Posts Tagged ‘middletown delaware’
8th Annual MACCDE Spring Expo
The Fire Hall was filled with tables of more than 95 business owners ranging from AHDTV Network to Uncle Mike’s Ice Cream and Water Ice. As a new member of the Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce I was there representing ABlake Enterprises, Social Media Management & Consulting and was able to share a table with my partners, Mike, Trisha and Ari Fox of Splash DesignWorks.
It was a beautifully bright day which drew a huge crowd of more than 1000 attendees, young and old alike including some very adorable young entrepreneurs who were sharing the table with their parents.
Balloons, Banners, Chair Massages, and Giveaways added to the excitement of this fun and festive family event. I have lived in Middletown for over 23 years and had never attended an Expo which is now in it’s 8th year, I will however, never miss another one!
The 2016 MACCDE Spring Expo was not only a great place to network and connect with local businesses in the area, it was also a great venue to see old friends and meet new ones.
Sipping on freshly made lemonade from Bahama Breeze and noshing on a pasta and shrimp dish from Pat’s Select was the highlight of my day. However, for the winners of the many door prizes ranging from a Flat Screen TV to a month of FREE food, I’m sure it was probably an even better one for them.
The little ones who stood quietly by their parent’s side were also treated to food and fun. Goodies including slices of pizza, sweet treats of personalized cookies, cupcakes, and water ice. Giveaways and chatskis such as glow in the dark pacifier necklaces, Frisbees and free passes to the Dover Skating Center also delighted them.
And for the bigger kids adults who also stood quietly in line they too were treated to sweet treats – samples of wines from Kreston Wine & Liquors and Crow Farm & Vineyard.
Obviously, there were too many businesses to name them all in this post, but here are the names and slides of just a few. The full list can be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce’s website.
Elite Feet
Glasgow Medical Center
Back Creek Golf Club & Grille
Moore Seal, Inc.
Middletown Chiropractor
Sherms Catering
Middletown Transcript
I had a great time taking pictures, recording a Periscope and collecting business cards. I can’t wait to attend next year’s 9th Annual MACCDE Spring Expo!
Have you ever attended a business expo?
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The Gift of Glamour and Glasses
Last week I “celebrated” my 54th birthday with hubby and #1 son, I also received a mid-afternoon phone call from my youngest who is away at college, and it was the best birthday I could have ever asked for. Actually I stopped “celebrating” my birthdays many years ago after the death of my sister on September 14, 1992.
However, I know that everyday that I wake up ~ looking up is a gift, a gift that I definitely do not take for granted. However, even with all that being said, it’s always nice to get a little something something to commemorate the actual date of your birth. So this year to commemorate my birth, my gifts were ones of glamour and glasses.
On Sunday morning, I had an appointment with Dawn V. Gilmore, owner and photographer extraordinaire of DawnVGilmorePhotos. I had made an appointment a few weeks prior for the September Special, which was $50.00 for 4 headshots. I was super excited because I had always wanted professional headshots for my blogs and Social Media platforms and this was such a deal, making it a perfect birthday gift. Dawn is a personable and talented photographer who not only made me feel comfortable but she also made me look glamorous!
Check out these photos!
By the way, her specialty is Boudoir Photos so if you are looking to have these taken, give her a call!

After the 30 minute photo shoot, I drove to Dunkin Donuts to use my AARP discount of getting a FREE donut with the purchase of a large cup of coffee. I decided to splurge and also purchased a Pumpkin Muffin, a Blueberry muffin for hubby and a dozen munchkins for my son, then headed home to relax.
With his bi-weekly chemo treatments, hubby has his good days and then his not-so-good days, so when he’s smiling, I take full advantage of it with a selfie! #ihatecancer
I love to cook more than I enjoy eating out so I decided made a special dinner, Slow Cooked Mediterranean Chicken, you can see the full recipe in a Friday Foodie post next week, but check out this quick video.
The final gift to myself was a new pair of glasses, yes, glasses. I have been wearing them since the age of 50, however, I only wear them to read. I’ve always purchased a pair after each eye exam, but hubby and Malik started purchasing theirs from Spec$forLess, so I decided to give them a try. There are many styles from which to choose and the prices are great, made even more so with our insurance plans.
Monday afternoon I drove to their store located on 12 East Main Street in Middletown, and the sales person, Janine was a pleasure to work with. I had a lot of fun trying on different pairs and she indulged my lunacy by taking a few pictures.
I love larger rims, AKA Sally Jessie Raphael so those are the ones I tried on. I won’t show you which pair I finally ordered, but I will tell you that they are cute and I may just start wearing them all the time, including in my OOTD photos…we’ll see.
All in all It was a great birthday, and I want to thank all my virtual friends for their wonderful wishes as I look forward to another blessed year.

