
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘Delaware Blogger’

Tips on Staying Safe in the Summer Heat

Hello friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine started out great as I presented a Basic Blogging Workshop at the Elsmere Library.  It was a very interactive class and fortunately the library was air conditioned so it was very cool and comfy indoors. 

However, by the time the workshop ended the temps outside had risen to cause a statewide excessive heat warning.

Delaware Blogger teaching basic blogging


If you are in an area affected with this excessive heat, here are a few tips from the Office of Emergency Management to help you keep cool and safe during a summer scorcher.


Basic Tips

114995279 Staying Safe In The Summer Heat

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

  • Stay indoors in air conditioning as much as possible.
  • If you do go outside, stay in the shade.
  • If your home is not air-conditioned, spend at least two hours daily at an air-conditioned mall, library or other public place.
  • Wear sunscreen outside along with loose-fitting, light-colored clothes that cover as much skin as possible.
  • Drink water regularly even if you are not thirsty. Limit alcohol and sugary drinks which speeds dehydration.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in the car.
  • Avoid exertion during the hottest part of the day.
  • Take a cool shower or bath.
  • Make sure to leave plenty of water for your pets.
  • Be a good neighbor, check on elderly and people with disabilities in your community who may need assistance keeping cool.
  • Additionally, residents should contact their local and/or county offices of emergency management regarding any open air-conditioned senior centers or cooling stations.
  • Encourage them to use their AC or help them get to a cool place.
  • Make sure they are drinking enough water.
  • During heat emergencies, NYC Cooling Centers are open.
  • For locations and hours, call 311 or visit
Heat Stroke

summer safety heat stroke Staying Safe In The Summer Heat

(Credit: Thinkstock)

What Is It and How Do I Get It? Heat Stroke results from having an abnormally elevated body temperature. Whenever our body works out, it naturally generates heat, which usually escapes through the skin or through the evaporation of sweat. However, when you work out in extreme heat or humidity (or when you work out at a high intensity outside and do not hydrate yourself), the heat your body produces may not be able to dissipate well enough and your body temperature rises, sometimes up to 106°F or higher.

Infants, the elderly, athletes and those who work outside and physically exert themselves under the sun for a living are those at highest risk for heat strokes.

How Do I Know It’s Heat Stroke? Heat stroke symptoms can sometimes mimic those of a heart attack or other conditions. Often, an individual will experience signs of heat exhaustion before the condition escalates to heat stroke. Heat exhaustion symptoms include nausea, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps, dizziness, weakness and vomiting.

Heat stroke symptoms include a high body temperature, the absence of sweating, red or flushed dry skin, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, disorientation, agitation, seizure and/or coma.

Prevention: Avoid working out in high-temperature or humidity environments. If you cannot avoid physical exertion in these environments, be sure to frequently hydrate yourself to help keep your body temperature down and take breaks as often as possible. Also, avoid drinking caffeine, alcohol or tea, as this may lead to dehydration.

Treatment: Heat stroke is a medical emergency that can lead to brain or organ damage and even death. If you or someone around you is exhibiting symptoms of a heat stroke, immediately call 911.

• While you’re waiting for emergency medical services, get the victim to a shady area, remove clothing, apply cool or warm water to the skin, fan the victim to promote sweating, and place ice packs under the armpits and groin.
• Further treatment must be administered by a trained medical professional.


Anyone who’s spent a long day out in the summer sun is more than likely familiar with sunburn.

How Do I Get It? Sunburn is literally a burn to the skin caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays and anyone can get it from being out in the sun.

summersafety sunburn Staying Safe In The Summer Heat

(Credit: Thinkstock)

How Do I Know It’s Sunburn? Sunburn is recognized by red or reddish skin in areas that have recently been exposed to the sun. The skin is hot to the touch and often painful. Other symptoms include peeling skin or blisters where the burn was most severe. Individuals with fair or light-colored skin are at a greater risk of sunburn injury.

