Posts Tagged ‘small business’
On a recent Podcast, “Social Media Sunday with the Delaware Blogger” we discussed Twitter for Small Business because many small business owners still don’t understand why they should be on this social media platform.
I actually had a client say that Twitter was dying and that it was old fashioned…not sure why he thought this, but I invited him to listen in to the Podcast in hopes of changing his mind.
Not only do I, but several other social media strategists feel that Twitter is the #1 social network because it is truly social. On Facebook, your are limited to an established circle of friends and family. But everyone is fair game on Twitter. I can jump in and out of all sorts of conversations with people I’ve never met—I’ve made connections with my best blogging sponsors this way.
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a microblogging network of real time posts that are limited to 140 characters or less, however, at one time they wanted to change it to make it unlimited characters and Twitterverse lost it’s mind. What they did do was change the algorithm so that images do not count as part of the 140 characters.
Twitter’s demographic is geared more towards the younger generations, however, that doesn’t mean that the older generation are not using it as a matter of fact, Twitter is my favorite social media platform.
Unfortunately, many boomers and seniors are using it in the wrong way and I won’t mention any names. (DT)
You may remember that I once said that, “Twitter are the friends that you wished you had in high school” versus Facebook which are like the friends you did have in high school.
I made that statement because, you can establish relationships and followings with the really cool kids, not to say that the people you connect with on Facebook aren’t cool, they just aren’t the really cool tweeps. For example, I remember my first celebrity follower was Kimora Lee Simmons, she started following me because I had made a comment about a beautiful family photo that she had posted online.
I was so over the top excited that little ole me from Middletown, DE was recognized and followed by a real celebrity. Unfortunately, it was short lived because after I posted one of her purses that I bought from a local discount store she inquired as to where I got it. I responded but the next thing I knew, the store was no longer carrying them!
The power of Twitter and network marketing was solidified for me on the day, I guess she didn’t appreciate having knock offs of her bags being sold at discount.
You don’t have to be uber famous like Kimora Lee Simmons, Justin Bieber or even Ellen Degeneres to get a decent following and if you’re a small business or brand, Twitter will actually help bring in new customers. It has been proven that 64% of Twitter users are more likely to buy from brands that they follow on Twitter.
Steps to set up a Twitter account:
- Sign up with your real name, your email address and a password.
Choose Your Twitter Name: Your Twitter name is limited to a maximum of 15 characters. Although Twitter names are not case-sensitive, Twitter will save the name exactly as you enter it when you create your Twitter profile. So even though you can create your profile with “DelawareBlogger” and be listed as @DelwareBlogger, your Twitter fans will be able to find you by using @delawareblogger. Avoid names with numbers, uncommon abbreviations and names that are difficult to remember. Keep mobile users in mind and avoid underscores, which require extra steps to type in on mobile phones.
- You can skip interests and importing address books because you may want to wait and get comfortable before you start advertising your profile.
- Check your email to confirm your email address that will be sent to the email address that you provided.
Upload Your Picture: It’s important to change the default picture to show others that you are a real person and not a spambot and definitely not that ‘egg’ which is the generic profile pic.
Fill in your Location – If you are a local business put the town/city, county/state and then country. Enter your website/blog address, and your bio. Fill in details about yourself or your company, use keywords wisely as part of your description especially for SEO.
- Create a background and design your page, usa or which both have templates to make it easier.
- When you send your first tweet make sure to introduce your brand or business explaining briefly what you aim to give followers through your tweets. Create a mission statement and remember no selling just yet, wait to build an audience/following.
How to get Twitter Followers – What is your mission statement ~ Who is your ideal customer ~ Tell them why they should follow you
When using Twitter for business it’s important to ensure that you are getting followers that are relevant to your topic, so you need to balance out your activities to get those numbers versus activities aimed at just getting mass quantities of followers. Remember the SNL skit with the Coneheads, they were an alien family that just wanted to get mass quantities of everything.
- A hashtag, or the pound symbol (#) is a way to connect or search others with the same interests. Type a hashtag keyword in the search bar to discover content and accounts based on your interests. For example, on twitter if you type #Podcast, you will be presented with tweets about Podcasts or anything anyone has ever tweeted about using the hashtag Podcast (#Podcast). And this ladies and gents is what makes it so very easy for you to find and connect with your targeted audience.
Whether you are looking for stay at home moms, which is hashtag #SAHM, millennials #millennial or a blogger in Delaware #DelawareBlogger, putting the hashtag in front of the word or phrase when searching on Twitter will provide you with an avalanche of people to follow which can increase your audience exponentially once you start following them.
- Participate in #FollowFriday or any other trending hashtag topics that may be relevant to you, your product or service. Same with popular events, movies or television shows as most networks are now placing their hashtag at the bottom corners of the screen which is how I find and follow #HAHN and #TWD viewers.
