Posts Tagged ‘menopause’
WOW – I can’t believe that I am still struggling with weight loss and menopause!
The Freshman 15 is nothing compared to the Menopause 20! In college I could skip a meal and lose 5 pounds, now if I look at a piece of bread I gain 5 pounds.
The Personal Summers were handled with portable fans and cotton clothing;
The absence of menses was happily welcomed and handled;
The dryness was handled with personal lubricants like K-Y® YOURS+MINE , Poise and a patient hubby;
The mood swings were handled with red wine Moscato and an understanding family
The weight gain is NOT BEING HANDLED WELL
A woman’s body is constantly going through changes, some of them good, others not so much. I’m in the 4th 5th year of menopause and was handling it well until the extra pounds began to increase my body mass index (BMI). Initially I blamed it on the stress of caring for my grandmother before her death in 2009; then I blamed it on kicking a 30-year smoking habit; then on the snow storm of 2010, and the chips I ate while watching the flakes fall. Next it was the long commute, 3 hours a day back and forth to work. I would walk in the afternoons and on the elliptical in the evenings but it wasn’t enough to burn the necessary calories or speed up my metabolism. Zumba is fun but I haven’t lost a single pound, I did however, twist my knee and realize that I’ve lost all of my rhythm!

I used Sensa, lost 10 lbs, put it back on, joined NutriSystem, lost 20 lbs, put it back on, cleansed with lemonade laced with cayenne pepper, went carb and sugar free – I hate the bathroom scale! I’ve gone to the doctor, had my thyroid checked, drink shots of ACV with water after each meal but the pounds refuse to leave.
I’ve tried eDiets, me diets, ABC diets with no success. To say it’s frustrating would be an understatement and I’m getting desperate to lose the “Menopause 20”, and refuse to give up the challenge!
Medical reports state that weight gain during menopause is not uncommon or even my fault, that it’s hormonal and I need to increase the intensity of exercise, (where is Richard Simmons when you need him), and decrease the intake of certain foods and beverages. So no more Sriracha flavored chips and beer, Triscuits and Cabot cheese or Mexican and Chinese takeout, a sacrifice that I am willing to make.
Tomorrow I fill the grocery cart with lots of fresh fruits, veggies and fish in an attempt to rid myself of the Menopause 20 – wish me luck!
Disclosure: This post contains Affiliate Links which may earn me enough for a candy bar piece of fruit if you make a purchase.

Is weight loss a challenge for you, if so, what is your strategy?
Hello ladies…sorry guys but I am just talking to the ladies today, we’ll chat later.
If you are a women of a “particular age” as Wendy Williams likes to phrase it, and you are premenopausal or in full menopause, you know how difficult it can sometimes be getting dressed when it’s hot. I keep a fan in the bathroom because there have been days that I’ve overheated just putting on my makeup! In May the weather was fluctuating but now that we are officially into the summer season choosing just the right outfit for work is getting a bit harder.
Personally I like wearing sleeveless tanks and sheath dresses all year long and the panty hose and tights are gone as soon as the boots come off. Fortunately at work we can dress casually, however, it is still Corporate so there definitely will be no shorts, crop tops or flip flops.
These are just a few outfits that I’ve worn during the warm Spring weather, next week I will feature my sheath dresses for the summer sizzle.
Thrifted denim dress with Avon accessories
Thrifted blouse and skirt with flats from Marshalls
Thrifted dress and belt, shoes from Avon
Maxi Shirts
Like it loose and carefree
Totally Thrifted
Weekend Wear
Let’s Chat: What are your warm weather wardrobe must-haves?
BTW, I didn’t forget it was Thankful Thursday. Despite the extra pounds and hot flashes, I am thankful to still be living a stress free and healthy life. I am thankful that my son has been moved from the Intensive Care Unit and should be coming home tomorrow. Of course I am always thankful for my family, friends and my faith. Come on over to Katherine’s Corner and share some of your Thursday Favorite Things.
Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
Hello Friends and Happy Goodwill Wednesday!
I wore this end-of-the-season outfit in March, but with all the activity at the end of the month I didn’t get a chance to post it. This is officially the last of the winter wardrobe pics because today it’s going to be 70 degrees…time for a pedicure because the boots have been put away!
Everything was thrifted from Goodwill at different times and from different locations so it was fun putting it all together.
Even though I wore a short sleeve blouse, there was still a slight chill in the air so I opted to wear the brown suede jacket which was also thrifted.
Of the entire thrifted outfit, I like this unique thick belt the best, what do you think?
Remember how excited I was to finally find a pair of Riding Boots, and to find them new at Goodwill for only $18.99 was awesome. The hooks on the back gave them an edgier look which made it a better thrifted find.
Now it’s time to go through my closets and purge items that I did not wear last season or were much too tight thanks to menopausal weight gain or perhaps too much winter wine. Anywho, whatever I find will be re-donated back to Goodwill which is the best part of thrifting.
Today I’m linking up with one of my favorite thriftinistas over at ColorBlind and then I’ll swing by to see DC Goodwill Fashionista so if you get a chance, come on over and check out their thrifty finds.
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!

Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday
Did you know that heart disease is the biggest killer of women, more than breast, ovarian and cervical cancer combined. The scariest thing about heart disease for women is that over 64% of them who die suddenly of a heart attack had no previous symptoms.

Heart disease is caused by plaque in the blood vessels which was once very hard to detect. This plaque clogs the arteries and makes the heart a ticking time bomb. Now a new breakthrough discovered by a cardiologists at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine has made detection easier.
In women not all heart attacks look like that of a man clutching his chest in pain. For women the warning signs are more subtle and may be confused as being menopausal symptoms, but they should not be ignored:
- Sweating – excessively drenched in perspiration
- Nausea or Dizziness – you may vomit or feel like you want to pass out
- Breathlessness – 58% of women report panting or inability to carry on a conversation
- Sleeplessness – in the month before a heart attack, 50% report having trouble sleeping
- Anxiety – a sense of doom or fear, your body is telling you something, trust those instincts
Paying attention to these signs and getting proper medical care can be the difference between life and death, so please make an appointment to see your physician.
“Go Red for Women” and protect your heart by living healthy:
- Quit Smoking
- Consistent Exercise
- Manage Stress
- Eat Healthy
- Take the heart healthy checkup (here) to stay healthy for yourself and for your loved ones!
Stay Heart Healthy!

