
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Archive for the ‘Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars’ Category

Nature’s Bakery ushers in a Healthy New Year

Happy 2016 my friends, I am so super glad that we are all still together in “the land of the living”.  As most of you know the 2nd half of 2015 got a bit rough for us after hubby was diagnosed with small intestinal cancer in March.  Although he had surgery and the tumor was removed, little did we know that in less than 3 months later two additional tumors would appear on his liver and a lymph node. 

This diagnosis came with the realization that he would have to undergo Chemo treatment every other week for 12 weeks and it was rough going for him.  The poison that is supposed to kill the cancer also takes a toll on an otherwise healthy body but he did great.  After his 6th chemo treatment the CAT Scan revealed that one of the tumors was undetectable and the other one had shrunk in size by 50%.  Needless to say, we were both extremely happy. 

I am not sure if you’ve ever had to endure a full day at a Cancer Treatment Center but it’s not fun and really boring, however, The Junior Board volunteers at this Helen Graham Cancer Center makes it better when they come around with a cart full of goodies all for .25 cents each.  Now you know, it’s rare to find any place that sells full size snacks for only a quarter. 

Nature's Bakery Fig Bars

Nature's Bakery Fig Bars

On our scheduled treatment days I would normally pack a lunch with a few snacks and we never really took notice of what was available on the cart.  However, after this 6th treatment we decided a special treat was in order so we checked it out and decided on a Nature’s Bakery Fig Bar with both of us choosing the Blueberry flavor. 

To my surprise they were really good and hubby and I were hooked, we even kept the wrapping as a reminder to locate stores that sold them when we would no longer be buying them at the Helen Graham Cancer Center.  

snacks sold at the Cancer Center


You know me, I even posted pics of the Fig Bars on Instagram #foodie and then the following two weeks instead of purchasing one for each of us, I purchased two including the Strawberry flavor which was equally good.  One evening after work I stopped in at Shoprite to pick up a few items for dinner and to my surprise there was a full display of the Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars in even more flavors.

Nature's Bakery Fig Bars sold at Shoprite

It’s funny how life works…with hubby having only two more treatments it was great to not only find a store that carried the Fig Bars but even more amazing was an Instagram Contest that I had entered which was sponsored by @bunniekins I actually won!

Figs Bars won in a contest I not only won one box of Fig Bars but five in my choice of flavors and you’ll never guess when they arrived – on a Monday, the final day of hubby’s chemo treatment and just a week before the New Year – a year that we pray will be cancer free and healthy!  

I love how this story ended – how about you?

Healthy Snacks for the new year