Prevention: If you’re going to be out in the sun, the best way to protect yourself is to apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before heading outside.

For the most complete protection, apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher that has both UVA and UVB protection to shield your skin from both the sun’s burning rays (UVB rays) and it’s aging rays (UVA rays) that are connected to melanoma skin cancers. If you plan to be active or go in the pool, make sure you use a sweatproof/waterproof sunscreen.

For best application, use about a tablespoon of sunscreen to cover your entire face and ears, and use about a shot glass full to cover each of the other exposed parts of your body. Reapply every three hours.


• Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin are helpful in reducing pain, especially when taken early on.
• Aloe vera gel helps to cool and calm the skin as well as reduce pain and promote healing. The gel forms a protective layer on the skin that seals in valuable moisture, preventing dehydration and promoting faster healing.
• For mild sunburn, cool compresses with equal parts milk and water calm the skin. Apply to the sunburned area for 15-20 minutes at a time.
• Avoid scrubbing or shaving the skin.
• Of course, stay out of the sun while you’re sunburned.

For severe burns, see your doctor.

How are you and the family keeping cool this summer?

ABlake Enterprises Postcard without words


WIWW – OOTD Maxi Dress

Staying Cool in a Maxi Dress – WIWW


Top of the World Link Up Party


The heat is on and I need to stay cool so my go to style for these hot and humid days are maxi dresses with this one being one my favorites.  I like that the upper portion is solid red with the lower portion being a multi-color tie dye print.

Tie Dye Maxi 3.JPG6536

Tie Dye prints are another one of those classic fashion combinations as referenced in last week’s post.  The multi-color patterns created in tie dyed clothing is what makes and keeps them popular. 

what to wear in the summer

As a boomer who grew up in the 60’s, I am glad that this style is something that hasn’t gone out of style or died away like vinyl records, cassette tapes and 8-tracks – do you remembers those?


Speaking of 8-tracks tapes, I still have a box of them in the garage which once belonged to my uncle, and please don’t ask me why I am still holding onto them!

The red purse was purchased from Avon and the orange sandals I believe are from Old Navy.  The necklace and bracelet set is also from Avon.

I am enjoying the heat and humidity of the summer because I know that in less than 90-days we will be preparing for the winter of 2016!

keeping cool in a maxi dress

How are you keeping cool this summer?  

Head over to the TOP OF THE WORLD LINK UP PARTY and share your pics!

top of the world link up

Stop the Violence!

Here we go again, the beginning of yet another stressful week with the senseless deaths of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Innocent men…fathers…sons…husbands who will never go home again.

Violence  – Hatred – Crime – We Have to Stop the Violence!

stop the violence

Citizens are crying out for justice and peace yet it seems that it may be falling on deaf ears.

This has got to stop and we must once again have peace in our communities, cities and states.

The level of anger and anxiety seems to be increasing and I fear for the future, however, I do not believe that we cannot turn the tide.

It will however, take time and honestly, ladies and gentlemen that is something we all have in common – time!

Let’s pray for the families of these brave officers taken too early

Montrell Jackson, Matthew Gerald and Brad Garafola

3 officers shot in baton rouge

May God Bless Their Souls As They Rest In Peace!



Hudson ID Visor


 Hutson ID Visor™ is specifically designed to take the angst out of traffic stops. It is one solution that will bridge the gap between police officers and civilians during these tense moments. Hutson ID Visor ™ is designed with your loved ones in mind.

Good Day Philadelphia Drives To Wilmington

Good Day Philadelphia Drives to Wilmington

Last Friday, the morning crew of Good Day Philadelphia were in Wilmington as part of the Good Day Drives You Mazda Campaign. The event was held at the H.B. Dupont Plaza on 11th and Delaware Avenues and it was a steamy 81 degrees by 8:00 a.m.

