Cancer Don’t Care | Thankful Thursday
For far too many years, we have had several relatives affected by cancer, mostly breast but lung and colon cancer has also reared their ugly heads. We watched them go through treatment, recovery, get worse, become survivors or die. Cancer don’t care who you are, where you live, or even how you live.
Lung cancer has taken the lives of smokers as well as non-smokers and breast cancer invades the bodies of men as well as women and for far too long.
We have watched the deterioration of some and dealt with the sudden death of others. We have grieved as a family and attended the funerals and memorial services. Cancer don’t care about any of this.
My mother-in-law battled colon cancer, she put up a good fight, in and out of Hospice Care for over a year until her small frame, weighing less than 100 lbs could no longer take it…she died on Saturday August 31, 2013.
“You have cancer” is a phrase that no one ever wants to hear, especially a healthy, active, non smoking, non drinking man who is entering his next phase of life. Retirement papers signed after 32 years with the State of Delaware…now onward to that 2nd half of life and getting a start on the “honey-do” list.
Cancer Don’t Care!
Colonoscopy began at the age of 45, he ate little to no red meat, exercised daily, had a happy life with a happy wife and kids in slow suburban Middletown, DE.
Cancer Don’t Care!
Years of pain and an irritable bowel, yet, no detection of cancer, until one specialist working in God’s favor does an endoscopy and there is was hidden in the small intestines.
Cancer Don’t Care!
Diagnosed on the 21st…surgery on the 26th with no signs it has spread, and guess who’s home today!
God is Good and
I AM THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!