
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Archive for the ‘Sisterly Bond’ Category

Thankful Thursday | Emotional Week

Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!

Last week was an emotional roller coaster filled with both highs and lows. Monday, I taught a Blogging 201 class:Monetizing Your Blog, and it was a full house despite the torrential downpour of rain.

At the Bear Library

Everyone was enthusiastic, asked questions and participated in lively discussions, it was one of the best classes to date.  Thank you again Money School of Delaware for giving me this opportunity not only to share knowledge but to sharpen my skills and expand my base.


Teaching again is helping to lay the foundation for my 5-year plan leading up to retirement/encore entrepreneurship.

April 2014 004

 My outfit of the day was a black pencil skirt with floral embroidery thrifted from Goodwill, a sleeveless mock neck tank also thrifted from and faux snakeskin pumps via Target.

Teaching Blogging 201 at Bear Library

On Thursday, I wore another black pencil skirt but this one was from JCPenney and the striped top is from Old Navy.

Basic Black shirt doing double duty

I broke up the classic black and white combination with a pop of red in the Caliente pumps from The Shoe Dept and a red plastic bracelet from Rugged Wearhouse.


Scarf from Avon

The polka dot scarf was a recent purchase from Avon.  By the way, if you are looking to update your fragrances or cosmetics Avon has some great deals going on, some even includes FREE shipping, click here for more information.

Top from Old Navy

Thursday was also my sister’s birthday, had she lived, she would have been 51 – Not A Day Goes By….

I miss my sis Gloria

Although, I am thankful that I had her 29 years, I still feel that she is gone too soon – Rest in Peace Lil Sis!

Your turn, what are you thankful for this week?


Sisterly Love ~ A Bond Never Broken

Neither distance nor death can break the bond of Sisterly Love

Death can turn minutes into hours…

hours into days….

days into weeks…

and weeks into months…

those months turn into years…

21 to be exact

the love for my sister has never waned nor wavered

but the grief always envelopes me on this day

the 14th of September


you are forever missed and always loved




