What Chore is a Bore?
Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday
I hope you had a nice MLK Day of Service Holiday and was able to do something special and not boring like cleaning the house! Speaking of which, what chore for you is the most boring?
Is it sweeping and mopping the floor? It may be a boring chore but it’s mandatory if that “5-Second rule” is to apply!
How about washing and drying clothes? Thankfully, my sons have been doing their own laundry since the age of 12, but I still hate doing mine and hubby’s!
How about cleaning out the refrigerator? Just how long can you keep that opened jar of jelly….one or two years?
What about dusting? I don’t really mind it, but I just can’t figure out how dust can settle in an area that we don’t use. We don’t enter the house using the front door so why is that foyer table always dusty!
How about bathroom cleaning? My sons are each assigned a bathroom to clean and needless to say they find it boring!
Hands down for me, the kitchen table basket is the bore chore. This catch-all basket contains coupons, store inserts, and junk mail that I want to read later. Between this basket and the junk drawers they have got to be the most boring chore ever! (hey…there’s even a Christmas candy cane in there)
How about you, what is your bore chore?
Stay Blessed – Not Stress in the New Year!