Today was the first day of school for al-Malik and needless to say, he was not excited about boarding that bus this morning….kept whining something about wanting a car….in his dreams and my nightmares!!! Time sure does fly, after today I only have 1 more chance to get that “first day of school” picture, then he’s off to college!!! Where does the time go…I miss my babies 🙁
Hubby started back to school yesterday, he’s a Student Advisor in a Middle School. When I got home and asked how his day was, he was like…”oooh you know how it hard it is going back….” NOPE…cause I don’t get 3 months off in the summer buddy!!!! I have a house of whiners!!!!
Skirt – Goodwill// Top – Goodwill// Bracelets and Necklace – – Jewelry box// Purse – Family Dollar// Pumps – The Shoe Dept// Sandals – Target (soon to be donated to Goodwill – they hurt my feet!)