
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Posts Tagged ‘short dresses are sexy’

How Short is Too Short – Dressing after Fifty

How Short is Too Short – Dressing after Fifty

Are you the ‘bee’s knees?” If you’ve never heard that phrase before then I already know your answer to this question – how short is too short?

Remember when we discussed the sleeveless after fifty topic, (click here) now let’s talk about “how short is too short

My husband is sort of a prude when it comes to women and short dresses, he says, “if a woman has to pull it down when she sits down then it’s too short” and sometimes, I have to agree, not always but sometimes…it all depends

How short is too short after fifty?

Before retiring he was a Student Advisor in a middle school and would often come home complaining about how some of ‘the young ladies’ wore clothing that was either too short, too low cut, or simply too revealing for school.   Between the ages of 13-15, most young men are “coming into their own” and oftentimes enticements such as these may be a bit too much for them to handle in an appropriate mature manner.

However, we are not talking about prepubescent teens, we are talking about grown women over the age of 50.  In school they used the “tip of the finger rule”; the dress, skirt or shorts should not be higher than where the tip of the finger landed on the leg.  

Should the fingertip rule apply to women over the age of 50?

how short is too short after fifty

Personally I do because when I’m wearing a dress, I want to feel comfortable in all situations.  I don’t want to feel as though I need to pull down it down everytime I sit down; while getting in and out of a car or having to bend down to pick up something, however, you may have a different opinion…

What’s your take?

dressing after fifty

A sleeveless sheath is my favorite go-to dress and most of them are above the knee but are not too short above the knee.  I think the length is just right and looks good on any body shape and size.

Wearing a pair of  heels with a sheath dress not only elongates the legs but it makes you feel super sexy – and that is not a bad thing especially after the age of 50!

So the question needs to be answered…

“how short is too short after the age of fifty?”

How short is too short after age fifty