OOTD – No Fireworks Fourth
This was the 1st year that we didn’t pile into the car to go see the annual 4th of July Fireworks in Middletown. We usually leave home at dusk to drive to Friendly’s where we parked, ate ice cream and oooh and aaahed at the sky being lit up by fireworks a few miles away. There were 2 reasons for not going this year, the most important one being that Friendly’s caught fire the week before and burned to the ground and secondly, we just didn’t feel like going, we’ve seen enough fireworks at Disney to last a lifetime.
However, in keeping with some traditions Tayair and I wore RED, WHITE & BLUE, and Malik wore a T-Shirt in memory of Andre Smith the HS Football Player killed in a car accident over Spring Break. I did watch some of the Macy’s fireworks on TV and oooh and aaah at their sky being lit up without having to fight traffic to get home.