Follow the Delaware Blogger To Her New Home
If you haven’t done so already, head over to DelBlogger and subscribe to my new blog to keep up with the Delaware Blogger aka DeDivahDeals!
Fashion and Fun after Fifty
Get rid of unused categories and tags – Unused categories or tags are potential 404 errors waiting to happen. Additionally, the more categories and tags you use, the more it can bog down your database and decrease the performance of your blog. Tools like WP-CleanFix can help you identify any opportunities to clean up categories and tags (among other things) and make sure your database is optimized.
There you go! 7 quick tips that you can use to clean up your blog this Spring and, hopefully, drive more traffic.
5 steps Small Businesses Can Take To Get Started Working With Bloggers
I recently read an article which is several years old but is still relevant today. It was published by Small Business, and listed 5 steps small businesses can take to get started working with bloggers. I found it to be very interesting to not only small business owners but also for bloggers who work on their campaigns, here’s an excerpt.
With all the bloggers out there, you need to prioritize. Start your blogger outreach effort by browsing *Technorati and Alltop to find bloggers in your field, or by doing a Google Blog search.
To stay focused, create a list of up to 20 bloggers to target. You might start with smaller, more niche-focused bloggers. Any lessons learned from those interactions can then be applied to the bigger fish. Plus, if you get a shout-out from a niche blogger, you can provide a link to it when you contact the bigger bloggers.
Track all communications with target bloggers in an Excel, Google Docs, or other spreadsheet, recording when you contacted them, if you received a reply, and so on.
But you’re not ready to contact bloggers until you can check step three off your list.
“The biggest mistake people make when reaching out to bloggers is not reading their blogs,” says Payton. “I get pitched all the time by people who clearly haven’t read my blog, and it’s a real turn-off.”
Read at least a few months worth of each target blogger’s posts, to get a sense of their likes and dislikes and tone. Note what they don’t cover as much as what they do write about.
Usually, the best way to initiate a dialog with a blogger is to add thoughtful, useful comments their posts. Many bloggers read the comments others leave for them. Also, include a link back to your website to give the blogger some context about your business if they want it.
When leaving comments, don’t be self-serving or talk about how great your product or service is. That’s an ideal way to turn off the blogger you’re courting. Just strive to be helpful and interesting.
Once you’ve got the blogger’s attention, it’s time to reach out more directly. Consider emailing the blogger helpful information, story ideas, statistics, news in your industry — anything that’s not an overt sales pitch.
For best results, make sure the email subject heading is specific and intriguing. Here’s why:
“I receive hundreds of emails every day,” says Ben Parr, coeditor of Mashable, a popular technology blog that often covers startups. “Most of the time I just scan the subject lines.” If Parr doesn’t know the sender and/or the email looks like a “form letter,” he usually ignores it.
Your goal should be to make a blogger curious enough to open your email, without being cheesy about it. If you don’t receive a response to your first email, wait at least three days before sending a follow up.
Once you’ve established a good relationship with a blogger, keep the dialog going.
Periodically reach out with observations, story ideas and anything else the blogger might find useful. Continue reading your target bloggers’ posts, so you can stay up to date on changes in their interests and topics. (Subscribing to the blog’s RSS feed is an easy way to be alerted of new posts.)
Consider inviting local bloggers to a special event your company hosts. This could help you develop a relationship with the blogger and potentially give him or her something to write about.
And pay attention to your site’s Google Analytics, or whichever Web traffic analytics tool you use, suggests Payton. Look to see if the blogs you’ve developed relationships with are sending measurable traffic to your site. If that’s not happening, make sure the blogger includes a link (preferably one with a relevant keyword) to your small business website whenever he or she writes about your business.
Ultimately, successful blogger outreach is just like any type of business networking. Be genuine and authentic. Know your messaging and differentiation. And most importantly, think about how you can help the blogger, rather than staying focused on what they can do for you.
*Technorati can be a particularly helpful tool for identifying influential bloggers, with its Top 100 blog chart and Technorati Authority ratings. The latter gives you a sense of how influential a blog is based on its category, how well a blog’s content matches its category topic, how often other blogs in its category link to the blog, and so on.
You can also use tools like Compete and Alexa to see how blog sites rank in terms of popularity, traffic and page views. Also take into account a blog home page’s Google PageRank, a link analysis algorithm that plays a role in helping Google determine how authoritative a web page is.
The goal is to focus on blogs with a decent amount of traffic and authority. “Look for blogs that have a PageRank of three or higher and that have 1,000 to 5,000 unique page views per month,” advises Susan Payton, managing partner of Egg Marketing & Public Relations in San Diego.
Payton also suggests checking to see if bloggers you’re targeting are active on Facebook orTwitter. If so, the bigger the following, the better.
That said, you should also be realistic. An influential blogger with a huge following may not be interested in covering a small business she’s never heard of. There’s nothing wrong with aiming high, but don’t overlook smaller bloggers who cover niche topics relevant to your small business, too.
In addition, learn as much as you can about the bloggers you target. By reading their bios and tweets, you might find some common ground that can serve as an ice breaker.
As we get closer to “Tax Day”, I wanted to repost this article to help you find additional deductions before you file this year’s tax returns.
Hello friends, if you make money from your blog and live in the United States, you have to claim that income on your tax return. Fortunately, there are many deductions you can take on your tax return as a blogger. PLEASE NOTE that it is always best to seek the advice of a tax professional to make sure you qualify for any and all deductions based on your individual tax situation.
The following list provided by Susan Gunelius will give you an idea of some blogging breaks/deductions that you should be aware of and consider as you prepare your tax return.
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!
Last week was an emotional roller coaster filled with both highs and lows. Monday, I taught a Blogging 201 class:Monetizing Your Blog, and it was a full house despite the torrential downpour of rain.
Everyone was enthusiastic, asked questions and participated in lively discussions, it was one of the best classes to date. Thank you again Money School of Delaware for giving me this opportunity not only to share knowledge but to sharpen my skills and expand my base.
Teaching again is helping to lay the foundation for my 5-year plan leading up to retirement/encore entrepreneurship.
My outfit of the day was a black pencil skirt with floral embroidery thrifted from Goodwill, a sleeveless mock neck tank also thrifted from and faux snakeskin pumps via Target.
On Thursday, I wore another black pencil skirt but this one was from JCPenney and the striped top is from Old Navy.
I broke up the classic black and white combination with a pop of red in the Caliente pumps from The Shoe Dept and a red plastic bracelet from Rugged Wearhouse.
The polka dot scarf was a recent purchase from Avon. By the way, if you are looking to update your fragrances or cosmetics Avon has some great deals going on, some even includes FREE shipping, click here for more information.
Thursday was also my sister’s birthday, had she lived, she would have been 51 – Not A Day Goes By….
Although, I am thankful that I had her 29 years, I still feel that she is gone too soon – Rest in Peace Lil Sis!
Your turn, what are you thankful for this week?