Fox 29 rides into Wilmington

Before heading out I turned to Fox29 Philadelphia to watch a few of the early morning interviews including one with Mayor Dennis Williams and his reaction to the Dallas shootings at the #BlackLivesMatter peaceful protest.

Although it was a hot and humid morning, the smiles and positive vibes kept us all cool, at least until noon at which time I had to head out for work. I was there in support of The Women’s Business Center which was just one of the local businesses being featured on live TV.

Women in Business in Wilmington

Jessica Gibson, Program Director of The Women’s Business Center at First State Community Loan Fund was interviewed along with two of their small business success stories, Lolah Soul Jewelry and Evangelina’s Vegan Desserts.

I’ve been working with The Women’s Business Center for several months now and have received wonderful assistance, guidance and excellent business counseling as ABlake Enterprises has gotten off the ground.

The Women's Business Center

I along with several other women business owners have forged a bond of strong support and sisterhood so it was only natural for us to come together in support of Jessica and have a few minutes of fame on live TV.

met sue Serio from Fox 29 Philly

as seen on Fox29

There were several other businesses along the perimeter of the park and a few of those who were also being featured included The Brunch Box and Kapow Food Trucks, The Delaware 87ers, Drop Squad Kitchen, Bright Spot Urban Garden and most appropriately My Cooling

Fox 29 Philly in Wilmington

Please click on the following link to see each of the individual videos then check my Instagram page for more pics and a Flipgram video.

Fox 29 Philly in Wilmington Fox 29 Philly in Wilmington Fox 29 Philly in Wilmington


It was definitely a fun filled day of camaraderie and happiness if only for a few hours on what could have been a dismal start to a depressing weekend given the recent violence around the world.

Fox 29 Philly was in Wilmington Dunkin Donuts gave away samples Fox 29 in Wilmington Fox 29 in Wilmington Fox 29 was in Wilmington Fox 29 in Wilmington, Delaware Wilmington Blue Rocks Mascot Fox 29 Philly vendors in Wilmington vendors in Wilmington cooling off with Rita's Water Ice WBC in Wilmington

Fox 29 Philly in Wilmington


Stay safe and stay blessed my friends.


WIWW OOTD Black and White Zebra Print

There are several basic, yet classic combinations that will never go out of style and today I am featuring just one of them – Black and White – if only black and white people could get along so well…

This week I feel that blogging about fashion after fifty and food is trivial especially with what’s going on in today’s world.  However, if we allow the negativity to over shadow and overtake creativity and positivity then we have given it more power than it deserves.

 Praying that positivity always rises to the top!

black and white zebra print

“What is Black and White and Read All Over”

“A Newspaper”

Remember that childhood joke?

“What is Black and White and Read All Over”

“This OOTD on my Blog”

Not a joke!

Read it then share it with your friends and followers!

classic black and white combination

This top and shoes are both closet summer staples which work well even if they are matchy-matchy, but hey, I’m a kid of the 60’s so I’ll match if I wanna!

Zebra print shoes

The shoes were purchased from and I also have them in a Tiger print which will be featured before the end of the season.

The black and white purse is from Avon and if you noticed the bracelets, they are also a Zebra print which were ordered from an online store few years ago.  (forgot the name)

The black jeggings are from Walmart and the silver watch is also from Avon.

Zebra print for the summer

Now it’s time for you to chime in: other than black and white, what are some of your favorite classic color combinations?  

Oh and more importantly, what did you buy on Amazon Prime Day???

black and white ootd

Stay safe and stay blessed my friends!


5 Tips to Blogging While On Vacation

 5 tips to blogging while on vacation


This is a repost from last year when we were on vacation in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.  

Although I haven’t even thought about taking a trip this early in the season, I did want to resurrect this post in case you were headed out for a family vacation.

We all need a break from blogging and most of us wouldn’t dare do so on vacation…or would we?

