Thankful Thursday | Freshmen Orientation at UDel CLSC Program
Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world.
As you know I have two sons both who will be attending college in the fall. Our youngest, Malik, will be attending Bowie State University, and our oldest, Tayair will be heading to the University of Delaware. #SENDMONEY
Last week Tayair and I attended a 1-day Freshman Orientation for his CLSC Program. The CLSC Program is a new post secondary education option in Delaware for students with with intellectual disabilities. You see, Tayair was born 3 months premature, weighing a mere 2.8 lbs and hospitalized for 6 months in NICU to treat and repair his esophagus because he was born with Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Years of hospitalizations and surgeries led to a partial colon interposition at the age of 5, and it was the first time he was able to eat solid foods.
Needless to say, all those years of medical procedures and medications although they kept him alive and healthy, also put a strain on his brain. But today at the age of 22, he is a High School Graduate, Class of 2010, is working steadily and ready to pursue higher education and for that I applaud him – he is my hero!
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you know he had maxillofacial surgery on the 30th of June so his face is still a little swollen but that didn’t stop us from taking pictures on this great day.
You may not be able to tell from his swollen face, but my smiling face tells it all – we were excited to be there!
There was a lot of paperwork to complete as well as a homework assignment which is due on the 25th – BACK TO SCHOOL
Parents had their own orientation session as well.
A quick break for lunch led us to the on campus Saladworks, Tayair had soup-through-a-straw!
A walking tour ended this great day, and he is looking forward to classes beginning next month.
Malik leaves for Bowie on the 27th and I also look forward to that Freshmen Orientation.
I am so thankful that our son was selected to attend the CLSC Program at the University of Delaware. This program offers him specialized career studies and life studies coursework with access to a variety of integrated academic, work, and social activities on campus.
I believe it is going to enhance his social skills and provide him with the tools necessary to navigate the world without barriers and guide him towards a very productive lifestyle. I am also so very thankful that his surgery was a success despite the aspiration pneumonia that followed.
I am thankful for you my followers, my family, my friends and of course my faith. Now heading over to share at Katherine’s Corner, join in if you have a chance.
Now, it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?