Obama Victory Party
Hello Friends and Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
This afternoon #2 son and I went to Costco and Target and it was a crazy madhouse, I left tired with a headache and empty handed (too many crying babies). I have one more day to get a gift for #1 son and do my grocery shopping for the week so I will be up and out early tomorrow.
Last night I attended a Holiday slash “Obama Victory Party” hosted by a member of a OFA team who touts themselves as the ones who gave a Pennsylvania victory to the President. The hostess has a beautiful home that was fully decorated with the sights and sounds of the holidays. The dining room table was festively set with delicious foods and sweets and Poinsettias filled each room. It was a wonderful mix of guests and for a few hours we bonded, sharing stories, laughs and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. It was a lovely way to start off the holiday weekend and for that I say, thank you Delores!”
I hope you guys have a wonderful night – Smooches!