Anywho…if you are a dedicated blogger who wants to continue blogging when you should be relaxing, here are a few tips to help you do so…grab a drink first and then we’ll begin…

1. Make sure your accommodations have a free, reliable WiFi connection

This is absolutely essential if you want to blog during your vacation. Make sure that you ask about the Internet service before you book your hotel or resort otherwise, you might be thoroughly disappointed or well relaxed without a good WiFi connection.

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset2Do your work when everyone else is sleeping

Ssssh…balancing a family vacation or ones with friends can make it hard to keep your online schedule, posting, tweeting and such. So in order to stay connected with your readers, work during times when everyone is sleeping or taking a nap. You can wake up a few hours earlier, watch the sunrise, get some breakfast, and start blogging!

blogging with blake avi

3. Take a mobile or lightweight computing device with you

I love working on my laptop at home but it’s heavy. When you are traveling you’ll be moving around a lot, so it’s important that you take something that is light and can easily fit into a large tote/purse, a small backpack or something similar. I have my iPad and HP Tablet, which is easy to take out of my bag when going through airport security, and carrying around while relaxing on the beach.

travel to new destination

4. Capture those great moments and use the change of scenery to your advantage

The best thing about blogging while traveling is that you are in a completely new environment. This can enhance your blog writing because you have new sights, sensations and inspirations.

Even if you don’t blog about the personal stuff you can write blog posts featuring your niche from a different perspective. For example, if you are traveling to Mexico and you write about fashion, why not feature some of the local styles and fashions there?  

5. Last but certainly not least – DON’T  

Just like the other plans you made for vacation, lay out your written posts, scheduled them using a WP plugin, Hootsuite or Bufferapp, then pack up and go!

packed bags


Do you have any tips to add?

This post also appeared @

New-Web-Header (1)

Summer Style Sneakers

You Choose the Shoes – Summer Style Sneakers

Hey guys, I know it’s not a new month but  it is close enough so I wanted to throw in this extra edition of “You Choose the Shoes” Summer Style Sneakers.

Summer is here and I am now a bit more casual in my attire, however, I do still wear dresses and skirts to work.  To be honest I really don’t like shorts but find capri pants are a bit more flattering on me.

This was what I wore on one of my free Saturdays when I needed to hit the streets and run a few errands.


Summer Styles


I chose to wear sneakers instead of sandals but couldn’t decide which pair looked best.   Do you like the floral prints or the stripes with these comfy, casual capri pants? You Choose the Shoes Summer Style   sneakers in the summer

There’s not much to say about the outfit other than it was perfect for the weekend and it was my favorite color – black!


summer shoes


The Tablet carrier is from Avon but purchased a few years ago, therefore, am not sure if it’s still available.


casual summer footwear


How about you, do you prefer lace up sneakers, slide-on sneakers or no sneakers in the summer?  

hope you and the family have a wonderful 4th of July Holiday weekend!  

4th of July

Eat – Drink and Be Merry – but most of all be safe!

Paris in Pink and a very busy week!

Wow, this week just flew by and yesterday was our son’s 24th birthday.  All I could think about was the day that he was actually born which was 3 month’s prematurely, and just how far he had come in those 24 years.

I am so proud to be his mother!

He also started his first day at Home Depot in Middletown, so he will be wearing his Home Depot orange apron and cap proudly.

  Tayair's Birthday Pic This week also flew by because it was filled with so many client activities. If you are following Sozo Signature Mobile Salon on Facebook you would have seen some awesome photos and videos of their #SozoSummer Ribbon Cutting and Kickoff held on Tuesday.

However, if you are not following Sozo Signature Mobile Salon on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, may I recommend that you do so, as there are going to be some amazing things happening soon.

Sozo FB Page

  Blake and the Bentley

Check out the following trailer video which was created just a few hours after the Ribbon Cutting held at the Courtyard Marriott UDel.  This makes me proud to be part of the #Sozo team.

Stay tuned for a blog post next week, but in the meantime, head over to my Facebook page to see the replay of the live stream vlogging.



