An Evening with Walter Mosley
Hello friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Last evening hubby and I attended “An Evening with Walter Mosley” at the Chase Center on the Riverfront, a program presented by New Castle County Reads. Mr. Mosley, was there to discuss his latest book “The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey” .
The event began with a welcome from Sophia Hanson, General Manager and then an introduction by Tom Gordon, County Executive. Mr. Mosley started out by reading what can best be described as the last days of both his father and that of his mother ravaged by dementia. This reading invoked a range of emotions from the audience as evidenced by the many “ooh’s, aahs’ and laughter that could be heard throughout the auditorium.
Prior to attending this free event, I can honestly admit that I had never read any of Mr. Mosley’s books. I am, however, familiar with his Easy Rawlins’ mystery series as well as had seen the movie adaptation of “Devil in the Blue Dress” starring Denzel Washington.
A brief question and answer session followed, but many in the audience simply took to the microphone to thank Mr. Mosley for his love and gift of writing. Mr. Mosley’s sense of humor, expansive knowledge of history and ease of storytelling was acknowledged with a standing ovation.
Hundreds later stood in a long line to have a copy or copies of their books signed. I for one will be heading to the local library to check out one of Mr. Mosley’s more than 40 published books which is the ultimate goal of the New Castle County Reads Programs.
I hope your day is as beautiful as you are.