Posts Tagged ‘Corporate America’
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday.
Today I can say that I am thankfully blessed for being steadily employed in Corporate America since 1984, and even though I was laid off in 2005, I am now a contractor for that same company. A job loss can be devastating in so many ways but today’s post is addressing the loss of a wardrobe style.
In the 80’s women were trying to get ahead in corporate America so the power suit became fashionable, and women dressed to impress in the workplace. The stand-out piece of the power suit was the jacket, often boxy and long, with big shoulder pads and worn with matching knee-length skirts.
In the 90’s, the power suit became a bit more relaxed and more colorful, the long boxy jackets got shorter and the shoulder pads smoothed down. I remember hubby buying me expensive suits although he knew I had a thrifter’s taste, or as it likes to call me “cheap”…anywho, a lot of those suits have been donated.
With the change in Corporate attire to Corporate Casual I no longer buy or thrift power suits. However, I do have one that I kept solely because of the color, and because of the color I choose not to wear it together as a suit, I had to break them up.
I broke them up and wore the jacket with a pencil skirt and polka dot top thrifted from Goodwill
I broke them up and wore the skirt with a sleeveless tank thrifted from Goodwill
Earring and necklace set from Avon
Color block purse was purchased at Spence’s Bazaar, a flea market in Dover
Breaking up a suit is not hard to do and it actually gives you more wardrobe options.
What are your thoughts?
Color block flats are from CitiTrends
Necklace was new, thrifted from Goodwill
Today I am also thankful for my family, friends and of course my faith. I am extremely thankful that this color has come back in style and the suit still fits!
What are you thankful for this week?
Have a great day and we’ll chat tomorrow.
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Monday
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are now in the midst of a stress-free work week. Teaching has always been my first love, but the last time I actually taught consistently was in 1983, it was third grade in the Caesar Rodney School District. I loved teaching and even as a child played school with my sister and cousins, but after 1 year I left in pursuit of more money in Corporate America. I’ve always missed the classroom but never returned although it was my grandmother’s dream for me to do so.
Fast forward 30 years and guess what? I can now once again be called a teacher, I have returned to the field of education…yes, ladies and gentleman, I am now officially an Instructor for The Money School of Delaware (applause…applause…applause!)
Thanks to the overwhelming positive feedback from the previous classes I was offered the opportunity to become a regular (volunteer) instructor and I couldn’t be happier. I will continue working my full time job and will only be teaching once per month but this works well with my personal and professional life. #blessed
The Money School was established in 1999, and it offers over six-hundred free community-based financial education classes annually. Classes are scheduled on a wide variety of subjects and are taught in a hassle-free manner by more than 100 volunteers, all experts in their financial fields.
Money School instructors can hold classes at work sites, conferences, or religious and community organizations. I enjoyed teaching the Blogging 101 ~ The Basics and Blogging 201 ~ Learn How To Earn with Your Blog classes, but the Dress for Success on a Budget class wasn’t so popular so it’ll be put on the back burner for now.
If it weren’t for my two girlfriends attending the class I would have been all alone in the room. Oh well, I tried to float that balloon and it fell flat, “Move on Mary…Move On!
Who Knew?
Thank you Cecily and Lynette for supporting me!
Thank you Money School for allowing me to return to my 1st love!
Hello Friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday.
Remember when I told you about the opportunity that was presented to me by The Money School of Delaware to teach a Blogging 101 class? Well, it happened…I did it, I taught a class last Wednesday at the Bear Public Library.
In 1983, I received my BS Degree in Elementary Education from Delaware State (College), but only taught 1 year of 3rd grade before leaving to work in Corporate America. This was the first time since then of being back in a classroom…teaching…doing something that I’ve always loved to do.
I was on pins and needles for months in anticipation, reading everything I could online and from fellow bloggers as well as from the “Blogging for Dummies” book. I was super excited to share what I had learned and prayed that all would go well.
The class was full with 20 people registered, however, there were several no-shows but the walk-ins took their place making it a total of 18 participants. “Not a bad turn out for a new class” stated the Library’s scheduler, which made me feel good.
I was a little nervous only because of the traffic delays that I had encountered trying to get there before the start time and upon arrival there were already 3 people seated. After setting up the laptop with my PowerPoint presentation, I downloaded some Smooth Jazz from Pandora and waited until the start time of 6:30 pm. to begin.
Do you know that saying, “I hit it out of the park”? Well I did…it was an awesome evening, a lively and engaging group of woman ranging in ages from 15 to 60, mothers with daughters and small business owners all eager to learn the basics of blogging. They asked great questions, participated by sharing stories and overall made this a memorable experience for which I’ll forever be grateful.
It was my grandmother’s wish that I would someday return to teaching, so I know she was looking down on me with a smile. Next month I’ll be presenting “Blogging for Small Businesses”, so it’s off to read and learn more, create a new presentation, download more Smooth Jazz and prepare to meet some new students.
Have you ever had an opportunity to go back and do something that you truly loved to do?