Now on to the outfit which inspired the title of this post – Paris in Pink.

On casual Friday a few weeks ago I decided to break out this Paris in Pink top which was purchased from Ross and pair it with black jeggings from Walmart.

fashion after fifty

The purse is from Avon and the shoes were purchased several years ago from UrbanOg.

accessories from

I also switched up the shoes for this next shot, which are sandals from Avon, however, I decided to wear the pink ones.  What do you think, which pair would you have worn?

Shoes from Avon

For our son’s birthday, hubby ordered sugar free cupcakes which he ordered from Half Baked Patisserie and they were delicious!  Malik wasn’t too fond of the lack of sugar, but Tayair liked them as he is not overly fond of sweets.

birthday cupcakes

This is going to be a busy weekend, however, I am not going to complain because I prayed for the success of A.Blake Enterprises and God always answers prayers when asked in his name!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

casual Friday outfit


This week’s deals!

starbucks get_coupon


Sears Coupons: $10 Off $50

Finding the perfect pair of shoes for yourself can be a challenge, let alone finding a fantastic pair for every single member of your family! But thanks to Sears and their fabulous selection of footwear for sale at amazing prices, you can rest assured that you’ll find exactly what you need and more for everyone in your family without breaking the bank! Shop now online at to save $10 off of your purchase of $50 or more on shoes for the whole family with our exclusive coupon code! Offer valid 6/12/16 – 6/25/26.



Shoebuy Coupon Code: 20% Off

Are you on the hunt for the perfect pair of shoes to amp up your already fashionable wardrobe? Look no further. Thanks to the shoe experts at, you can find everything you need to keep your feet stylish and comfortable all summer long with a fabulous selection of modern and classic sandals, flats, heels, wedges, and more all in one place. Shop their amazing selection now to save an additional 20% off of your entire purchase of any gorgeous pair of shoes and get free shipping with our exclusive coupon code! Offer valid through 11/1/19.



Sierra Trading Post Coupon: 15% Off

Whether you’re a lifelong outdoors enthusiast or simply have taken a recent shine to spending your free time out in the fresh air, having the right equipment and apparel can really help make a difference in your experience. From camping gear and accessories to outdoors sports clothing and shoes, Sierra Trading Post has everything you need to fuel your next great outdoors adventure all in one convenient place. And if you shop today at, you can save an amazing extra 15% off of your entire order by using our exclusive I’m in promo code. Offer valid through 7/7/16.



Allposters Promo Code: 25% Off

No matter what your personal taste or sense of style, adding a touch of art to your home or office can really help boost your mood and make your space more inviting and enjoyable. But where can you find the exquisite works of art that you’ve been dying to have without spending a fortune in the process? At AllPosters, of course! Shop their unbeatable selection of posters, art, and photography prints online today to save 25% off of your entire order with our exclusive coupon code! Offer valid through 6/30/16.



WorldMarket Promo: 10% Off

Searching for the perfect unique piece to add to your home? Look no further! World Market has everything you’ve been searching for and more all in one place, from playful decorations and eye-catching art to trendy furniture and accessories to delicious foods and snacks, you can find it all here and more! Whether you’re shopping for the perfect present for someone special or just a little something for yourself, World Market will have it. And now you can save 10% off of your entire purchase at World Market with our exclusive coupon code! Offer valid through 12/31/16.



Fossil Promos: UP to 30% Off

We’ll admit it – trying to find the latest in high-end accessories that are both trendy and affordable can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know where to look. But you can rest assured that you’ll find everything you need for an amazing price at Fossil! From fashionable handbags to modern and classic wallets to playful accessories, Fossil has everything a woman needs to stay on trend yet classically beautiful without even trying! Shop at today to save up to 30% off of all women’s accessories with our exclusive promotion code! Offer ends 8/24/35.



