Colon Cleanse with Cilantro
Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world.
Today, I am not featuring a recipe for food, instead an easy and inexpensive recipe to cleanse our kidneys.
The kidneys filters the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted toxins that have entered our body. However, over time, the salt and toxins build up and we need a colon cleansing treatment.
Cut a bunch of cilantro into smaller pieces.
Boil the cilantro in a pot of water for 10 minutes.
Let it cool down and then sieve/strain and discard the cilantro.
Pour the filtered water into bottles or any container and keep in fridge.
Drink one glass of this water daily and you will notice the changes to your urine. Parsley may also be used.
Check back next week for this Duncan Hines cupcake feature!
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!