
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘Spice things up’

A Lifetime of Love ~ A Date Night of Fun with K-Y® YOURS+MINE

K-Y Yours and Mine Disclosure

I can still remember 25 years ago when my husband first touched my hand, I felt tingly all over.  Fast forward to today and his touch still makes me feel special but now K-Y® YOURS+MINE makes us both feel tingly all over.

KY Yours+Mine Date Night

Looking back to our early years of marriage, Valentine’s Day was a time to get dressed up and hit the town, now we prefer to stay in snuggled up in front of the fireplace watching a movie.  Trust me, the romance is not dead, just a little more laid back which is fine by me.  A K-Y® YOURS+MINE K-Y® DATE NIGHT with flowers, chocolate or just a dinner and a movie is what we both need to reconnect and stimulate our minds and bodies.

Holding Hands 25 years ago still makes me tingle inside

Whether or not you and hubby or your significant other will be spending Valentine’s Day out and about or simply staying home, why not stop by your local Walmart to pick up a K-Y® YOURS+MINE K-Y® DATE NIGHT kit. 

Where to find KY Yours+Mine


Oh, and make sure you get the Limited Edition of the K-Y® DATE NIGHT because it’s contains a $50 value promo which includes 1 free meal for 2 from delivered right to your door for an intimate night of cooking together; a $5 VUDU movie credit for you to stream at home and the pleasure of K-Y® YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants, what more could you ask for, that’s what I call a 2 fer! 

Date Night with KY Yours+Mine


So just in case the weather doesn’t cooperate on the 14th of February and you get snowed in, having a K-Y® YOURS+MINE K-Y® DATE NIGHT can make it a romantic date night in! 

KY Yours+Mine Date Night


Have you made plans for Valentine’s Day?