Steve Madden Coupon: 15% OR 20% Off

Looking for the perfect pair of shoes to add to your wardrobe for the upcoming summer season? Head on over to Steve Madden to find exactly what you need and more! With their unbeatable selection of fashion-forward women’s footwear, you can easily get your hands on all of the styles you’ve been dying to have at a fantastic price, too! From wedges to sandals, flats to heels, pumps to clogs, they have everything you’ve been dreaming of and more! Shop at to save an additional 15% off of your entire purchase of $75 or 20% off of your purchase of $100 or more and get free shipping with our exclusive coupon code! Offer valid 6/1 through 6/30.



Alloy Coupons: 20% Off

The summer season is officially here, and you know what that means – time to build up your summer wardrobe with trendy new pieces and classic favorites! But how can you get yourself ready for the summer without spending a fortune? Shop at Alloy clothing, of course! With inexpensive pieces that are perfect for any woman’s sense of style and unique shape, you are bound to find everything you need and more in their fabulous selection of clothing, shoes, and accessories. Shop online at any time from 5/19 to 7/19 to save 20% off of your entire order with our exclusive coupon code!



Cookies By Design Coupon Code: 15% Off $50

Finding a fantastic present for someone special can be a difficult process, especially if you have no idea what to get them! But thanks to Cookies by Design, you can finally get your hands on a great gift for anyone on your list without the hassle spending a fortune. From playful gift baskets to themed cookie boxes to tasty gourmet treats and more, you can find everything you need for everyone on your list. And if you shop online at their website today, you can save an amazing 15% off of your entire order of $50 or more with our exclusive promo code! Offer valid through 7/18.



1800 Flowers Promo Code: 15% Off

No matter who you’re shopping for on your gift-giving list, you know that they’ll absolutely love and truly appreciate a gorgeous gift basket or eye-catching floral arrangement from 1-800 Flowers. From a stunning spring bouquet to a thoughtful get-well basket of candies and treats to a simple everyday surprise, you can rest assured that you’ll find everything you need and more in their fantastic selection. Head on over to 1-800 Flowers today to save 15% on any order of same-day flowers or gifts delivery services with our exclusive promo code, now through 7/3/16.



Dr Scholls Promo: 10% Off

No matter what you do during the day, from running errands to walking around the office to chasing after your children, having uncomfortable feet is a truly painful experience. But thanks to Dr. Scholls, you can rest assured that you’ll always travel in comfort! With their unbeatable selection of super soft insoles, cushiony shoes, and more, you can finally find the perfect pair to keep you up and running all day long. If you shop online at today, you can save 10% off of your entire purchase sitewide with our exclusive coupon code! Ends 1/17/17.



Coffee For Less Promos: 5% Off

Any coffee addict can tell you, having the perfect cup of coffee in the morning or afternoon can really put them in a great mood. From rich roasty dark coffees to sweet and light blonde roasts to creamy medium roasts, each coffee lover has their favorite flavor and brand. But coffee can quickly get very expensive – where can you find the great varieties you love without spending a fortune? Coffee for Less, of course! For a limited time, you can take 5% off of your entire order sitewide of coffees with our exclusive coupon code! Offer ends 6/30/16.



Mikasa Coupon Code: 20% Off

No matter what your personal taste, having a great set of high-end cutlery and dishes is an absolute necessity in any household. And with the seemingly endless varieties of exquisite dishes, silverware, glassware, and more for sale at Mikasa, you can find the perfect set to add to your collection. From the simple sets to the more elaborately crafted collections, Mikasa is bound to have exactly what you’ve been dreaming of and more. And thanks to our exculsive coupon code, you can save 20% off of one fabulous item from, now through 6/30! Some exclusions apply.



Sur La Table Promo: 20% Off

Whether you’re just setting out on starting your own family or already have a big one of your own, having a great kitchen and dining room to keep everyone happy and fed is a necessity. And with Sur la Table you can rest assured that you’ll find everything you need and more in their fabulous selection of home décor and accessories, kitchen accessories and appliances, tools and more for sale all in one place. And the best part? You can save 20% off of one item in your next purchase thanks to our exclusive coupon code! Offer valid through 6/26.