- Check the trending topics on the left side of the screen, if they are relevant to your niche, join in share, comment and retweet which may get you a number of followers that are interested in the same trending topics.
- Twitter chats is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag ) for each tweet contributed. A host or moderator will pose questions (designated with Q1, Q2…) to prompt responses from participants (using A1, A2…) and encourage interaction among the group. Chats typically last an hour. You can find twitter chats on websites like or where you can also host Twitter Chats and they are great if you are promoting a new product, project or event.
There are awesome places to connect with others including celebs especially if they are promoting a new project like Oprah and Tyler Perry. When the OWN network went live followers were chatting up a storm and yes, I have been retweeted by both Oprah and Tyler. I think my most famous follower now is Dick Gregory.
“ Twitter Chats are business networking events – minus the dress code”
Twitter is less focused on “What you are doing” like on Facebook and more about “What’s going on around you in the world”.
What Should I Publish on Twitter?
- Always share good content that is worth sharing and retweeting, use humor too, remember to tweet more than just your product or service
- When you share something that someone else wrote, don’t just tell people why it’s great and share the link, also include the Twitter handle of the author. This will get you right on their radar as someone who supports and appreciates their work. That’s the first step to building a relationship.
- If someone writes about you, @mention them when you share the link. This is especially important if you have a good following that will also retweet and engage with the article.
- Use Twitter to follow up and respond to others.
- Join Twitter Chats to get more followers and offer insights.
Add photos and images to your tweets.
The key to being successful on Twitter is sharing the right information, whether it’s your own links or other content.
“Do what you do best then link to the rest!”
Twitter tips:
Use a timesaving tool to schedule your tweets. Free and low-cost tools like Hootsuite allow you to schedule your tweets in advance so that you maintain a consistent flow of content, while saving time.
Make sure you are following your customers.
Reward people who retweet you or offer Twitter-only specials.
- Retweet and thank those who follow and retweet you.
- Multitask and tweet while commuting to and from work on the bus or train. Tweet while on the bike at the gym, during commercials of your favorite shows; tweet while in the waiting room for the doctor.
- Tweet inspirational quotes. Quotes tend to see higher engagement on Twitter because people enjoy reading them and sharing with others.
- Communicate with your followers, answer their questions, respond to their positive/negative feedback and make sure that they can trust the information that you’re providing them.
- Follow users who follow your followers as they are likely to share similar interests so you may consider following them as well.
- Follow the accounts recommended by Twitter. In the #Discover section of your dashboard, Twitter recommends “Who to follow” for your account.
- Direct Message send a direct message to @abccompany and request for a follow back so that you can connect under the radar or take it offline to help or assist or work with influencers and potential vendors and customers
- You don’t have to read every tweet on your timeline.
Put your twitter handle everywhere including, your website, Your email signature, Your email newsletter, Your business cards, Signs posted in your business, Paperwork you give customers (receipts, invoices, statements, etc.), Menus and product information sheets
Respond to everyone who mentions, retweets you, or favorites one of your tweets, they are seeking a connection with you. From a certain perspective, this is a truly humbling event. Someone has valued you and your profile enough that they want to connect.
It’s OK to tweet the same thing multiple times
Chime in: Do you have any other Twitter tips for small businesses?
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday!
Today I begin by saying, “Thank You” to The Money School of Delaware for inviting me to be part of last week’s Savvy Social Media Workshop (#SavvySocialMedia). As you know, passion is the driving force behind blogging, it is what makes us strive to be the best bloggers we can be. When you are recognized for doing such it is truly a blessing and for that I am thankful!
I work full time outside of the home but I consider blogging as my “side gig”, one that I am looking to monetize so that it becomes my “side income” one that will take me into my retirement years. If you read Michelle Singletary’s commentary last week, the topic was “For many, side income gives peace of mind”. (Read it here)
The Social Media Workshop was a perfect example of this as it was geared towards entrepreneurs, non-profits and small business owners. The main point being how social media plays an important role in the success of a side gig which can ultimately give you peace of mind.
Amy Cherry, News Reporter and Anchor for 1150 WDEL AM spoke to the audience on how to contact and work with the media when requesting coverage for a project or event. She also provided tips on the best ways to photograph and video these events as well as why it’s important to always be interview-ready when the contact is made.
Randi Penfil from Constant Contact used a fantastic PowerPoint presentation to emphasis the importance of a successful email marketing campaign. Discussing the evolution of initial email writing which once was plain text to today’s glossy Newsletters and pdf files. She also pointed out the “do’s and don’ts” of email marketing and offered to work with them in getting started.
Carl Immediato, grandson of the owner of Three Little Bakers once a staple in the state of Delaware, grew up believing that one day he too would follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. