
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘cow’

Ice Cream Sunday ~ 2

Hello Friends…I’m back and so did son and I – we went back to Cowgirl’s Creamery and it was definitely worth it.  I am not a big sweet-eater especially ice cream, but the thought of having Farm Fresh Hand Dipped Ice Cream for dessert was too hard to resist.  So much so that I ate my 2 scoops of Coconut ice cream as I was preparing dinner!

The cows were back in the barn at Emerson Farms but the goats were out at Cowgirl’s.

Cowgirl's Creamery 001

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Traded Cowboy Boots for Zebra Print Flats

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20 Farm Fresh Flavors of Hand Dipped Ice Cream

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Cow Can!

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2 scoops of Coconut for me & 2 scoops of Peppermint for hubby

$2.00 each

Cowgirl's Creamery 027Sweet Dreams – Smooches!


Ice Cream Sunday

Hello Friends and Happy Sunday

The beginning of a new week and the 1st sunny Sunday in August was a fantastic day.  Before going to the grocery store my son and I stopped at Cowgirls Creamery in anticipation of eating some hand dipped ice cream made with fresh milk from down the road at Emerson Farms.  Unfortunately we arrived too early in the afternoon so we decided to take a few pictures instead.

Middletown, DE

Emerson Farms has been in existence since 1947, and is less than 5 miles from our house, however, it was the first time I’ve ever stopped.  The recent road construction created a Roundabout which makes it easier to enter Jamison Corner Road where the farm is located.

Emerson Farms in Middletown

I tried to explain to my son how blessed we are to live so closely to an active farm and how fresh ice cream tastes better than anything purchased in a grocery store.

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Got Milk?

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Emerson Farms


Thinking about eating ice cream!Fresh Hand Dipped Ice Cream

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Weekend 1 in August 007

Can your milk get any fresher than this?

Emerson Farms


Arrived to early…I’ll be back!
