Archive for the ‘The Money School of Delaware’ Category
Last week I had the pleasure of being part of the “Out of the Box Business Panel” hosted by the Delaware Financial Literacy Institute (DFLI) in celebration of National Entrepreneur Week.
These two free workshops were held at the Wilmington and Dover libraries which were great venues for attendees who came seeing information on either starting or expanding a current business.
Ronni Cohen, Executive Director of DFLI and Keyanna Mozie, Program Director kicked off each evening with a brief introduction of the program and that of it’s moderator, Terrance Vann.
Terrance Vann is not only a great moderator, he is also a very talented artist who’s work can be seen on his website and on his Instagram page.
Tuesday evening’s workshop was held in Wilmington, and I, representing A.Blake Enterprises and Blogging with Blake, was joined by fellow panelist Chris Fullman, Department of Labor, Jaimie Hayman, Hayman Creative Promotional Products Agency, Inc., and Queon Jackson, Summer J. Artisan Ice Pops, LLC.
On Thursday the workshop was held at the Dover Library, and Daneya Jacobs from Candy Connections joined Jaimie, Queon and myself.
We began with a brief introduction of ourselves and of our business, then the moderated questioning began. I can honestly say that not only did the attendees receive great take-away information, I think each of us on the panel did as well – at least I know I did.
National Entrepreneur Week was designed to celebrate American entrepreneurs and the lifelong learning educational opportunities that prepare the NEW business leaders of the future.
The Week is in response to the U S House of Representatives Resolution #699, supporting an annual National Entrepreneurship Week and encouraging the celebration of it annually at the local, state, and national levels.
Despite the cold temps and drenching rain those in attendance who had braved the elements came armed with insightful comments and questions. Questions ranged from how to take the ideas in their head and write a business plan to what are some of the licensing and insurance requirements for starting a business in Delaware.
Conducting these workshops in the libraries was great because public libraries contain numerous resources to help those searching for employment, starting or expanding a business and even studying course work online.
Please visit for more information.
Over the past 13 years, DFLI has also become “A Community of Learners, A School Without Walls,” providing a host of services to adults, women, youth and families. DFLI’s signature program, The Money School, provides hundreds of students throughout the state with more than 600 free financial education classes.
Thousands of students have learned how to manage their money and save with DFLI’s award winning program, Bank At School. Programming such as From Purses to Portfolios, Money Clubs, and Passport to Prosperity offer women a wealth of resources, special programs and events, all to help participants take charge of their money.
DFLI’s newest program, The Center for Business Growth, provides small businesses with the critical entrepreneurial and financial skills necessary for business success and it was an honor being part of these fantastic workshops.
How did your state celebrate National Entrepreneurship Week?
Two years ago I attended my first From Purses to Portfolios Conference at the Chase Center on the Riverfront sponsored by The Money School of Delaware. I was so totally impressed with this free event that when I got home I immediately sat down and wrote a blog post (click here). Ronni Cohen, Executive Director of DFLI, read that post and contacted me asking if I would consider blogging other events for The Money School.
That post also lead to me teaching blogging classes at local libraries and then last Saturday not only did I attend the 10th Anniversary From Purses to Portfolios conference, but I also presented “From Passion to Profit with a Personal Blog” and was the recipient of the “2014 Sandra A. Varano Golden Purse Award’. God is good and I am truly thankful for being afforded these wonderful opportunities.
Purses to Portfolios is Delaware’s premier money conference and this year’s sessions included “Zero Debt” presented by award winning author and The Money Coach, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox; “Handling College Costs”, presented by CCCS of MD & DE, where I sat front row center because you know that I need all the information I can get with two sons in college.
The other sessions included: “Never Too Early; Never Too Late”, “Carpe Diem-Brewing Up Your Business”, “Passport to Prosperity”, “A Man is Not a Financial Plan”, “Kiss Your Landlord Goodbye”, “Not Your Grandmother’s Library”, “Credit Crackdown” and my session “From Passion to Profit”.
The doors opened at 8:30 a.m. and at registration everyone received a free personalized tote bag, pen and a large glossy program. A light breakfast was available and there were exhibitor displays throughout the Riverfront Ballroom. In addition to the speaker sessions there were also breakout areas for the Delaware Library and a Credit Clinic, sponsored by TD Bank. The program was emceed by Tina Betz and both U.S. Senator Chris Coons and Governor Jack Markell spoke briefly welcoming us all to the 10th Anniversary of Purses to Portfolios.
