From the Hooters to the Tooter, Get Them Checked During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hello friends and welcome to this week’s feature of “Wellness Wednesday”.
October is more than a month of falling leaves, trips to the Apple Orchards and Crock Pot meals. For me it also signals the time to put my legs in stirrups and to have my boobies mashed between two metal plates. Yep, it’s time for the annual exams for the hooters and the tooter, which means I will also be scheduling my first colonoscopy. Hubby’s recent diagnosis and ultimate surgery for small intestinal cancer made it even more of a priority for me.
After checking both my work and home calendars I try to schedule my annual Pap Smear and Mammogram appointments on the same day. It’s so easy to get caught up with work and family, not to mention the holiday hoopla then forget to make an appointment.
Oftentimes, I will mix the day of appointments with a day of pampering starting with the dreaded pap smear, followed by lunch, then the mammogram and finally a pedicure ~ works for me!
I don’t care how old I am how long I’ve been having these procedures done, I never look forward to either. However, it doesn’t matter how uncomfortable they are, these vital exams must be done, no if’s, and’s or butt’s about it!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so if you haven’t made an appointment for your annual mammogram, please use this as a reminder to do so. We all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer which is more of a reason to schedule an appointment ~ no excuses.
To get a FREE copy of the eBbook The Top Ten Superfoods for Preventing Breast Cancer, just click on this link
Have you ever taken part in a Breast Cancer Walk?
I did this one in memory of my cousin Debra and Aunt Hazel.
“Cancer Don’t Care!”
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: I am not a medical professional and these posts are not designed to promote or give any medical advice. Please check with your personal physician if you have any questions regarding your own health.