Independent Resources, Inc. #LaunchSpace Small Business Program Award Presentation
Independent Resources, Inc. #LaunchSpace Small Business Program Award Presentation
Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world. Last week I had an opportunity to attend the IRI Small Business Program Award Presentation, as well as the honor of being one of the five judges.
This Dolphin Tank Award’s program was IRI’s first and it was an excellent way in which to feature the hard work and dedication of the participants involved in the LaunchSpace Small Business Program.
Independent Resources, Inc., is a federally funded, private non-profit, non-residential organization providing services to persons with disabilities. IRI is a statewide organization with offices located in Wilmington, Dover and Dagsboro. Each office provides services that consumers consider critical in gaining control over their lives; services they feel will enable them to function in the community of their choosing.
Front Row: Larry Henderson (IRI Executive Director), Latoshia Caldwell (Finalist), Barbara Monaghan (DDC Chair), Emmanuel Jenkins (Runner-up)
Back Row: Cathy Woodhouse (First State CPAs Relationship Manager), Khalil Abdul-Majid (Finalist), Tina Riley (Entrepreneur of the Year), Ken Anderson (DEDO Director), Senator Brian Bushweller (state senator for 17th district), Antionette Blake (Social media and blogger consultant) and Jackie Reyes (Small Business Program Coordinator)
Khalil Abdul-Majid: “Inspired by Touch Massage”
Latoshia Caldwell – Caldwell’s Helping Hands
Emmanuel Jenkins – We Stand 4 Something
Tina Riley – Tina Riley’s Imaginarium
The program began with welcoming remarks from Dr. Tes del Tufo, then each participant presented their individual Business Plans. As a judge, I along with Senator Brian Bushweller, Ken Anderson, Barbara Monaghan, and Cathy Woodhouse were given the arduous task of scoring them in 7 areas.
I must admit that each participant did such an amazing job that it was hard not to rate them all “excellent” in each category. I was truly impressed and definitely inspired by their plans, goals and overall presentations, I walked away thinking that I really needed to step up my game!
Ken Anderson and I presented each with a Certificate of Completion and then the presentation of Accomplishments & Awards was made by Senator Bushwell, Cathy Woodhouse and Barbara Monaghan.
In addition to a cash prize, the winner also received in-kind contributions, including my donation of 3 hours for Social Media and e-marketing training valued at $500.
The program ended with concluding remarks by Mr. Larry Henderson, Executive Director of Independent Resources, Inc. It was yet another opportunity on a Thankful Thursday to be blessed with the ability to volunteer time to such a worthy organization.