15 Things You Can Learn Online This Summer
15 Things You Can Learn Online This Summer
Author: Alyssa Craig
The beginning of a new season is a great time to set new goals and find ways to expand your horizons. Taking the summer months to learn a new skill or develop a hobby is a great way to do this. After all, there have been many benefits found from continuing education throughout life, formal or otherwise.
The internet is full of options for learning something new with classes offered through many avenues, many even free of charge. If you have kids at home for summer break, you might consider getting them to take a class or two with you to keep their minds sharp as well.
Here are some ideas for classes available for you to try this summer.
1. Sewing: Whether you want to be able to sew your child’s next Halloween costume, hem your own clothing, or just be able to do simple fixes, consider taking an online class.
2. Coding: Learning programming can make you a very valuable asset in today’s technological world. Learning coding may help you at a current job or open the door to many more career opportunities if you are going to be job hunting in the near future.
3. Speed Reading: You can find many programs online that help you improve your reading abilities and enhance your retention of what you are reading. With practice, you may soon reading three or four times as quickly as you are now. This can either make your professional life more efficient, or give you more time to read for pleasure.
4. Foreign Language: Being bilingual or multilingual not only stretches your mind, it can make you more valuable at work, and make international travel more enjoyable. Commit to learning a new language this summer. Once you have completed your course, find a video chat pen pal or a group of people who speak the language with whom you can practice. Check out these additional tips for learning a foreign language online.
5. Play an Instrument: Have you always wanted to be able to play the guitar or wish you had continued those piano lessons you started as a kid? Believe it or not, there are ways to improve and learn new music skills online.
6. Drawing and Painting: Through online instruction, you can develop your artistic abilities. Summer is a great time to do this, as you have greater availability in landscapes, wildlife, and settings to sketch.
Photographer with Professional Digital Camera Taking Pictures in Nature
7. Basic Photography: It seems everyone thinks they are a photographer these days and with the right equipment and some training, you can be too! If nothing else, you can take pictures for your own enjoyment, or learn how to take great vacation pictures.
8. Investing in Stocks: You may have been intimidated by this in the past, but if you have a steady income, you may consider taking some classes that will teach you how to invest intelligently.
9. Yoga Basics: If you are looking for a great workout, or relaxation and stress relief, yoga is a great tool to try! But if you don’t want to pay the prices of a yoga studio, online instruction may be a little easier on your wallet.
10. Improve Math Skills: Math may not have been your forte in school, but now your kids are coming home with homework you can no longer help them with. Consider taking a math class or two online this summer to spruce up your rusty math skills, both for your benefit and your child’s.
11. Cooking: You don’t need to attend a fancy cooking class to become a better cook. All you need is your own kitchen and access to the internet to start wowing your friends and family with your culinary creations.
12. Build Your Own Deck: You have been meaning to build that deck for years and this summer you are finally going to do it! Take an online class that will show you each of the steps to build your own deck and finally finish off your dream backyard.
13. Write a Book for Kids: If you enjoy writing, you may want to broaden your abilities to include children’s literature. While it may seem simple, there are techniques you can learn from an official children’s literature class. Write a book for yourself, the neighbor kids, or your own children or grandchildren. Original story books make great gifts!
14. Let Go of Bad Habits: Whether you need to quit smoking, learn how to fight less, or develop greater self control with sugar, there are online classes that cover all these needs and more. Take a class that will help you to let go of a bad habit and improve the quality of your life.
15. Home Repairs: How many times have you encountered challenges in your home that you would fix if only you knew how? Take a home repairs online course to learn simple repairs you can do on your own, instead of calling a repair person each time something breaks.
You can find many classes online that can help you develop a new hobby or imply to improve your knowledge with continued education. Get a group of friends to take the class with you to make it even more enjoyable!
Is there something that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?