
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘kid’


Woohoo, it’s FRI-YAY, the Friday before a holiday – let the eating and drinking begin (oh wait… a few more hours before the drinking can begin)! At least once per quarter a coworker and I leave our desks for lunch and go to PrimoHoagies. for the best hoagie (wedge to a New Yorker, sub to a Delawarean) this side of town! Their menu is gigantic, it takes several minutes to read and then decide what I want and there are always free samples to try while waiting. Today’s freebies were pasta salads and Herr’s Pretzels. Having a Primo Hoagie for lunch is a great way to end the work week and begin the weekend.

Blessings to you and yours for a FAN-TAB-U-LOUS weekend – be safe!!

Parking at Primos

Today’s special

It’s the bread that make the hoagies so good.

So many choices and this is only part of the full menu

FREE salad samples

Like a kid leaving a candy store!

I always ask for my pickles on peppers on the side