Posts Tagged ‘maxi skirts’
You Pick the Purse 2
Hubby’s 3rd chemo treatment last month was his worse, especially the days immediately following the Thursday shot, he had sore muscles, headaches and insomnia. However, after several restless nights he was finally able to get a good night’s sleep which meant he felt well enough to get up the next morning with me and offered to take a few pictures.
This photo shoot didn’t last long and I tried not to have too many retakes, but as you can tell by my smile which was in response to his, it was a good day! (Ice Cube voice).
Instead of featuring a You Choose the Shoes episode which takes longer to shoot, I decided to do another episode of You Pick the Purse.
This maxi skirt from Boscov’s is one of my favorites because of all of the vibrant colors. The green sleeveless tank was thrifted from Goodwill.
This first purse is from Walmart #yesWalmart and I also picked up one in the black, white and grey combination of colors.
This second purse/clutch was also thrifted from Goodwill and it’s a rattan fabric with colors that compliment the skirt, what do you think?
By the way, if you haven’t done so already, check out the new design of as well as read my posts on the blog.
So what do you think? With the wood and bead accessories and beige open toe wedges, which purse would you have worn with this outfit?

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as hubby goes through this. God/Allah has all the power and soon this too shall pass leaving him stronger and healthier and back where he should be…have a mah-vah-lous day!

Hello friends and Happy Thankful Thursday.
I don’t know about you, but with each new day I feel as though I can be a blessing to someone else. It can be as simple as retweeting an inspirational message or leaving a thoughtful comment. Stopping to have a conversation with a co-worker or even a stranger, a smile or just saying, “hello”, because you never know what may be going on in their world.
Life is so precious and I think it’s in the best interest of us all to treat our fellow human beings with kindness and dignity because you never know when you may be looking for someone to do the same for you.
Now, hold on while I put away the soap box.
This Thursday, I am thankful for everyone who is reading this post and would be even more thankful if you shared it! Hey, a blogger can ask can’t she.
I am desperately trying to wear all of my summer clothes before the end of September so this is going to be a 2 fer, maxi skirts that I wore in July and August and also in 2013.
Purple maxi skirt is from Old Navy and the Merona top is from Target which I also wore on June 26th, 2013 (see here)
As you can see “Ms Elle” made an appearance twice this week.
I love having hubby as my photographer, but he doesn’t tell me when something is out of place. He said, “I thought your shirt was supposed to be this way!” Men! Good thing he is not being paid!
The watch is Avon and bracelet from Rugged Wearhouse.
This floral cowl neck tank is one of my favorites which was on clearance at JCPenney last summer. The black skirt is thrifted from Goodwill.
This perfectly sized tote if from Avon as is the wrap around bracelet and watch. I believe the other bracelets and rings were purchased at Rugged Wearhouse and the sandals are from Payless.
I am thankful that I enjoy dressing for less, otherwise I would be broke! I am also thankful for my family, friends and of course my faith.
How about you, what makes you thankful this Thursday?
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
PS Here is the same purple maxi and top on 6/27/13
Sitting at one of the many stop lights on 202 South, I was looking through coupons and realized I had a $5 off $25 coupon for Old Navy that was about to expire. I love the Old Navy mannequins and commercials but I love their bargains more. Shopping at Old Navy is like being at a casino hitting mini jackpots because there are always marked down items mixed in among the regular priced ones.
I hit with two maxi skirts and a pair of espadrilles for $21.97.
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