Goodwill ~ Donate Stuff Create Jobs
Hello Friends, did you know that every time you donate clothing, household goods or even a car to Goodwill you are helping someone in your community?
Did you know that with each box or bag filled with clothes that you donated from your closet is helping someone in your community?
Did you know with each donated game, toy or piece of exercise equipment you no longer want, and need to make room for newer models is helping someone in your community?
Did you know that with each shopping trip or thrifted haul that you are helping someone in your community?
If you didn’t know – Now you do – Because it does!
Donating to or shopping at Goodwill® is more than chic or the “in thing” to do, it’s also helping someone in your community and we all can use a little help sometimes.
Please join me and so many others in spreading the word about the “Donating Stuff Create Jobs” campaign on behalf of Goodwill Industries International and the Ad Council
You’ll be helping someone in your community!
In memory of my sister, Gloria Cross, Jr. – 4/2/63 – 9/14/92