Look at Me, DeDivahDeals was on TV!
Hello friends, before I begin, may I ask each of you to put my husband on your prayer list as he begins his first round of chemo today #Ihatecancer
I trust you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was fantastic, Saturday, I taught a Blogging 101 Class at the Bear Library. I hadn’t taught since February and had since created a new curriculum so I was a bit nervous about presenting.
Not nervous about the actual presentation because I love speaking in front of audiences, just a bit nervous that I would forget something. My son accompanied me so that he could video record the class and I have a lot of footage which I will use for promotion on my YouTube channel.
Speaking of promotion, Friday I was featured on our local channel WHYY and if I do say so myself, it was pretty cool! Watching it with my hubby and my son was definitely a surreal experience! Initially I was offended by the term “older folks” in Karen Smyles‘ opening introduction, however, the more I thought about it the more I became comfortable with it. After all I am a Boomer…a boomer who blogs and proud of it, so I graciously accept the term.
The interview was actually taped 2 weeks ago with Andrea Gibbs, producer and Gene Ashley, camera man/editor, both of which came to my home for the interview. I wasn’t really nervous because you know I have a great passion for blogging, but after looking at the footage, I realized that I should have changed my “casual Friday” work outfit.
I would also appreciate it if you would leave a comment on their website as well.
So what did you think….now you can say that you know an actual local celebrity from Delaware…that’s me…DeDivahDeals…that’s Divah with an “H“
I hope your day is as beautiful as you are!