OOTD – Miss Match Monday
Yesterday I was so busy and exhausted after cleaning out the crawl space after a minor plumbing problem that I didn’t follow my Sunday evening routine. Normally on Sunday nights I prepare my outfits for the week, they are pulled, matched and hung neatly on the outside of my closet door. In the mornings I don’t have to worry about what I am going to wear or waste time trying to match shoes and accessories which for me is vital because I definitely am NOT a morning person. In addition to not having my outfits prepared, I had a restless night thinking about Malik going to an amusement park with his friends today. Can’t imagine why I am so anxious but I can now appreciate how my grandmother felt every time I left the house when I was in High School. I prayed that they have safe passage to and from the park and he did send a text that they had arrived safely.
Now on to today’s miss matched outfit which I didn’t notice until after viewing the pics – not one color in this shirt matches the pants!
Top – Walmart// Pants – Marshalls// Shoes – Ross// Bracelets -Flea Market Vendor// Ring and Earrings – Jewelry Box// iPad – won from contest @WPHL17 EyeOpener