I would like to introduce you all to my sister, Veronica, and ask that you join me in wishing her great success with her new endeavor as the owner of VIPInteletravel.
The next time you are looking to make travel plans whether for business or pleasure, please check out her website as there are great travel packages available to meet the needs and budgets of most travelers. I have added a banner link on my sidebar for easy access.
Jan 26, 2016- Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33321-, Owned and Operated by a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), and Women Vetrepreneur (VOSB)
Veronica I. Palomino, USAF DAV.
VIP.Inteletravel host Travel Agency is located at 777 East Atlantic Ave, Suite 300, Delray Beach, FL with her office located in Tamarac, Florida. Broward County. Ms. Palomino completed her Broward County Board of County Commissioners appointment in June 2015, and decided to take her past position and her current appointment to the Veterans Affairs Committee- (Resolution No. R2-14-89) to Own and Operate her own Agency. is named after it’s owners initials, Veronica I. Palomino, VIP, with the Palomino deriving from Palomino Island, a Waldorf Astoria Resort, located Las Croabas Puerto Rico.
Inteletravel and it’s Preferred Travel Partners programs have over 25 years in good standing from all of the Current Memberships, ASTA, CLIA just to name a few. This Vetrepreneur brings 25 years of USAF Veteran experience from travels with her father, Retired Senior Master Sgt. USAF Dover, Del. along with the 10 plus duty assignments that included, Asia, Hawaii, overseas tours in Italy, as well as countries in Europe including Amsterdam, Germany, Spain and Greece.
VIP.Inteletravel has plans on expanding travel destinations for 2016-2017 to include Panama, Costa Rica, Rivera Cancun, Punta Cana, along with the AM Resort Collection of All Inclusive Resorts, Escorted Themed Wine Tours in Italy, Vision of Abu Dhabi and High Tea at Emirates Place.
For Customized Escorted Personalized Travels, Tours & Excursions contact Veronica I. Palomino, Travel Agent at 561-702-8592 or 1-800-873-5353
(Agent # P125837), or connect on Social.