Today was the last day of school for my son at Appoquinimink High School and he is now officially a Senior (pray for me). If your kids are also out of school and you are looking for family friendly summer activities, here are a few websites listing budget friendly options.
Ok – App-O-Quinn-Nah-Mink it was an Indian Tribe name, they owned the land and…well you know the rest… The Mascot is a Jaguar. If you do come to Delaware, make sure to call or email me, I need to make a trip to the beach this summer!
Ok I gotta know…A. How the heck do you pronounce that school name and B. what’s the mascot? I’d be happy to head off to Rehoboth beach.
Ok – App-O-Quinn-Nah-Mink it was an Indian Tribe name, they owned the land and…well you know the rest… The Mascot is a Jaguar. If you do come to Delaware, make sure to call or email me, I need to make a trip to the beach this summer!
Just clicking on your links. Delaware looks very nice! Bit too far for a day trip for us. LOL!
Oh,wouldn’t that be nice!