A mid-day break gave participants an opportunity to grab a free bag lunch, gather information or make purchases from the exhibibtors, visit the Money Club House and meet the WIFE.ORG founders, Candice Bahr and Ginita Wall.
The day ended with a closing session, award presentations and fantastic Door Prizes which were donated by several sponsors including Barnes and Noble, Men’s Wearhouse, Target and Wawa.
For me this was by far the most exciting and well attended Purses to Portfolios Conference and next year look for a name change: Passport to Prosperity: Design you own financial journey, I hope to see you there!
A Green Tie Event is the fundraiser that precedes the From Purses to Portfolios conference, it too was held at the Chase Center on the 16th. Hubby and I both attended and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
The Welcome Greetings were presented by Ronni and Cher Przeomski, DFLI Board member; a testimonial by Tyreese Green, GTech Commercial & Construction Cleaning Services and awards were the highlights of the evening. A light dinner, a Silent Auction and entertainment provided by Atiba Music made for a very relaxing evening.
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday.
Last week I had the opportunity to not only attend a Girl’s Night Out sponsored by The Money School of Delaware, but to also present a segment on frugal fashion tips. This 1st Annual FREE event was held in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of From Purses to Portfolios, the Money School’s signature event.
Girl’s Night Out the brainchild of Program Director, Shaquilla Holmes was held at the Claymont Community Center where 14 vendors including Nails by Cyn, Alvina Designs, and Pure Pleasure showcased their products and services. Food was provided by Shoprite and the wine was donated by Quadia Muhammad.
The program kicked off with a welcome and overview by Ronni Cohen, DFLI Executive Director as well as an introduction of the new Money Clubs Director Chrisi Lockwood. Dana Thurston, member of “Penney’s 2 Dollars Money Club” spoke about their club’s events and activities which was then followed by the “Guess the Pennies” and “What’s in Your Purse” games.
Ken Briscoe, Director of Communications and Cultural Affairs for the City of Wilmington provided information about the Budget Friendly Activities being held this summer in the city. My segment “Savvy Shopping for the Frugal Fashionista” and “Guess the Cost” game was sponsored by The Great Stuff Savvy Resale Shop in Wilmington.
Ronni and I – Girl’s Night Out
The evening ended with Door Prizes and networking. It was a wonderful event and I wish to thank Shaquilla and the entire DFLI staff for all of their hard work and efforts in putting together this wonderful and successful event!
Enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!!!
God is so good and he has truly been blessing me and my family and for that I am thankful!
I am THANKFUL for being featured on FabulousAfter40
Bold, Ethnic Prints
Morocco and Africa, as well as all the spicy colors of lands far away are a big part of the global trend. Here’s style blogger Antoinette in a bold ethnic print shift dress that combines orange and red with purple for a look that’s pure energy.
Don’t miss Antoinette’s playful license plate. She’s one proud blogger! Be sure to stop by her site, De Divah Deals, to see Antoinette’s daily outfits and learn some of her secrets for scoring the best deals on fashion items.
Do you have a favorite outfit that makes you look and feel great? Are you a fashion blogger or do you have a favorite 40+ fashion blogger that you would like to see featured here? Feel free to share your photos with my Fabulous After 40 readers.
Please send in a good quality, full-length photo, your age, where you are from, and any details about your outfit to: You’ll be featured on the Facebook page as well as in an upcoming What I Wore. I love hearing from you and cheering you on, Glam Gals!
I am THANKFUL that our son received an acceptance letter to Bowie State University!
I am THANKFUL for being invited to participate in last night’s 1st Girls Night Out Event sponsored by The Money School of Delaware
Can’t wait to post about it next week!
I am THANKFUL to be working on several product reviews which is keeping me uber busy. It truly has been a week full of fun and activities for which I am THANKFUL. I am also THANKFUL for you, my bloggy friends, for my family and of course my faith.
Certainly last but not least next Thursday Malik will be graduating from High School and wow, are we forever THANKFUL for that!
Okay, now it’s your turn – what are you thankful for this week?
