
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Archive for the ‘WHYY’ Category

Look at Me, DeDivahDeals was on TV!

Hello friends, before I begin, may I ask each of you to put my husband on your prayer list as he begins his first round of chemo today #Ihatecancer


I trust you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was fantastic, Saturday, I taught a Blogging 101 Class at the Bear Library.   I hadn’t taught since February and had since created a new curriculum so I was a bit nervous about presenting. 

Not nervous about the actual presentation because I love speaking in front of audiences, just a bit nervous that I would forget something.  My son accompanied me so that he could video record the class and I have a lot of footage which I will use for promotion on my YouTube channel

Blogging 101 009


Speaking of promotion, Friday I was featured on our local channel WHYY and if I do say so myself, it was pretty cool! Watching it with my hubby and my son was definitely a surreal experience!  Initially I was offended by the term “older folks” in Karen Smyles‘ opening introduction, however, the more I thought about it the more I became comfortable with it.  After all I am a Boomer…a boomer who blogs and proud of it, so I graciously accept the term.


The interview was actually taped 2 weeks ago with Andrea Gibbs, producer and Gene Ashley, camera man/editor, both of which came to my home for the interview.  I wasn’t really nervous because you know I have a great passion for blogging, but after looking at the footage, I realized that I should have changed my “casual Friday” work outfit.  

I would also appreciate it if you would leave a comment on their website as well.

featured on WHYY


So what did you think….now you can say that you know an actual local celebrity from Delaware…that’s me…DeDivahDeals…that’s Divah with an “H


I hope your day is as beautiful as you are!

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