Fruity Friday
FRI-YAY!!! I am so looking forward to the weekend because tomorrow is Middletown’s Annual Peach Festival. There are activities for children, a local artist exhibit, historical exhibits, a peach pie contest, crafts, music, food, games, and of course – peaches! The parade starts at 9:00 am but I don’t go just to see that or for “all things peaches”, but specifically for the fried fish sandwiches sold by Dale United Methodist Church!! Three large pieces of fried fish on soft white Wonder Bread soaked with hot sauce ….oh my…I’m drooling already. I know it’s not healthy but man oh man… it is just too good for words and I only indulge once a year.
In September, the month of my birth there is another annual event just as unhealthy, apple picking at Milburn Orchards in Elkton, MD. Apple picking isn’t unhealthy, but the warm, fresh-from-the-oven Apple Cider Donuts are, I won’t even begin to describe them! The boys and I along with my grandmother (God Rest Her Soul) would always start off the season by heading to Milburn Orchards to pick our own fresh apples from a variety of trees. The boys would smash the rotten ones on the ground (must be a boy thing) and jump up high to get the big juicy ones. Apple picking may start early because last Friday, I looked across the yard at my neighbor’s broken fence and saw a small tree laden with apples. I may not need to drive to Elkton, perhaps just a simple walk over to grab a few for my morning Smoothies will be enough. Broken Fences Make Good Neighbors – lol