Posts Tagged ‘thrifting at Goodwill’
I have decided to get back to the foundation of my blog DeDivahDeals ~ Fashion and Fun after Fifty and will be posting more outfit’s of the day (#OOTD) These posts won’t be long in commentary so SEO will be low.
Most of the outfits featured will probably be ones that you have seen before with a little twist. However, since I have cut back on shopping and Goodwill thrifting I will only be featuring closet staples.

As women we all have preconceived notions when it comes to what’s a good fit for our body type. For example, I always felt uncomfortable about purchasing “body con” type skirts. But I fell in love with this mint green and polka dot skirt from The Rainbow Shops and took a chance on buying it.
Had I known that it didn’t look as bad on me as I had thought, I would have purchased another one in fuchsia. Unfortunately, I had waited too late in the season so when I finally went back there weren’t any left in my size.
The black peplum top was purchased from JC Penney when they had a store in the Exton Square Mall. Since they are no longer there it gives me yet another reason to stay out of the mall! #bloggers4jcpenney
This gorgeous two-tone purse is from Avon (Mark) and I love the mint accent on the side which makes it a perfect accent for the outfit.

The patent leather slides are Jessica Simpson brand from Marshalls, also purchased several years ago. The ring is Avon and the multi-color rhinestone bracelet with hints of mint was probably picked up from Burlington Coat Factory.
Believe it or not, the statement necklace is a flea market find that I colored with nail polish!
I love a good jewelry DIY especially when it involves stones and paint or in this case polish.
Is there a particular item of clothing that you feel doesn’t flatter your figure?
Hello friends and Happy Earth Day 2015! I don’t have anything special planned for the day, but did do my part by saving some green with the outfits I wore during the month of April.
Skirt and Top – Thrifted from Goodwill | Shoes – DSW | Cardigan – Ross
Dress – Avon | Clutch – DSW | Necklace – Walmart
Skirt – Marshalls | Tank and Cardigan – Ross | Necklace –
I hope your day is just as beautiful as you are!
Hello friends, yesterday’s Goodwill thrifting haul was very successful and I can’t wait to show you what I got, but here is a picture of a pair of cute, yet too small shoes that I didn’t get!
Do you remember my YouTube video in which I talked about disinfecting accessories, well in that video I failed to include a tip on how to remove odors from clothing.
As much as I try to avoid thrifting clothes that have an odor, sometimes it’s unavoidable, especially if it’s a must-have vintage piece. So today’s guest post from Edna Thomson gives us a few tips for removing odors from clothing whether they come from thrifting or from natural body fluids.
Having smelly clothes? You are not alone. We all experience this problem from time to time during hot summer days and sometimes all year long. Whether you like doing physical activity in the gym or you just sweat more than normal, your clothes can still be fresh using a couple of methods. Have a look.
Method 1: The Vinegar Solution
Start by putting the drain stopper on your sink. Fill the sink with clean water. Add two cups of vinegar and soak your clothes inside. Let sit for half an hour or so. When the time is up, toss the clothes into the washing machine and run a full cycle. Hopefully, your clothes will come out fresh and odor-free.
Another way to do this is to add vinegar directly to your laundry. Ideally, you will add ½ cup or ¼ cup vinegar to the rinse cycle and let the machine do the trick. Make it two cups if you want to deal with a heavy stink.
As you know, vinegar is a natural odor remover and there is no need to explain how effective it is.
Mind you that the vinegar should not be mixed with the detergent, mainly because it will neutralize its effect. Put simply, you should add the detergent separately of the vinegar. Note that the laundry won’t come out fresh as limes, no matter how hard you’re hoping it will. However, as it dries, the bad smell will go away eventually.
Method 2: The Baking Soda Solution
Prepare a solution of water and baking soda. Just add one cup of soda and fill the rest of the sink/container with water. Then soak your clothes for about half an hour. When the time has elapsed, do as in the previous method – put your laundry in the washing machine and wash as usual, adding the detergent you usually use.
The ingredients in the baking soda will help deal with bad odors. If you need more evidence about its efficiency, let me point out one thing. Baking soda is the main ingredient in many homemade deodorants, mainly because of its ability to absorb bad smells.
Both methods work well for smelly clothing. Whether you want to freshen your gear or your work clothes, it’s strictly a matter of personal preferences. Determine for you which of the two methods works better for you. This means that you may have to experiment before you can tell which is the most convenient.
Alternative Methods
But what if none of the methods works? Well, there are other options as well. Check this out:
- There are a variety of specialty detergents which, added to the wash cycle, either along with the detergent or used separately, will make sure your clothes smell just fine when they dry. Search the stores for appropriate products and feel free to experiment. Just to name a few that may work for you, you can use Scent-A-Way, Tide Pus Febreze Sport, WIN, OdorKlenz, etc. Most of these cleaners not only remove bad odors, but also retain the color of the clothing and are used by many companies like TenancyCleaners W4.
- Who knew that good old freezer can help you eliminate bad odors. It may sound crazy but putting your clothes in the freezer will actually deal with the bad smells. Of course, make sure you put them in a plastic bag to keep them from direct contact with the cold.
- A natural method for dealing with the problem is to hang your clothes in the sunshine. Just make sure they are inside out. This is the greatest odor neutralizer that Mother Nature provides for us.
- In addition to the regular detergent you use, you may want to add another solution to boost the former’s effect. For example, you can use Charlie’s Soap or borax.
- Finally, make sure you use less detergent when washing your smelly clothes. Even though it seems illogical, it’s the best way to ensure that your stinky wash comes out odor-free. Using lots of detergent will cause build up in the fabric, which will prevent the product to work its magic.
Disclaimer: This Guest Post was written by someone other than the author of DeDivahDeals. The author of this post, has submitted their article to DeDivahDeals for the purpose of being published on this blog as a Guest Writer.
You Choose the Shoes ~ Season 2
Hello friends, I didn’t expect to bring back “You Choose the Shoes” this soon, but after getting dressed yesterday morning, I realized that I hadn’t worn many of my flats during the winter. The weather is still cold and gloomy, so in anticipation of warmer days and brighter open-toe shoes, we might as well kick it off now!
I decided to wear black pants mid-week and match my sweater with the shoes, so the factors of this contest is heels -vs- flats, open toe or loafers. Take a look at both and let me know what you think.
The cheetah print top was thrifted from Goodwill, the loafers were purchased from CitiTrends, and black slacks (pants) from Boscov’s.
In keeping with the cheetah prints, I chose to wear brass accessories, necklace and earring set was a gift from hubby 10+ years ago, bracelet and ring are jewelry box staples.
So will it be comfy casual in the flats or heel height with covered tootsies in the Jessica Simpson peep toe pumps?
I hope to bring out the Spring shoes soon or at least add to my collection with a few trips to Payless, Ross and Burlington Coat Factory!
New Year ~ New You!

