
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Goodwill Hauling with A Friend – Part II

After leaving Smyrna, we  drove further south to the Goodwill store in Dover.  I stopped first at the cemetary to lay flowers for my sister, uncle and grandmother.  I was a bit apprehensive when first approaching Goodwill as I hadn’t set foot in that store since 1992, when I picked up my sister’s last pay check.  We didn’t stay long and I only purchased a few items but this store does have a lot of new items from the local mall and grocery stores in the area.

Goodwill - Dover, Delaware

New white belt with tags - $1.00

Cropped Denim Jacket - $6.00
White Liz Clairborne pants - $3.75

Black and White Polka Dot Shirt from GW in Smyrna - $3.75

Resting In Heaven
Gloria Cross, Jr. - 4/10/63 - 9/14/92
Ernest Midget - 7/17/42-9/14/92
Nina Midget - 4/2/11-5/1/09


  • Wanda says:

    I am so proud of you, as you walked into the Goodwill in honor of your sister Gloria. I was glad to have been with you on this warm, Sunny Day….your family was smiling at you, as they are at peace my friend. Amen-

  • Deborah says:

    I’ll be thinking of you and your loved ones every time I shop here (which is often) for my grandbabies. Hugs to you!

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