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!

Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!
Last week was an emotional roller coaster filled with both highs and lows. Monday, I taught a Blogging 201 class:Monetizing Your Blog, and it was a full house despite the torrential downpour of rain.
Everyone was enthusiastic, asked questions and participated in lively discussions, it was one of the best classes to date. Thank you again Money School of Delaware for giving me this opportunity not only to share knowledge but to sharpen my skills and expand my base.
Teaching again is helping to lay the foundation for my 5-year plan leading up to retirement/encore entrepreneurship.
My outfit of the day was a black pencil skirt with floral embroidery thrifted from Goodwill, a sleeveless mock neck tank also thrifted from and faux snakeskin pumps via Target.
On Thursday, I wore another black pencil skirt but this one was from JCPenney and the striped top is from Old Navy.
I broke up the classic black and white combination with a pop of red in the Caliente pumps from The Shoe Dept and a red plastic bracelet from Rugged Wearhouse.
The polka dot scarf was a recent purchase from Avon. By the way, if you are looking to update your fragrances or cosmetics Avon has some great deals going on, some even includes FREE shipping, click here for more information.
Thursday was also my sister’s birthday, had she lived, she would have been 51 – Not A Day Goes By….
Although, I am thankful that I had her 29 years, I still feel that she is gone too soon – Rest in Peace Lil Sis!
Your turn, what are you thankful for this week?

Hello Friends and Happy Sunday
DFLI is presenting CODE Conference next Saturday, March 1, 2014,
8:30am – 1:00pm, Chase Center at the Riverfront
Coalition of Organizations for Delaware Entrepreneurship (CODE)
Building Your Brand
featuring The Money Coach,
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox
Hear award winning financial journalist, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, share strategies and tools to build a strong brand at any business stage: start-up, emerging, and established. Learn how to build and sustain buzz about your brand.
Business Start-up and Growth, Exhibitors
Free Parking, Door Prizes, Refreshments
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!
Today I begin by saying, “Thank You” to The Money School of Delaware for inviting me to be part of last week’s Savvy Social Media Workshop (#SavvySocialMedia). As you know, passion is the driving force behind blogging, it is what makes us strive to be the best bloggers we can be. When you are recognized for doing such it is truly a blessing and for that I am thankful!
I work full time outside of the home but I consider blogging as my “side gig”, one that I am looking to monetize so that it becomes my “side income” one that will take me into my retirement years. If you read Michelle Singletary’s commentary last week, the topic was “For many, side income gives peace of mind”. (Read it here)

The Social Media Workshop was a perfect example of this as it was geared towards entrepreneurs, non-profits and small business owners. The main point being how social media plays an important role in the success of a side gig which can ultimately give you peace of mind.
Amy Cherry, News Reporter and Anchor for 1150 WDEL AM spoke to the audience on how to contact and work with the media when requesting coverage for a project or event. She also provided tips on the best ways to photograph and video these events as well as why it’s important to always be interview-ready when the contact is made.

Randi Penfil from Constant Contact used a fantastic PowerPoint presentation to emphasis the importance of a successful email marketing campaign. Discussing the evolution of initial email writing which once was plain text to today’s glossy Newsletters and pdf files. She also pointed out the “do’s and don’ts” of email marketing and offered to work with them in getting started.
Carl Immediato, grandson of the owner of Three Little Bakers once a staple in the state of Delaware, grew up believing that one day he too would follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. Unfortunately when the theatre closed he needed to step out and do something differently and is now an Independent Associate with Talk Fusion. Carl showed us how using video can make a personal statement which can better brand your business.
I was the final speaker of the day and my topic was “How To Monetize Your Blog”. Most of us realize that money can be made blogging other than having a product or service to sell, i.e. Etsy or eBay. A blog can be monetized with Affiliate Marketing, Banner or PPC/CPA ads, Sponsored Posts/Reviews, Direct Advertising, Consulting, Speaking Engagements, and/or Teaching.
Adhering to the 3-P’s, the 3-C’s and ABC as I wrote in a previous post (here), being a successful blogger and making money doing so is quite possible. It takes passion, patience, perseverance and hard work, but it is definitely doable and has provided many with “a peace of mind”.
This was yet another great event sponsored by The Money School of Delaware, a non-profit that I am proud to be associated with.

