Posts Tagged ‘job interview’
Hello Friends…it’s
This week I am thankful for the following:
hubby and son’s covered the pool before I got home and they did it correctly!
had a lazy…do-nothing…no makeup…didn’t-even-leave-the-house weekend
ironed almost all of my clothes
finally defrosted the freezer in garage
watched season premier of The Walking Dead
#1 son is doing well and is actively seeking full time employment – say a little prayer for him
#2 son attended his final Homecoming Dance and was home before midnight
discovered and watched the new show “Sleepy Hollow” and now I am hooked
but most importantly, I am thankful for my health, family, friends , finances and of course my faith
oh and that tomorrow is Fri-Yay!
Thrifted Pumps from GW Boutique (Goodwill) – Do you remember this haul?
Speaking of which I am about due for another one – lol!

Thrifted from Goodwill
I wore this outfit on Wednesday and chose to add the red blazer because the weather was a bit cool early morning
This was another beautifully blessed week despite the 3 hour commute into work yesterday due to a tractor trailer accident on route 896 – no one was seriously injured just cited for inattentive driving!
Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
Hello Friends, I hope you had a wonderful Saturday!
The weather here was absolutely GORGEOUS and like almost everyone else in town we spent most of the day outdoors. My son and I had a few errands to run which included a stop at Rugged Wearhouse in Glasgow. There’s a gazebo behind one of the medical centers with a lake (and a Home Depot) in the background which made for a good spot to take pictures.
Stripped Shirt – Target // Red Jeans – Ross // Zebra Print Flats – Target
He has a job interview next week and needed a few pair of pants
Necklace – Payless // Watch – Avon // Sunnies – won from a Penny Chic contest
My “no spend in March freeze” technically wasn’t broken because I had a gift card from Christmas…lol
Saturday Sunset
Polka Dot Purse – $19.99 and Red Sandals – $9.99 // Rugged Wearhouse
Have a good night and don’t forget
set the clocks forward an hour before bed – Smooches!
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