Posts Tagged ‘linking up’
Happy Hump Day Wednesday my friends.
Today the sun is shining, a cool breeze is blowing…blowing me over the last hump day in my 50th year
Bye Bye 50 ~ God willing tomorrow I will be 51!!!!
I will wear these flats while driving and walking in the parking lot at work
Wrap Dress – CitiTrends// Pumps – The Salvation Army// Bracelet and Flats – CitiTrends// Ring – Flea Market Vendor// Earrings – Watch – Avon
Have a fantastical day – Smooches!
Happy Hump Day Wednesday….let the countdown begin. Why do I wish my life away by rushing the week to get to the weekend? I need to be more conscience of that and simply enjoy each day because they are not promised. Today’s outfit is once again not thrifted even though it didn’t start out that way. The first skirt I put on was from Goodwill but it was a little too tight….gotta watch those carbs!! I love the color burgundy for the fall and have read that it’s the color for the season, that and “oxblood”. Who in the world cut an ox and then decided to use the color of the blood to describe clothing – where in the world do you find an ox anyway?
The multi-color skirt was purchased last month from Boscov’s (remember this sale) and I paired it with the burgundy top from Ross or Marshalls. Picking up the mustard color in the skirt with the xhilaration sandals via Target. Necklace and earring set from as well as rhinstone, butterfly ring. The tri-color metal bracelet is from my jewelry box (which means I can’t remember where it was purchased).
Have a wonderful day and make the most of it, I’ll try to do the same.
Linking up today for What I Wore Weds with , check out her blog, she has the cutest little blonde headed boy!
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