Posts Tagged ‘Liebster Award Nomination’
Hello friends, as you are reading this post, I am heading to the West Coast…yes, I am flying out of Philly this morning enroute to Los Angeles, California! Am I excited…YES I AM! Why am I going…oh I am super excited to tell you but am going to make you wait, however, I will give you a two word hint BRAND AMBASSADOR!
I’ll be there until Saturday so make sure you follow my Instagram page, you never know, you might just see me on a Red Carpet!

However, before I left I wanted to take time to thank and acknowledge two beautiful bloggers who each nominated me for awards.
The Versatile Blogger Award from at C-ray @Sunlight Beauty
The Liebster Award from Melinda at There Is A Season
Each award comes with their own set of rules, however, I have combined them both and am providing 8 random facts about myself:
- I Blog, Therefore I am
- I like the pool –vs- ocean
- unsalted chips with hot sauce is my favorite snack
- My favorite author is E. Lynn Harris, however, I haven’t read a book in years
- I hate getting up early on the weekends
- I love thrifting but have too many clothes
- Summer is my favorite season
- I love to cook

Thank you ladies for the nominations, and don’t forget to follow my Instagram page for some fun and exciting pictures. I can’t wait to see my bestie again, as it has been too long since last we were together! Oh, and don’t forget to come back tomorrow to link up your RED OOTD for National Wear Red for Women Day.
New Year ~ New You!
Hello Friends, Happy Thankful Thursday AND
Last month I was recognized by fellow blogger Me and My Mini Me and nominated for a Liebster Award. This award is a way for other bloggers to say, “Hey, I like your blog” and for that I am thankful.
According to the rules of acceptance, I must link back to the blogger who nominated me, answer 11 questions, nominate 11 other bloggers and then ask them 11 different questions. So without further adieu, here are the answers to my questions:
What inspired your blog? Why do you blog? – After the death of my grandmother, I needed an outlet to showcase my shopping deals and neither Facebook nor Twitter seemed the appropriate venue. I enjoy sharing and reading about other’s personal and positive lives.
If you found a genie in a bottle and he could grant you three wishes, what would you wish for? – A clean bill of health for my husband, a wonderful life for my sons and all my debts to be paid in full.
Favorite song. – Summer Breeze by the Isley Brothers
Describe yourself in 5 words. – Positive, fun, hardworking, dedicated and friendly
What would a “Me Day” look like for you? – Mani/Pedi, Super Spa and Dinner ocean side
Favorite era and why? – 60’s, life is always good when you are a kid
- If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be? – Oprah Winfrey
What’s your guilty pleasure? – Talenti Gelato – Caribbean Coconut
What three things can’t you live without? – Family, Faith and Internet access
What’s something no one knows about you? – Wouldn’t you like to know…
My nominees in no particular order are, and I hope you take a some time to check them out:
Now, these are my questions to each of you:
If you could re-live one event in your life, what would it be and why?
Cake or Cookies?
Snow in the mountains or Sun on the beach?
Your favorite movie?
If you hit the lottery what would be your first purchase?
Favorite quiet time activity?
Favorite time of the day and why?
What do you want your legacy to be?
Flowers or Plants?
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?
Dream retirement location?
You all are a special part of of my life, and for that I will always be thankful!
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday
I was recently nominated for a Liebster Award by lovely C-Ray of Sunlight Beauty, and for that I am thankful.
C-Ray loves sharing her fashion and beauty finds as well as providing great everyday tips, so take a few minutes to check out her blog and show some bloggy love.
The Rules of Acceptance:
After you have been nominated and you have accepted it, you have to write a blog post yourself doing the following:
1. Thank the person who has nominated you and link back to their blog (by posting a link on yours).
2. Copy and display the award in your blogpost (save the image and upload it to your own post).
3. Answer the 11 questions about yourself, which are given to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Write 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs/bloggers that you feel deserve the award. They need to have less than 1000 followers.
6. Think of 11 new questions for the bloggers you have nominated and write them in your post.
8. Inform the selected bloggers that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and link back to your own post so that they can learn about it (if they’ve never heard about it) and so that they know what questions to answer!
The 11 Questions
1. Why did you start blogging?
To fill the void left by the death of my grandmother, my thrify shopping partner
2. What is your favorite nail polish?
3. What is your favorite lipstick?
Avon’s Ultra Color Rich Pink
4. Who is your beauty icon?
5. Who is your favorite makeup/beauty youtuber?
No one – not a big YouTube viewer
6. What makes a beauty blog great (in your opinion)?
Options, listing both Drug Store to high end products
7. What do you like most about your blog?
Leaving a legacy for my children and grandchildren
8. If you could live anywhere where would you live?
A tropical Island – looking to retire in Belize
9. Would you choose, love or money?
10. What is your favorite healthy snack?
Apples and cheese
11. What is your favorite word?
11 Random Facts About Myself:
I’m 52 years young
I am a positive person
I have two sons, ages 21 and 18
I’ve been married for 23 years
I’m an adult orphan
Love all foods spicy
Love to photograph sunsets
my new favorite song is “Because I’m Happy” by Pharrell Wiliams – I dare you not to love it as well
I drink too much wine
I find it hard to relax
I don’t like entering Giveaways with more than 3 tasks to complete!
My Nominees Are:
Images by Dashfield
Kirsten Womack
Living Mommywood
Free Ur Closet
Now ladies, if you choose to accept this nomination I’ll need you to answer the following “love themed” questions – and keep it Rated PG – lol
What Was Your Favorite Valentine’s Day Gift
What is Your Fantasy Valentine’s Day Gift
What Was Your Most Romantic Gift
What Was Your Least Romantic Gift
When did you get your first real kiss
What Would love to do everyday with your significant other
Where is your Fantasy Vacation Spot
Love or Lust
Who is Your Fantasy Man
What is Your Favorite Fruit
#1 Bucket List Item
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!