Posts Tagged ‘mammogram’
From the Hooters to the Tooter, Get Them Checked During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is more than a month of falling leaves, trips to the Apple Orchards and Crock Pot meals. For me it also signals the time to put my legs in stirrups and to have my boobies mashed between two metal plates. Yep, it’s time for the annual exams for the hooters and the tooter, which also includes scheduling a colonoscopy.
I am so proud of hubby, as his chemo treatments are kicking colon cancer’s butt, so I need to make sure that my butt stays healthy as well.
After checking both my work and home calendars I try to schedule my annual Pap Smear and Mammogram appointments on the same day. It’s so easy to get caught up with work and family, not to mention the holiday hoopla then forget to make an appointment.
Oftentimes, I will mix the day of appointments with a day of pampering starting with the dreaded pap smear, followed by lunch, then the mammogram and finally a pedicure ~ works for me!
I don’t care how old I am, how long I’ve been having these procedures done, nor the fact that they are uncomfortable. All three of these vital exams must be done annually…no if’s, and’s or butt’s about it!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month however, if you haven’t scheduled an appointment this month, make it for next month, just make it!
We all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer which is more of a reason to schedule an appointment ~ no excuses.
In loving memory of Debra Clarke, Hazel Woods and Rene McCrea
Hello Friends and Happy
This week I am thankful for:
receiving a good-for-the-soul sermon on Sunday at Church
recognition by – “Glam Gal of the Week“
mammogram results were good
1st College Tour and I didn’t embarrass my son in public
tonight’s “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” Marathon on AntennaTV
tomorrow is the 1st day of the most thankful month of the year
getting an extra hour of sleep on Sunday (end of Daylight Savings Time)
my health, family, friends and of course my faith
I’ve had this scarf for several years and I am thankful that I kept it!
Black Suede Booties that I am thankful are comfortable – Burlington Coat Factory
Thankful for a beautiful Autumn Day
Thankfully thrifted both the black maxi skirt and faux wrap top from GW Boutique (Goodwill)
Wrap Around Bracelet – Boscov’s // Watch – Avon
Okay, it’s your turn – what are you thankful for this week?
Linking up today at Katherine’s Corner so come on over and find some tasty recipes to kick off the Holiday (eating) Season!
Happy Halloween – Smooches!
Hello Friends and Happy
This week I am thankful for:
recognition for being a volunteer instructor for The Money School of Delaware
spent time with a new friend working on her blog
Annual Mammogram completed
#1 son possible enrollment into college courses at UD
#2 son received approval on his Senior Project topic
took time to read my Essence Magazine
my health, family, friends and of course my faith
Moving more into Autumn attire with a Maxi Skirt from Boscov’s
Thrifted blouse and belt from Goodwill and Wedge Shoes from Kmart
Collection of arm candy and earrings – jewelry box // Serpent Ring – Avon
Okay, it’s your turn, what are you thankful for?
Linking up today with Style elixar– come on over and meet some other fashionistas and enter her $100 Gift Card Giveaway.
Have a fantabulous day – Smooches!
“Good morning, please take off everything from the top, then put on this gown with the opening in the front”
Yes, that’s the phrase I hear from the friendly technician when it’s time for my annual mammogram and on Monday at 7:30 am I had my 12th.
“Have you noticed any changes to your breasts?”
“Have you felt any lumps or experienced soreness in your breasts?”
“Do you have on any deodorant?”
“Okay, are you ready?”
“let’s start with the right side first….left arm down…grip here…move up a little closer…you’ll feel a little pressure…okay hold it…now relax.”
Next it’s from a different angle, then repeated on the left side.
This is the only conversation we have while having my breasts moved, lifted, adjusted then flattened between two plates to be imaged.
For all my years of having mammograms, I can honestly say, it’s never really hurt, uncomfortable, yes, but not overly painful. I have always scheduled my exam during Breast Cancer Awareness Month as a big reminder to have it done – no excuses or memory lapses.
Sadly, far too many women refuse to have a mammogram because of the preconceived notion that there will be unbearable pain involved, trust me, the pain of not going can be far worse.
I have lost an aunt and cousin to Breast Cancer and have several other cousins who are Breast Cancer survivors, so I know it’s better to be checked and uncomfortable for 15 minutes than not at all.
Have I ever been called back after a mammogram?
Yes, and it was nerve-wracking to say the least, but nothing was found. It was just the density of the breast, the angle of the image or noticeable calcification on the x-ray, which is why you are asked not to wear deodorant before the exam. Most deodorants/antiperspirants contain aluminum which is very similar to microcalcifiactions, which is an early indication of breast cancer.
I had my first Mammogram at the age of 40, however, it is now suggested that women, especially African American women begin at the age of 35. If you have any questions or need additional information, please check out
Early detection is key, however, when women are not vigilant in doing monthly self breast exams or having an annual mammogram the survival rates decrease. Triple Negative Breast Cancer is now the most dangerous form of breast cancer and is prevalent among African American women. Treatment for it can kill or even cause another form of cancer to appear, Robin Roberts is a survivor of Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
Do Breast Self Exams Monthly – The Best Protection is Early Detection!
P&G has a new Downloadable Phone app that aids in early cancer detection, so try it out today.
Hello friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday. I am still playing catch up after a busy yet fun filled 3 day-weekend. I was off on Friday so after my mammogram I went to the nail salon and then to Rugged Wearhouse for gear to wear to Sunday’s Breast Cancer Awareness walk. Saturday was Homecoming at my Alma Mater Delaware State University, the classes of the ’80’s were in full force, I saw people that I hadn’t seen since graduating in 1983. The icing on the cake was the beautiful weather for the entire weekend – God is truly good!