This week as in every week I am always thankful for my family, friends and my faith. Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday
I recently read an article by my favorite financial advisor Michelle Singletary who is an author and Award Winning Nationally Syndicated Columnist for The Washington Post. She wrote about the case of former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell and his wife, Maureen. Seems like they got themselves into trouble for taking gifts and loans in exchange for political favors. I know this isn’t anything new in politics but what I found to be interesting was the fact they, like so many others found themselves in dire financial straits, drowning in credit card debt trying to keep up appearances.
I am truly thankful for being thrifty and I always enjoy meeting others who are just as frugal if not more so. Being a thriftinista isn’t just in vogue it’s what keeps most of us out of the financial fire pit called credit card debt.
It’s not that I don’t understand the McDonnell’s predicament because I too have lived beyond my means and paid dearly for it. I’ll be the first to admit that my finances aren’t where they should be but I do know that if I want designer duds, I’ll find a consignment shop with a quickness. I paid less for this gown than I did for a full tank of gas (sorry this is a old cell phone pic).
Today in addition to being thankfully thrifty, I am thankful for my family, friends and of course my faith. I am also thankful to be participating in today’s Social Media Workshop sponsored by The Money School of Delaware, I can’t wait to tell you all about it.
Now it’s your turn, what are you most thankful for this week?
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
The New Year is an ideal opportunity to set and to create new money habits. Whether your goal is saving, buying a home, or starting a business, there is a Money School class which can assist you. Check out The Money School class schedule and register for their free classes. You can even bring a friend!
What’s your financial goal for 2014? Take a picture, and send it to They will post your goal on the Money School’s Facebook page.
There’s no better time than today,
Social Media 101 Training
Join us and learn how to create a savvy social media strategy. Social media experts will discuss creative e-mail marketing, maximizing video content, blogging tips, and media relations.
Guest Speakers:
- Antionette Blake, Blogger, DeDivahDeals
- Amy Cherry, WDEL
- Carl Immediato, Talk Fusion
- Randi Penfil, Constant Contact
- Stacey Schiller, Stacey Link
When: Thursday, Jan. 30 ~ Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Where: Goodwill Center, 300 E. Lea Blvd. Wilmington
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox |
CODE Conference 2014: Building a Brand
Starting your own business? Need to jump start your current enterprise? Attend Delaware’s premiere event for the small-business community, the CODE Conference. Speak with exhibitors, network, and learn branding techniques from award winning financial-journalist, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox.
When: Saturday, March 1
Time: 8:30am to 1:00pm
Where: Chase Center on the Riverfront, Wilmington
Hello Friends and Happy Monday
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are now in the midst of a stress-free work week. Teaching has always been my first love, but the last time I actually taught consistently was in 1983, it was third grade in the Caesar Rodney School District. I loved teaching and even as a child played school with my sister and cousins, but after 1 year I left in pursuit of more money in Corporate America. I’ve always missed the classroom but never returned although it was my grandmother’s dream for me to do so.
Fast forward 30 years and guess what? I can now once again be called a teacher, I have returned to the field of education…yes, ladies and gentleman, I am now officially an Instructor for The Money School of Delaware (applause…applause…applause!)
Thanks to the overwhelming positive feedback from the previous classes I was offered the opportunity to become a regular (volunteer) instructor and I couldn’t be happier. I will continue working my full time job and will only be teaching once per month but this works well with my personal and professional life. #blessed
The Money School was established in 1999, and it offers over six-hundred free community-based financial education classes annually. Classes are scheduled on a wide variety of subjects and are taught in a hassle-free manner by more than 100 volunteers, all experts in their financial fields.
Money School instructors can hold classes at work sites, conferences, or religious and community organizations. I enjoyed teaching the Blogging 101 ~ The Basics and Blogging 201 ~ Learn How To Earn with Your Blog classes, but the Dress for Success on a Budget class wasn’t so popular so it’ll be put on the back burner for now.
If it weren’t for my two girlfriends attending the class I would have been all alone in the room. Oh well, I tried to float that balloon and it fell flat, “Move on Mary…Move On!
Who Knew?
Thank you Cecily and Lynette for supporting me!
Thank you Money School for allowing me to return to my 1st love!