Posts Tagged ‘Lowes’
‘Twas 4 days before Christmas and all through the house not a gift was purchased…no not one…nothing even wrapped. Was I in a panic…no, not me…no mall trip to navigate no whoa is me! I jumped in the Sonata and drove down the street, parked and got out and entered the big “V”…oh I mean the “W” Walgreens.
Long gone are the days of Santa and toys, I now have mini-men, they are no longer little boys. Safety and Life Skills are things that they need, a job application and gas money will be under the tree! ‘Tis the season for a few little gifts so they’ll have something to unwrap when they finally roll out of bed….after 12 noon if that!
A Polaroid Tablet for Son #1, he can take notes in class, read a book or just have fun.
Wrestling, lifting, or just watching TV…they definitely both needed one of these!
Son #2 is up texting all night so he needs help in getting up and a Bluetooth for no talking while driving (I know it didn’t rhyme this time).
What to get hubby…oh boy…what does he need…nothing really, except maybe me! Can’t go wrong with a gift card…one or maybe two and with Walgreen’s big selection that wasn’t too hard to do.
Food and drinks and a trip to Lowe’s will fit the bill, added a little Dove Body Wash and all is chill.
Last minute gifts are sure to be found and if you need any assistance just look around, or maybe someone will greet you as soon as you walk in the door.
I am so glad to finally be done, no stress…no hassle…actually it was kinda fun!
Now it’s time to head home and wrap up these gifts and place them neatly under our beautifully decorated tree!
If you have any last minute gift buying to do head over to your local Walgreens as most stores are open until midnight.
Happy Holidays!
Hello Friends and Happy Sunday
I hope you had a good weekend with an opportunity to spend quality time with your family/friends and did something fun and enjoyable. Yesterday, I took my car in for an oil change and Malik was my chauffeur so I took full advantage by having him drive me all around town running errands – it was good being Mommy! I had him drive me to Dunkin Donuts, Dutch Country Farmers Market, Family Dollar, PNC Bank and then finally to Lowe’s it was fun for me, not so much for him.
We gave him Tayair’s old car, remember the 2002 Hyundai Elantra, well you would have thought it was a new Mercedes because when he realized the plants had to ride in the back seat he wasn’t happy! I purchased two hanging baskets, a Color Combo Patio plant, Sweet Basil, Heirloom Tomatoes, Curled Parsley and Cilantro and they rode shotgun in the back seat fully protected by a yard of plastic – it was hilarious!
Hanging baskets – Petunias, Calibrachoa and Lobelia
Curled Parsley – boil and drink like tea it’s great for the digestive system
Cilantro is a wonderful fragrant herb
Basil also keeps the bugs away from your garden
Fresh Garden Tomatoes – scents of summer
Hibiscus is a perfect patio plant
Color Combo Welcome Plant – Bidens, Licorice Plant and Trailing Petunia
Love the handles on these hanging baskets
Time to check out
Malik reluctantly loading the cart
The plants riding in the back seat (along with vacuum cleaner)
Today I cleaned in and around the pool and cleared out my little garden which was overrun with Mint from last year.
Have a wonderful evening – Smooches!
Hello Friends and Happy Saturday
I hope you were treated to a beautiful Spring day with flowers in bloom and birds chirping their early Easter greetings.

Hubby and I spent the day together which is a rarity because he’s usually visiting his mother in Wilmington. Next week is Spring Break so he’ll have more time to spend with her and today it was just the two of us. Unfortunately it was wasn’t a date or even romantic, we just went shopping at Lowe’s for a new kitchen sink faucet to replace the one that has been leaking for months – wasting both water and money.

Next we went to car dealerships in Newark and Wilmington checking out Certified Pre-Owned Hondas. It’s the last sales day of the month as well as the end of the quarter so they were extremely busy.

Finding nothing in our price range we ended our day at L&G Soul Food Southern Cuisine for dinner. We ordered platters for us as well as the boys and once home we all enjoyed fried Whiting, collard greens, mac n cheese, string beans, coleslaw and corn bread …needless to say, “itis” kicked in shortly afterwards but it was too late for a nap.

After dinner I had to change into my comfy-stretchy clothes!
Threw on the sandals to punch up my sloppy Saturday outfit!
Have a good night – Smooches!
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Hello Friends and Happy Saturday
I hope you were treated to a beautiful Spring day with flowers in bloom and birds chirping their early Easter greetings.

Hubby and I spent the day together which is a rarity because he’s usually visiting his mother in Wilmington. Next week is Spring Break so he’ll have more time to spend with her and today it was just the two of us. Unfortunately it was wasn’t a date or even romantic, we just went shopping at Lowe’s for a new kitchen sink faucet to replace the one that has been leaking for months – wasting both water and money.

