
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘social media training’

Thankful Thursday – Savvy Social Media Workshop

Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!

Today I begin by saying, “Thank You” to The Money School of Delaware for inviting me to be part of last week’s Savvy Social Media Workshop (#SavvySocialMedia).  As you know, passion is the driving force behind blogging, it is what makes us strive to be the best bloggers we can be.  When you are recognized for doing such it is truly a blessing and for that I am thankful!

thank you money school

I work full time outside of the home but I consider blogging as my “side gig”, one that I am looking to monetize so that it becomes my “side income” one that will take me into my retirement years.  If you read Michelle Singletary’s commentary last week, the topic was “For many, side income gives peace of mind”. (Read it here)

#SaavySocialMedia Workshop

The Social Media Workshop was a perfect example of this as it was geared towards entrepreneurs, non-profits and small business owners.  The main point being how social media plays an important role in the success of a side gig which can ultimately give you peace of mind.

Amy Cherry, News Reporter and Anchor for 1150 WDEL AM spoke to the audience on how to contact and work with the media when requesting coverage for a project or event.  She also provided tips on the best ways to photograph and video these events as well as why it’s important to always be interview-ready when the contact is made.

Stacey Schiller with Amy Cherry

Randi Penfil from Constant Contact used a fantastic PowerPoint presentation to emphasis the importance of a successful email marketing campaign.  Discussing the evolution of initial email writing which once was plain text to today’s glossy Newsletters and pdf files.  She also pointed out the “do’s and don’ts” of email marketing and offered to work with them in getting started.

Randi Penfil, Constant Contact

Carl Immediato, grandson of the owner of Three Little Bakers once a staple in the state of Delaware, grew up believing that one day he too would follow in his grandfather’s footsteps.  Unfortunately when the theatre closed he needed to step out and do something differently and is now an Independent Associate with Talk Fusion.  Carl showed us how using video can make a personal statement which can better brand your business.

Carl Immediato, Talk Fusion

I was the final speaker of the day and my topic was “How To Monetize Your Blog”.  Most of us realize that money can be made blogging other than having a product or service to sell, i.e. Etsy or eBay.  A blog can be monetized with Affiliate Marketing, Banner or PPC/CPA ads,  Sponsored Posts/Reviews, Direct Advertising, Consulting, Speaking Engagements, and/or Teaching.  

Adhering to the 3-P’s, the 3-C’s and ABC as I wrote in a previous post (here), being a successful blogger and making money doing so is quite possible.  It takes passion, patience, perseverance and hard work, but it is definitely doable and has provided many with “a peace of mind”.

DeDivahDeals presenting Monetizing Your Blog

This was yet another great event sponsored by The Money School of Delaware, a non-profit that I am proud to be associated with.

Registration table at the #SaavySocialMedia Workshop Ronni Cohen Welcoming Participants to the Workshop

Quadia Muhammad, Program Director

Saavy Social Media Workshop Participants

Saavy Social Media Enthusiastic Participants

Saavy Social Media Workshop

Lunch at the Saavy Social Media Workshop

Saavy Social Media Workshop

Saavy Social Media Workshop Participants

This week as in every week I am always thankful for my family, friends and my faith. Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?

Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!



New Year…More Money with The Delaware Financial Literacy Programs

dfli banner


The New Year is an ideal opportunity to set and to create new money habits.  Whether your goal is saving, buying a home, or starting a business, there is a Money School class which can assist you. Check out The Money School class schedule and register for their free classes. You can even bring a friend!

What’s your financial goal for 2014? Take a picture, and send it to They will post your goal on the Money School’s Facebook page.

There’s no better time than today,

Social Media 101 Training 

Join us and learn how to create a savvy social media strategy. Social media experts will discuss creative e-mail marketing, maximizing video content, blogging tips, and media relations.

Guest Speakers:

  • Antionette Blake, Blogger, DeDivahDeals
  • Amy Cherry, WDEL
  • Carl Immediato, Talk Fusion
  • Randi Penfil, Constant Contact
  • Stacey Schiller, Stacey Link

When: Thursday, Jan. 30 ~ Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Where: Goodwill Center, 300 E. Lea Blvd. Wilmington

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

CODE Conference 2014: Building a Brand  

Starting your own business? Need to jump start your current enterprise? Attend Delaware’s premiere event for the small-business community, the CODE Conference. Speak with exhibitors, network, and learn branding techniques from award winning financial-journalist, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox.

When: Saturday, March 1

Time: 8:30am to 1:00pm

Where: Chase Center on the Riverfront, Wilmington

Learn more and register

Want to exhibit at CODE?  E-mail Info@DFLI.ORG for details.
