Posts Tagged ‘Madden Girl’
This week’s contenders are Madden Girl versus Madden Girl or big Polka Dots versus little Polka Dots or as I like to call them my “Betty Boop” shoes. Speaking of Betty Boop, do you know the origination of the cartoon character? I recently heard on the Tom Joyner Morning Show that she was a “stolen” caricature based on jazz singer “Baby” Esther Jones. If you want to read more about it click here.
You Choose the Shoes | OOTD
Hello Friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday!
I love the Spring and Summer seasons, not only because of the warmer weather but because of the shoes! Sandals and open-toes are my favorites, but wedges, platforms, kitten heels, high heels, pumps, flats, it doesn’t matter, I wear them all.
I know that I’m not alone when I say, “I LOVE Shoes“. I’ve been known to purchase 3 different pairs all at the same time…all on the same day… AND all at the same store ~ I LOVE Shoes! Unfortunately, having only one pair of feet can cause a dilemma, the decision on which pair to wear for a particular outfit can be frustrating.
This new blog feature, “You Choose the Shoes” is helping me by giving you an opportunity to choose the pair of shoes that I’ll wear with a particular outfit of the day.
Okay, for this outfit which pair should I wear?
The Polka Dot sleeveless tank was thrifted from Goodwill and red Capri pants were on clearance at JC Penney?
Madden Girl Polka Dots from @DSW
Glo Jeans wedges from @Kmart
My hubby and son chose The Madden Girl
I had to do one of those 3-toe polishes this morning, but I will be making an appointment for my annual Spring pedicure!
So which one did you choose?
I’ll be linking up with my favorite fashionistas Whitney Nic James and Shana at ColorBlind, so when you get a chance hop over and check out their thrifted finds.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Chambray OR Denim?
Hello Friends and Happy Throwback Tuesday!
Are old styles back in style or are they just being called by a different name?
Chambray or it the same?
My sleeveless Denim dress was a thrifted bargain for only $2.62, from Goodwill.
Compare it to the Chambray dresses shown in this post by fellow blogger, Robinson Style .
Orange skinny belt from Avon
Wedge sandals from Marshall’s, found them hiding in the back of my closet unworn!
What say you … Chambray or Denim?
Have a fantastical day – Smooches!
OOTD – 500th Post
Hello Friends and Happy Friday Eve!
In less than 1 year I have written 500 blog posts. In all honesty when I first started DeDivahDeals I didn’t write much, I still don’t, but according to my WordPress stats this is my 500th post!
cue the fireworks and confetti drop
500 posts is not a cause for a big celebration but next month on my 1st year Blogiversary it will be so get your party clothes ready!
Woot Woot!!
These Madden Girl pumps are my favorite shoes, not only are they comfortable but the Polka Dot bows remind me of Betty Boop and who doesn’t love that 1930’s PinUp Girl?
Sleeveless Dress – Burlington Coat Factory // Purple Blazer – GW Boutique // Madden Girl Pumps – Ross // Ring – Avon // Earrings and Bracelets – jewelry box
Linking up today with Katherine’s Corner – hop on over and meet a new blogger
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OOTD – Dressing Through A Flash
Put on brown, sleeveless dress thrifted from Goodwill to be worn with pink and brown paisley denim jacket also thrifted from Goodwill…
Flash starts….take off dress… throw into hamper…
Put on grey, flair skirt with black and white polka dot top thrifted from Goodwill, add black belt…
Wipe forehead…
Pull off skirt … throw onto bed…
Put on grey pencil skirt, change belt to orange one thrifted from Goodwill…try on shoes…
Turn on fan…take off shoes….start makeup…stop
Pull off polka dot top and belt…throw onto floor…
Put on cotton, grey, cowl neck purchased from Marshalls…plug in curling wand…
Look into full length mirror and see a stuffed sausage….pull off skirt and cowl neck throw on top of hamper…
Go into closet, look up, look left…pull down black maxi skirt…look right…pull down a different polka dot top thrifted from Goodwill….
Add red skinny belt from Ross…
Curl hair and finish makeup…
Kick Madden Girls shoes from Marshalls under the bed…put on open toe Rocket Dogs from The Shoe Dept and leave bathroom
45 minutes late to work!
Happy Thursday my friends, I hope your day started better than mine!!! Smooches
Linking up with Coffee & Cardigans – Hop on over and meet a new blogger today.
OOTD – Monday Minimum
Hello friends, happy Monday and what a beautiful day it is. Every morning when I wake up I give thanks and think of how truly blessed we are…that after saying, “aaw man, I have to get up and go to work again!”. Monday is not my favorite day and today’s outfit isn’t my favorite either, just two solid pieces together, nothing special. Both the maxi skirt and top are closet staples which I have worn several times throughout the years, however, this is the first time wearing the Polka Dot peep-toes pumps. I’ve tried them on and even posed in them (here), but have never wore them out and they are quite comfortable. I should have gotten a half size larger because when I walk my feet slides forward causing the toes to stick out too far, need to get those gripper inserts.
Skirt – Closet staple// Top – Walmart//Madden Girl Shoes – DSW//Bracelets – Flea Market Vendor// Necklace – Rugged Wearhouse// Ring – jewelry box
Have a fantabulous day!
OOTD – Throwback Thursday
Good Thursday, I hope your day is positive and productive. Today is less stressful now that I am back in my own cubicle after only an hour and half commute which always starts with a prayer for safe travels.
The outfit of the day is a 70’s throwback, wide leg pants and wedge sandals which I wore in Junior High School. The pants were purchased in May (here) and the sandals in June (here), but the patterns compliment each other – I love when that happens! The mix of jewelry includes wood, glass, plastic, stone and metal another throwback to the fashions of the 60’s and 70’s. Purse was purchased from TJ Maxx and is just large enough to carry all my daily essentials without being too bulky. I wish my figure was a throwback to the 70’s, then perhaps the belt purchased from Goodwill would fit a little less snug!
OOTD – Bright Orange Sunshiny Day
Orange is one of my favorite colors because it can be worn any time any season. I love the brightness of this thrifted J. Crew top paired with the asymmetrical brown and beige skirt especially on such a warm and bright day.
Top and Skirt – Goodwill// Shoes – Madden Girl from Ross// Lamarthe Bag – Charmingly Linda’s Consignment Shop
Bracelets – Burlington Coat Factory// Earrings & Leaf Necklace- Ring – jewelry box
Ross Clearance Deals
Last week I made the mistake of stopping at Ross only looking to purchase a 3 pack set of loofahs for my husband but unfortunately they didn’t have any. I had banned myself from shopping at Ross and hadn’t been there for over a month. Oftentimes they have such great deals that I’ll over spend my budget and Friday was no exception. After searching for the loofahs and eye-balling the purses instead of walking straight out the door, I made a right and went immediately to the clearance racks…and the rest is history!
OOTD – Back on Nutrisystem
Mother’s Day breakfast-in-bed (thanks hubby) and lunch at Ruby Tuesdays (thanks sons) really blew my diet so today it’s back to strict Nutrisystem!
Top w/ faux necklace – Walmart// Polka Dot Capris – Goodwill// Madden Girl Pumps – Ross // Bracelet – Sams Ring and earrings – Payless