Next we went to car dealerships in Newark and Wilmington checking out Certified Pre-Owned Hondas. It’s the last sales day of the month as well as the end of the quarter so they were extremely busy.

Finding nothing in our price range we ended our day at L&G Soul Food Southern Cuisine for dinner. We ordered platters for us as well as the boys and once home we all enjoyed fried Whiting, collard greens, mac n cheese, string beans, coleslaw and corn bread …needless to say, “itis” kicked in shortly afterwards but it was too late for a nap.

After dinner I had to change into my comfy-stretchy clothes!
Threw on the sandals to punch up my sloppy Saturday outfit!
Have a good night – Smooches!
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-YAY!
The first day of March…another day the Lord hath made…the first weekend of the month…it’s all good in the neighborhood!
Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend? Me not so much, going to Home Depot or Lowes with hubby in search of a replacement kitchen sink faucet, (finally stopping a water leak), then doing our income taxes – Woohoo lucky lucky me!
Well at least I had fun yesterday at The Money School’s Awards Luncheon where I met some great people including Governor Markell. The Money School provides some wonderful free programs in the state and it was nice to see them recognize people who help in this effort, I can’t wait to post the details.
Earlier in the day my son and I drove into town to his orthodontic’s office.
Worthington high waist skirt was purchased from JC Penny on clearance for $5.00!
Cardigan and Shoes – Ross / Top – GW Boutique (Goodwill)
Linking up today with You Like Me! Friday Blog Hop – join in and meet some new bloggers
Have a fantabulous day – Smooches!
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Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay – Fri-Yay – Fri-Yay!!
Our local forecast was way off, we only got a few flakes early this morning and now the sun is shining on this a beautiful crisp Winter’s day. What are your plans for the weekend, will you be doing something fun outdoors? Not me, tomorrow I’ll be stuck inside my closet thanks to a mini avalanche that occurred last night.
Less than a minute after hanging up a shirt the top rack came crashing down taking down the one beneath it as well. Thankfully I had just stepped back otherwise I could have been hit in the head with falling purses! (don’t laugh, it was a hard hat zone!) I could only just look up and stare, hubby said, “you have too many clothes” – bite your tongue man! He offered to re-do my closet with sturdier material so tonight off to Lowes we go. I wish my closet looked like his…..

and not like this!!!!

Today’s outfit was born out of the chaos in my closet. The scarf which was hidden on a shelf along with the boy’s baby blankets and box of teeth – (what do you do with baby teeth?) was the palette. Most of my shoes are covered underneath all those shirts so I am wearing a pair of the loafers I just bought from Target. They were still in the spare bedroom and had never made it into the closet along with these purple jeans.

Scarf – closet staple // Sleeveless shirt – GW Boutique (Goodwill) // Cardigan – Walmart // Skinny Jeans – Citi Trends // Loafers – Mossimo via Target // Ring – // Bracelets and Earrings – Jewelry Box

All in all I think I made the chaos work for this casual Friday – what do you think?

Linking up with Casual Chic Mom, You Like Me! and perfect for today FRIDAY CHAOS with ohsoamelia – hop on over and meet some new bloggers.
Have a great afternoon – Smooches!
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I hope and pray that all the Mothers had as nice of a day spent with their children as I did. My Mother’s Day was the fulfillment of one of those “I can’t wait till they grow up and …. “
“I can’t wait till they grow up and talk…I can’t wait till they grow up and are potty trained..I can’t wait till they grow up and walk… I can’t wait till they grow up and go to school…get a job…move out…etc. My “I can’t wait” was having them drive me to lunch and paying for it tip and all!
Although there are times that I long for my sons to be toddlers again, it’s a beautiful thing when they are old enough to appreciate and show
- how much they care without coaxing. I was very surprised when hubby told me that the boys planned on taking me out for lunch and it was a beautiful day with just the two of them. Afterwards we stopped at Lowes to get flowers and of course to Goodwill for the Mother’s Day $5 off $20 sale.
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I hope and pray that all the Mothers had as nice of a day spent with their children as I did. My Mother’s Day was the fulfillment of one of those “I can’t wait till they grow up and …. “
“I can’t wait till they grow up and talk…I can’t wait till they grow up and are potty trained..I can’t wait till they grow up and walk… I can’t wait till they grow up and go to school…get a job…move out…etc. My “I can’t wait” was having them drive me to lunch and paying for it tip and all!
Although there are times that I long for my sons to be toddlers again, it’s a beautiful thing when they are old enough to appreciate and show
- how much they care without coaxing. I was very surprised when hubby told me that the boys planned on taking me out for lunch and it was a beautiful day with just the two of them. Afterwards we stopped at Lowes to get flowers and of course to Goodwill for the Mother’s Day $5 off $20 sale.
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