Archive for May, 2013
Woohoo the weekend is here….well almost…in a few hours…really really soon!
Check out the Dollar Tree Dome that I bought yesterday, and with all the rolls of ribbon I have in stock I can make this puppy match almost every outfit in my wardrobe!
Sundress – $7.99 from Rugged Wearhouse
Bamboo Bow Tie Wedges – Ross

A perfect way to end the work week, it’s nice when peers take the time to say they appreciate you and the work that you do.
Do you take time to show or tell co-workers that you appreciate them?
Around the water cooler this afternoon with 3lilapples – come on over and met a new blogger.
I appreciate you and hope you have a fantabulous weekend – Smooches!
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Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Last week while watching television a new commercial for Cheerios came on and it immediately caught my attention. The cute little girl was obviously “mixed” or biracial, cute as a button with corkscrew curls, talking to her mother, who is Caucasian. She’s just checking to see if what her dad said was true, that Cheerios were good for the heart. Once mom verifies that Cheerios are Heart Healthy she quickly runs out of the kitchen.
The next scene is that of her African American father napping on the sofa, waking up with a chest full of Cheerios. This heart-healthy, family commercial is cute…right?
To some people “no” it’s not, I guess to them having 1 biracial person featured on television is enough – sorry little Cheerios girl the President filled the quota.
Watch the video and tell me what you think.

Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Last week while watching television a new commercial for Cheerios came on and it immediately caught my attention. The cute little girl was obviously “mixed” or biracial, cute as a button with corkscrew curls, talking to her mother, who is Caucasian. She’s just checking to see if what her dad said was true, that Cheerios were good for the heart. Once mom verifies that Cheerios are Heart Healthy she quickly runs out of the kitchen.
The next scene is that of her African American father napping on the sofa, waking up with a chest full of Cheerios. This heart-healthy, family commercial is cute…right?
To some people “no” it’s not, I guess to them having 1 biracial person featured on television is enough – sorry little Cheerios girl the President filled the quota.
Watch the video and tell me what you think.
Hello Friends and Happy Friday Eve!
Today was a fantastic day, this morning it was sunny with temps in the high 80’s and I was on vacation hanging with my oldest son. There were a few things that we needed to get done including him renewing his driver’s license. I can’t believe it’s been 4 years already and next month he’ll be celebrating his 21st birthday – God is Good!
All that closet cleaning Saturday and I could not find one pair of decent shorts…oh well, time to hit up GW Boutique this weekend! I decided to wear an old pair of capris instead of a sundress and found them to be just as comfortable.
What are you most comfortable in during the heat of the summer?
Top (old) Avon // Sandals – Rugged Wearhouse
Multitasking as usual with mobile and iPad
Glasgow County Park was filled with walkers and joggers but I was just there for the scenery
Changed into flats from DSW
Gazebo in Glasgow
After a doc appointment I stopped in at Rugged Wearhouse and saw some of the cutest purses, but resisted the urge to make a purchase! It was a good vacation day in May.
Have a fantabulous day – Smooches!
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Hello Friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday!
We’re having a heatwave…a tropical heatwave and the solar cover arrived just in time to capture the rays. By Sunday the pool should be warm enough to swim in, who will be swimming, now that’s another story. My men don’t have much of an interest anymore so most of the summer it’s just me, my magazines and music!
Peplum Top – Walmart // Khaki Skirt – GW Boutique – both made the “kloset keeper kut”
Necklace – NY & Company // Wedge Shoes – Avon
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Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday
If you are fortunate enough to have an extra day off, I hope you are enjoying it, but if like me you are back to work, I hope you are also enjoying it – at least it’s quiet. Not only is it quiet, but it is raining and dreary unlike the sunshine and warmth of the weekend, it would have been a perfect day to sleep in!
I spent the majority of Saturday, 9 hours to be exact, in my closets sorting through items that I haven’t worn or no longer fit and I still have too many clothes! I will be sending boxes to my girlfriend for her daughters as well as donating to Goodwill.
I am wearing two kloset keepers because first of all I love skirts and secondly, the side embellishments on this top is unique.
Thrifted skirt – GW Boutique
Rocket Dog Shoes – The Shoe Dept
What are your closet keepers?
Linking up today with Two Thirty-Five Designs – come on over and join in on the fun
Have a fantabulous day – Smooches!
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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you The for the
I humbly accept and in doing so will follow the rules:
Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
Answer 5 Super Sweet questions.
Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post.
Nominate your nominees on their blog.
(Please all nominees answer the same questions)
Cookies or Cake? – Cookies
Chocolate or Vanilla? – Coffee
When do you crave sweet things most? – not often, but in the summer for an ice cream cone
I am nominating the following sweet bloggers
On Friday I had the pleasure of spending the day with my girlfriend, her mother and her daughter, 3 generations on a mission to thrift 2 outfits for less than $10.00 each from The Salvation Army Family Store. Driving north in the drizzling rain to Wilmington in anticipation of thrifting was a great way to start my vacation day.

The layout of The Salvation Army Family Store made it easy to maneuver the shopping carts throughout the floor and in between the racks, making it easier to locate bargains. We started at the front racks, filled with skirts, blazers, pants and tops organized by color and then worked our way back to the dresses, finding both casual and dressier attire.

The price points for clothing at The Salvation Army Family Store is higher than that of Goodwill but there are still bargains to be had. I found a pair of new, white Liz Claiborne jeans for $4.99, a perfect wardrobe addition for the summer! The “color of the day” was pink, which meant 50% off all clothing and shoes with a pink tag, and we each found at least one pink tag item.

The shoe racks were filled with a variety including Anne Klein, Steve Madden and Nine West pumps, Merrell Ortholite, Skechers and Enzo Angioline sandals, which I purchased, a little pricey at $14.99, but still a bargain because they can originally sell for $59.00.

Thrifting with the 3 generations of ladies at The Salvation Army Family Store was enjoyable as well as satisfying knowing that our purchases would be helping the Adult Rehabilitation Program. The Salvation Army’s mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it was refreshing to hear the overhead announcement, “Welcome to The Salvation Army Family Store…Have a Blessed Day”
Clothing is not all you’ll find!

3 Generations Saving at The Salvation Army
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Friday Foodie Feature
This was my second purchase of Simply Spuds Steamables, the first were of the Golden Potatoes and the men really liked them. These Sweet Potatoes are tripled washed, nicely sized and are steamed in the microwave, ready in 8 minutes. They are great for a quick mid-week meal and when you don’t want to turn on the oven.

not sure why 9:00 is showing on the microwave!
perfectly soft and moist after 8 minutes

Added a little butter, hubby wanted brown sugar but he didn’t need the extra calories
This is definitely going to be a pantry staple.
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