Hello friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday.
I have gotten away from the OOTD posts because of the weather, hubby is my photographer and he and cold just don’t mix! However, today, the weather is warmer and the sun is brighter so I took advantage of it to get a few shots of my outfit of the day #workwear.
This is a short work week for me so on Sunday I didn’t prepare my outfits for the entire week as I normally do. This outfit was pulled together last minute before heading to bed and the mixing of polka dots and animal print seems to work, what do you think?
Taking full advantage of not only the bright sunshine but also the lack of snow, I chose to wear a pair of my favorite pumps from DSW, along with a pair of light color hose. The pencil skirt and polka dot top are both thrifted from Goodwill and the cardigan …. can’t remember where purchased #seniormoment
Monday was much colder so I wore my OTK Suede boots and if you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen these, which are my all time favorite suede boots.
I do hope you all are enjoying your day and I can’t wait to see your “Go Red for Women” OOTD on Friday, don’t forget to stop by and link up with Robin @robincharmagne and I.
New Year ~ New You!

Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world. What do you think of when I say ‘classic wardrobe pieces’. If you said, maxi skirts and animal prints then you are today’s winner of the “guess that combination” contest. Actually, it’s not a contest but just a fun way to start the day, and you know we all need a little stress relief and fun these days.
This first maxi skirt mixed with an animal print was thrifted from Goodwill last year, and the top was a gift from hubby for Eid al Fitr in 2013.
I made the necklace with pieces purchased from Michael’s and the boots were thrifted new also from Goodwill.

I threw on a few sets of bangles and grabbed this purse from Avon to complete the look. Gotta love the classic maxi especially when it’s animal print.
With this outfit, I paired another thrifted maxi skirt with a very old sweater and wrapped it with an animal print scarf. The animal print purse is also thrifted, gotta love people who donate some of these accessories! The shoes were purchased from Ross.
So which pairing of the maxi and animal prints do you like best? How do you mix and max your animal prints?
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!