Hayneedle Coupon: Free Shipping

Are you desperately searching for the perfect piece to add to your home or to pass along as a great gift for someone special? Look no further – Hayneedle has your back with an amazing selection of home goods, tools, and accessories for sale all in one convenient place. From gorgeous décor to innovative appliances to tabletop tools and more, you can finally rest assured that you’ll find everything you need. Shop at with our exclusive coupon code to get free shipping on any purchase of $50 or more! Offer valid through 12/31/16.



Lamps Plus Coupons: UP to 70% Off

Even if it’s hiding in the corner somewhere, the perfect lamp can illuminate a room and add a touch of beauty and elegance. With each room in your home comes the perfect opportunity to add a great lamp or two that will both light up the room and delight those who inhabit it! And with Lamps Plus, you can find all of the lamps you’ve been searching for and more, from standing floor lamp to eye-catching chandeliers to chic wall sconces and more. Shop the Lamps Plus Clearance Sale to save up to 70% off and get free shipping on select clearance items! Offer ends 12/31/16.



Life is Good Coupon Code: UP to 40% Off

No matter what way you put it – life is good! And with the amazing high quality shirts, sweatshirts, and bottoms for sale at Life is Good, you and your entire family can truly celebrate each and every day in style. With an amazing selection of men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing and accessories for sale, you are bound to find everything you need for you and your entire family (and maybe even your pets, too). Shop today to save even more in the Life is Good Sale Collection, with amazing items up to 40% off! Offer valid through 8/24/35.



Peapod Promo Code: $15 Off

With our busy lifestyles and active families, finding time to go to the grocery store and shop for everything we need can be a challenge. From making a list to getting to the store to walking around and waiting in line, it can be a time-consuming and seemingly impossible task. But thanks to Peapod, you can skip the hassle and get everything you need sent right to your door! Sign up for their convenient delivery service and save $15 off of your first order with our exclusive coupon code! Some exclusions apply. See site for details. Offer ends 12/31/16.



Petco Coupon: UP to 20% Off

For many of us, our pets are beloved members of the family whom we love and enjoy taking care of. But finding and buying the right foods, toys, treats, and accessories for our dogs, cats, birds, and more can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Never fear – thanks to Petco you can get everything that you need to keep your pet healthy and happy delivered right to your door! Sign up for repeat delivery at today and save up to 20% off and receive a $30 eGiftCard! Offer valid through 1/31/17.



Gift Tree Promo: 20% Off

Any day is the perfect day to celebrate if the occasions call for it! And what better to ring in a promotion, birthday, wedding, and more than a delicious glass of high-end champagne? Sharing a bottle of champagne with friends and family, of course! Head on over to to find the perfect champagne gift basket or present for yourself or someone special to really bring out the celebration spirit! Shop now to save up to 15% off of the perfect champagne gift for anyone on your list thanks to our exclusive promo code! Offer ends 7/31/16.


Business Casual Cute

Business Casual Cute 

Oftentimes I have client meetings after work, so I try to wear something comfortable and cool because I usually won’t get home before 8 at night.  I love pencil skirts and sleeveless shirts, black being my favorite color because of its slimming affects.

  red and animal print

With this outfit, I decided to break up the black with red accessories, and jazzed it up a bit with an animal print.  Do you remember this Cascading Vest which was provided to me from Covered Perfectly to review?  Well believe it or not it has been hanging in my closet unworn ever since.

  product review

These Jessica Simpson peep toe animal print shoes are one of my favorite consigned finds.  I literally wear them all year round, well at least if there’s no snow on the ground.

shoes purchased on consignment  

The red tote is a Walmart purchase and the red bracelet and ring are both from Old Navy.

  what to wear to work

What do you like to wear when you have a long day and want to keep it business casual cute?