I am truly thankful for being an ex-smoker, for my wonderful family, friends and of course my faith.
I am also over-the-top thrilled and thankful for having my post published on the Parade Magazine website. If you didn’t get a chance to read it (click here).
Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Today is the 2nd week of the #WWDParty, and the link will be live at 6:00 p.m. So after you get home and wind down, come back and share a link or two of any of your posts from the week.
One of my favorite fashion blogs is FreeUrCloset and this week Nensi featured “How to Layer Like a Pro” which I wanted to try but am by no means a Pro! I can’t wear a lot of layers because I’m warm by nature and menopause definitely doesn’t make it any better so this is what I came up with.
Layer 1 and 2 if you count the Infinity Scarf
Layer 3 is the vest. Believe it or not, this Cable Knit Sweater once belonged to Gloria, my sister so that makes it at least 25 years old!
Boots | Rugged Wearhouse // Handbag | Mark by Avon
Infinity Scarf | Burlington Coat Factory
Reversible Vest | Old Navy
So what do you think – semi-Pro?
Stay Blessed – No Stress in the New Year!
2008 – caregiver to my grandmother
2009 – grandmother passed away
2010 – kicked a 35 year addiction to nicotine
2011 – pre-menopause
2012 – menopause
2013 – no more excuses
The time has come to get serious about this excess weight gain before it gets out of control – no more excuses! I want to be 152 by the time I am 52 on September 20th!
Nutrisytem is a convenient way to lose weight, it’s a program that I’ve used before to successfully lose over 20 lbs, however, didn’t keep it off with all the anxieties plaguing me at the time. Now that I am living a somewhat stress-free lifestyle, I know I’ll be able to keep the weight off this time. Nutrisystem teaches portion control and the importance of “good carbs”. Keeping a daily tracker of food intake, water consumption and exercise also helps me with my weight loss goal. The Nutrisystem plan may be a little pricey but I was able to get a slight discount through my employee benefits program at work.
I had the option to chose menu items al-la-carte style but decided on the standard 28-day fare, which includes dinner items such as spinach ravioli, veggie lasagna pizza, chicken pot pies; lunch items such as tuna salad, red beans and rice, Kung Pao Noodles, fudge bars; and breakfast items such as cinnamon streusel muffins, oatmeal, banana nut muffins, and whole wheat bagels.
These foods in combination with grocery items are designed to keep me full and satisfied long after each meal. Snacks and desserts are also included with items like, popcorn, peppermint cookie patty, chocolate chip pudding, and almond bars. I also ordered the protein shake mix in Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee and Strawberry which are great morning starters.
On Sunday I’ll shop for the supplemental “Smart Carbs” which take longer to digest, foods like fruit, whole wheat bread, beans, hummus and brown rice. And “Power Fuels” like eggs, lean meat, fish, cheese, yogurt and nut butters, ie. peanut and almond butter. So with all the variety of foods, the right portions and combinations this should put me back on the right track!
*This is not a paid endorsement nor a sponsored post for Nutrisystem – all opinions are 100% my own*
Hello Friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday
Being outside this morning was a little more bearable because of the lack of wind however, the temps are forecast to remain in the teens until at least the weekend. To that end, I would like to say to all of my left coast friends …”STOP COMPLAINING BECAUSE IT’S 40 DEGREES!!!“
I truly don’t mind the cold weather because it allows me to dress in layers and then make adjustments as necessary. For example today I am wearing a sleeveless grey dress covered with a blazer so if I have a “personal summer” I can simply remove the blazer until it passes.
This outfit started with shoes but in the sunshine the tights took on a weird greenish tint so I changed to my OTK, black suede boots.
This black faux fur once belonged to my sister so you know it’s been around since the late 80’s – I really don’t like driving in it because of the bulk.
Dress and Boots- Ross // Blazer – Value City // Shoes and Tights – Kmart // Necklace – Traci Lynn // Ring – Flea Market Vendor // Earrings – Icings // Bracelet – jewelry box
Did you notice anything different about my wardrobe descriptions today?
Have a fantabulous afternoon – Smooches!

Share your thoughts
Put on brown, sleeveless dress thrifted from Goodwill to be worn with pink and brown paisley denim jacket also thrifted from Goodwill…
Flash starts….take off dress… throw into hamper…
Put on grey, flair skirt with black and white polka dot top thrifted from Goodwill, add black belt…
Wipe forehead…
Pull off skirt … throw onto bed…
Put on grey pencil skirt, change belt to orange one thrifted from Goodwill…try on shoes…
Turn on fan…take off shoes….start makeup…stop
Pull off polka dot top and belt…throw onto floor…
Put on cotton, grey, cowl neck purchased from Marshalls…plug in curling wand…
Look into full length mirror and see a stuffed sausage….pull off skirt and cowl neck throw on top of hamper…
Go into closet, look up, look left…pull down black maxi skirt…look right…pull down a different polka dot top thrifted from Goodwill….
Add red skinny belt from Ross…
Curl hair and finish makeup…
Kick Madden Girls shoes from Marshalls under the bed…put on open toe Rocket Dogs from The Shoe Dept and leave bathroom
45 minutes late to work!
Happy Thursday my friends, I hope your day started better than mine!!! Smooches
Linking up with Coffee & Cardigans – Hop on over and meet a new blogger today.