Shift Dress – Burlington Coat Factory// Jones New York Blazer – Goodwill// Pumps – Ross

The weather has shifted, so this sleeveless shift dress is covered with a blazer

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy – hop over and read a new blog today!
Have a fantabulous day – Smooches!
As wives, mothers and caregivers we often take care of other’s needs before taking care of our own. I missed my annual GYN appointment by 6 months, but I didn’t forget to make an orthodontist, dental and vision appointment for my sons. I received a letter to schedule my annual mammogram in May, but didn’t make the appointment until this month.
It’s hard to forget to schedule a mammogram in October because of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the pink reminders are everywhere. In my family there are 6 cousins and an aunt who had Breast Cancer and unfortunately, one cousin and the aunt succumbed to the disease – RIP Aunt Hazel and Debra! At my job there are several Breast Cancer survivors as well as a woman currently undergoing treatment after being in remission for 10 years. She like so many other brave women remains positive, and upbeat as well as looking good in their scarves and wigs.
My 11th mammogram was this morning, I started going to Papastavros Imaging in Glasgow at the age of 40. I do not like doctor’s appointments and get nervous but I manage the stress by talking. I talk constantly, stopping only to hold my breath for the x-ray, and because of this I can honestly say that I have never felt any pain.
After entering the dressing room, and given a top gown which I never know how to tie, waiting to be called in is nerve racking and waiting for the results is even worse. There are two types of regular screenings, a “CC”, which is a straight down view and the “MLO”, a side view. If you are called back for a follow up, a Spot Paddle is used and it targets a specific area on the breast. The Spot Paddle is more painful because it pinches that targeted area. A few years ago I was called back and immediately went into a panic mode. Amy, my technician explained that a call back does not mean cancer. It can be a vein, an artery, or dense tissue seen on the x-ray, a change in your breast due to your menstrual cycle or even the technician or the machine. So don’t panic and if you have a low tolerance of pain try talking through it, you’ll be surprised how quickly it goes and the sooner you can get to your deodorant.
Hello friends and Happy Tuesday. Today’s outfit is a dress that was previously worn in August, also on a Tuesday (here). Transitioning it from summer to autumn by adding a faux leather jacket and peep toe shoes replaced with leather pumps. The jacket was thrifted from Goodwill and the pumps are Carlos Santana, which I didn’t realize when I found them at The Salvation Army. These pumps are classic, timeless and very comfortable.
If you follow me on Instagram (ablake48) you know that I’m participating in #pinkfor31days, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are wearing pink nail polish for the month of October and I started with Revlon’s Fuchsia Fever. I’ve lost 2 cousins and an aunt to this deadly disease and have 5 cousins who are breast cancer survivors. A co-worker is now fighting her second bout after being in remission for over 10 years! If you are over 40 and haven’t scheduled your annual mammogram yet, please do so today, I’m scheduled for next week.
Have a fantabulous day and don’t forget to schedule your mammogram appointment – Smooches!
Hello friends and Happy Tuesday. Today’s outfit is a dress that was previously worn in August, also on a Tuesday (here). Transitioning it from summer to autumn by adding a faux leather jacket and peep toe shoes replaced with leather pumps. The jacket was thrifted from Goodwill and the pumps are Carlos Santana, which I didn’t realize when I found them at The Salvation Army. These pumps are classic, timeless and very comfortable.
If you follow me on Instagram (ablake48) you know that I’m participating in #pinkfor31days, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are wearing pink nail polish for the month of October and I started with Revlon’s Fuchsia Fever. I’ve lost 2 cousins and an aunt to this deadly disease and have 5 cousins who are breast cancer survivors. A co-worker is now fighting her second bout after being in remission for over 10 years! If you are over 40 and haven’t scheduled your annual mammogram yet, please do so today, I’m scheduled for next week.
Have a fantabulous day and don’t forget to schedule your mammogram appointment – Smooches!