Geneva’s Gratitude | Thankful Thursday
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!
On a Thankful Thursday two weeks ago I was invited to attend a Gratitude Celebration hosted by the fabulous photographer Geneva Fonda. The Evite came as a surprise as I had only met her once and for a short period of time when I covered the Women in Business Luncheon back in December. She was one of the honorees so I asked to take her picture, we exchanged business cards and that was the last time I saw her. The Evite sat in my inbox and there were several times that I was going to delete it, but changed my mind and RSVP’d, and I am glad that I did.
The Evite clearly stated that we weren’t expected to make a purchase but simply to come and enjoy ourselves in celebration of the 3 years of blessings for Geneva Fonda Photography. I made my way into Wilmington after work and arrived at the Film Brothers Movie Co-Op where the event was being held.
There were already several people in attendance, and the atmosphere was light and cheerful. I was immediately greeted by Geneva and introduced to several other attendees. There was a delicious hot and cold buffet provided by Sherms Catering, a beverage bar and smooth sounds being played courtesy of Geneva’s husband.
Networking, meeting and greeting with gratitude.
Geneva is truly a beautiful woman both inside and out whom I am thankful to have met!
There were also several Giveaways including a full photography session as just another way of saying, “thank you for your support!“
Thank you Geneva, I am wishing you many more years of blessings and success!
“Always a Gratitude Attitude”
Okay, it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?