Fun and Games Friday
Hello Friends, are you having a fun day!
Do you remember as a child spending hours outside running and playing games all day long? Laughing, yelling, sweating and imagining, making up the rules as you went along, just plain fun. What were some of your favorite games, I remember some of mine were:
Double Dutch
Hop Scotch
Red Light Green Light 1 2 3
Chinese Jump Rope
But my all time – #1 favorite game was “That’s My Car”…which I’m still playing today!
This Mercedes belongs to a friend…but last week it was “my car!”
A girl can dream can’t she?
Now go outside and play – Smooches!
Purple is your crayon clearly!
I just bought a package of jacks for my chidren – I am planning to introduce them to it on holiday. Fun post!!!
Thank you my dear, I loved playing jacks, I hope they enjoy it as much as you did as a kid.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh hop scotch! Haven’t thought about nor seen that in a long time.
Wasn’t it fun??!!
Did you play, “Oh Mary Mack” a hand slapping game? I was in the Mary Mack pub in Dublin and they never heard of it!
Oh yes…..I loved playing Mrs. Mary Mack – thanks for that one!!!!
I loved playing 4 square, but I was more of a play on the playground, no real games type of kid =) I still am not coordinated enough to do double dutch! I could do jump rope games that only involved one rope though!
Is 4 square like “box ball”?
I would assume so, 4 kids and a dodge ball. You try to bounce it in another kids square so that they can’t catch it. If it bounces twice they get knocked down to the bottom box and others rotate up. We used jack king queen and ace as our designations with ace being the top spot!
Yep, that’s it!
You look mighty fine beside this gorgeous car….
Thank you my dear.