
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘health and wellness’

Go Red For Women Day

10 Ways to Go Red This February
















Know your Risks ~ Live Healthy ~ Get Involved ~ Share Your Story

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  Wear Your Red and Post Your Pictures (here

Use the hashtag #GoRedChallenge on Twitter or Instagram  

As an ex-smoker since 2009, I would appreciate if you would VOTE on my submission (click here) – Thank you! 



































Go Red for Women

Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!


Spider in the Smoothie

Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday

Now that we are halfway through the first month of 2014, you are either continuing your resolution to get healthy or have ditched it all together and have a freezer full of Talenti Gelato!

talenti gelato

So let’s just say for the sake of argument that you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating right, exercising and starting each day with a delicious and nutritious green smoothie.

You have a new Ninja Bullet and have stocked up on your healthy greens, kale and spinach, your fiber, Chia and Flaxseeds and fresh fruits, apples, mangos, berries, kiwi, pineapples and bananas.



One morning, still a little groggy you grab a banana from the bowl and begin to peel it only to notice a small white blotch.  Upon closer inspection you realize that spot is a cocoon, a cocoon filled with baby spiders!   Your first reaction…”what the what?… eeeew… gross…” and then fear takes your breath away!

Spiders on Bananas in the UK The fear that you might have eaten one previously not noticing the white blotch that are now infested with spiders…ok I’ll stop.

No, that couldn’t happen in the US could it?  We have the FDA regulating our imports right…oh, forget about that pesky little government shutdown thingy, that wouldn’t have affected my local produce – right?

Probably not, but unfortunately it did occur in the UK and it was reported by the Huffington Post  (here).  What should you do to ensure the fruits and veggies you are buying to keep healthy won’t make you sick?

fruit (1)


 Sounds simple right, but there are a lot of people including my husband who doesn’t wash fruit before he eats it.  Fortunately for him that’s the first thing I do after we unpack the grocery bags.  Sure there are products on the market made specifically for washing fruits but I wonder if they too could leave a contaminant on the fruit.

You could use a spray bottle or submerge the fruit in a mixture of water and white vinegar.  Your best bet is to simply wash them under cold running water using a vegetable brush or rubbing briskly with your hands then blotting them dry with a fresh paper towel.


I know there’s nothing like biting into a freshly picked apple or peach at the Orchard or a few fresh berries from the field.  Just remember to bring along a bottle of water to rinse them before you eat them, it’s better to be safe than sorry!


Do you wash ALL your fresh fruits and veggies before eating them?

Stay Blessed – No Stress in the New Year!


Wine 2 Water

Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!

2014 is the year that I will be celebrating my 53rd birthday, and for that I am thankful.  I am also thankful for my family, my friends, my faith and my health. Thankful that I don’t have any major medical issues but I do have a few concerns which I will address this year.

Water does a body good My number one concern is the lack of drinking water…not the lack of having fresh tap or bottled water like in some countries, but the lack of me actually drinking it.


Why Your Body Needs Water I am smart enough to know that my body needs water, but am not smart enough to drink more than just one 16.9 oz bottle a day!

I’m dehydrated and have begun to get the sharp pains, it’s like my kidneys are kicking me in the back and saying, “hey stupid, put down that wine and drink more water!”

According to the For Dummies website, “You must have water in your diet. It is brimming with minerals and electrolytes, and you can’t live without it. Water is a solvent. It dissolves other substances and carries nutrients and other material (such as blood cells) around the body, making it possible for every organ to do its job.”   Bottled Water

The #1 reason I don’t drink more water is because I’ve always had an overactive bladder which doesn’t bode well with a long commute, I would however, make a good spokesperson for Depends.  In order to prevent me from having to stop at a restroom on the way home, I’ll only drink 1 bottle with lunch.

Once home I conveniently forget to drink more and instead will have a few glasses of Red Wine which may be good for the heart but it makes my kidneys quite jealous.

This year I have made the wise decision to drink more water and to make sure I won’t forget, I’ll put it in a wine glass and add a few lemon slices.  This should be a good motivator, what do you think?

Do you have any other suggestions that will help me drink more water?

Water is good for the body

How about you, do you drink the recommended daily amounts of water?

BTW – did you notice my new blog design?  I want to thank Katherine @ Katherine’s Corner who created it for me.  

Come over and meet her then join in today’s link up!


Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in the New Year
