Friday Foodie Feature – Kraft Fresh Take
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
You know that during the week I don’t get home until after 6:00 p.m. so I’m always on the look out for ingredients to make dinner an easy-breezy meal. I shop on Sunday’s for fresh meats and veggies and using coupons I’ll purchase pantry items such as Kraft Fresh Take Cheese & Breadcrumb Mix. We don’t eat a lot of red meat and chicken and turkey can easily become boring so it helps to have something like this at the ready that is quick, easy and good.
Kraft Fresh Take Smokey Mesquite BBQ Cheese & Breadcrumb Mix
Chicken Tenders
Separate packet to mix cheese and seasoned breadcrumbs
Rinse chicken in cold water
Spray pan with cooking spray
Coat chicken with mixture, sprinkle extra on top
Bake in preheated oven at 375~ for 15-20 mins or until done
I chose to serve with BirdsEye Steamfresh Rice Blends
Dinner was ready in less than hour
Meal was served on my grandmother’s plate
Kraft Fresh Takes can also be used on fish and pork.
Disclosure Statement I was not financially compensated for this post, the product was purchased with my own money. The opinions are 100% completely my own based upon my experience.