubes.

Lipton Tea

Summer Sun Tea

  Let’s Chat: What is your favorite summer beverage?  

Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!



IMAGE: Fashion Friday- 6/13/14- FREE Sunglasses with Any $15.00 Purchase & FREE SHIPPING