Hello friends,
lately I’ve been hearing a lot about this new cable show ‘Orange is the New Black” but have never watched it, have any of you seen it? I really don’t like shows about criminal activities especially with women in prison, so I doubt if I’ll ever watch it.
Anywho, I only mentioned it because of today’s Thankful Thursday’s OOTD which is orange and black.
Actually, it more peach than orange because when I think of wearing orange and black together it reminds me of Halloween. However, I am flanked by orange flowers and the necklace has orange in it, so it can be considered an orange and black outfit.
Speaking of peach, I believe next weekend is Middletown’s Annual Old Thyme Peach Festival. The festival is something that I look forward to every year, it is one of my favorite summer events. Last year we missed it as we were in New Rochelle, (NY) for a cousin’s wedding ~ Happy Anniversary Kyton and Shivon!
I am hoping and would be extremely thankful if my mini men would hang with me because Malik will be leaving for Bowie on the 27th.
Skirt | JCPenney
Shoes | The Shoe Dept
Purse & Necklace | Rainbow Shops
Bracelet | Old Navy
This has truly been a thankful week and I am looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday, doing a little shopping and sunning poolside if the weather cooperates.
What are your plans for the weekend?

So is Orange really the new Black?
I am always thankful for my family, friends and of course my faith.
Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
If you get a chance, head over to Katherine’s Corner for her Thursday’s Favorite Things Blog Hop.

On Thankful Thursday February 1st, 1996, I gave birth to a healthy son, al-Malik Glorian Blake, his first name in Arabic means “King or Monarch”. His middle name was given in memory of my sister, his aunt Gloria whom he never met.
On Thankful Thursday May 22nd 2014, I watched that son walk across the stage at the Bob Carpenter Center on the campus of the University of Delaware to receive his High School Diploma.
I am thankful but where did the time go?
As a young boy, I helped him learn how to walk and then last week he walked out the door a High School Senior with his Cap and Gown…walked into the gymnasium with a glow of excitement and anticipation, yet filled with anxiety of an unknown future…he then walked back into the house a High School GRADUATE…soon he’ll walk again, but this time it will be off to College.
I am thankful but where did the time go?
Where Did The Time Go?
It was a beautiful Thankful Thursday and the weekend was filled with family and friends with love and support because “it take a village to raise a child!’
I am thankful for my family, my friends and of course my faith. I am thankful for the love and support that I receive from my family and friends and they will never know just how much it all means – I am thankfully blessed!
Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Saturday
Today many people in the Northeast are digging themselves out from under the results of the first major snow storm of the new year. Snowstorm Hercules caused a lot of problems for many travelers up and down the eastern seaboard and today we are experiencing dangerously low temperatures and high winds causing snow drifts.
Thursday afternoon I left work early to get a jump on the impending storm and made it home safely before any major snow began to fall. However, it was well before 8:00 pm when the intensity of the snow increased and calls from the School Districts began. I decided to use a PTO day in order to avoid a long and possible 3 hour commute into work on Friday.
The snow continued throughout the night and into the early morning which excited hubby because he would finally be able to use his snow blower! He purchased a Craftsman Snow Blower three years ago after the big storm of 2010, but it went unused due to the extremely mild winters that followed.
Like a kid with a new toy, he stayed out so long that the tips of his fingers began to tingle. Did he use the extra gloves and hand warmers that I threw out to him – nope ~ oh well, too bad, so sad!
Despite the intense cold and blustery winds I ran outside a few times to capture the beauty of the day.
These scenes from the back deck and pool made me think – CAN’T WAIT FOR SPRING!
The beauty of the snow was only intensified by God’s gift of light!
Where you affected by snowstorm, and if so, how did you spend the day?
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in the New Year!
Hello Friends and Happy Friday Eve!
The weather is warming up nicely despite yesterday’s hail storm, yes, it hailed in Middletown, Delaware. I hadn’t reached town yet therefore, I missed it but my girlfriend posted a pic on Facebook (LIKE me) and it was awesome, actual golf ball size hail in May – this global warming ain’t no joke!
I am getting a little impatient with the weather and am no longer waiting to go sleeveless or wear sandals as evidenced by today’s outfit. I added a little pop of color to the black and white with a coral watch and ring. The brass statement necklace with matching earrings I’ve had for over 25 years and paired them with a hammered brass bangle bracelet.
Striped Skirt (old) – Marshalls // Top – GW Boutique // FUBU purse – Burlington Coat Factory
Pesaro’ Sandals (old)
Brass Necklace & Earring Set and Bracelet – jewelry box // watch – Avon // Ring – DIY Ombre with nail polish
Sunnies – Rugged Wearhouse
I am so ready to wear white jeans.
What are you most looking forward to wearing this summer?
Have a fantabulous afternoon – Smooches!
Share your thoughts
Hello Friends and Happy Friday Eve!
The weather is warming up nicely despite yesterday’s hail storm, yes, it hailed in Middletown, Delaware. I hadn’t reached town yet therefore, I missed it but my girlfriend posted a pic on Facebook (LIKE me) and it was awesome, actual golf ball size hail in May – this global warming ain’t no joke!
I am getting a little impatient with the weather and am no longer waiting to go sleeveless or wear sandals as evidenced by today’s outfit. I added a little pop of color to the black and white with a coral watch and ring. The brass statement necklace with matching earrings I’ve had for over 25 years and paired them with a hammered brass bangle bracelet.
Striped Skirt (old) – Marshalls // Top – GW Boutique // FUBU purse – Burlington Coat Factory
Pesaro’ Sandals (old)
Brass Necklace & Earring Set and Bracelet – jewelry box // watch – Avon // Ring – DIY Ombre with nail polish
Sunnies – Rugged Wearhouse
I am so ready to wear white jeans.
What are you most looking forward to wearing this summer?
Have a fantabulous afternoon – Smooches!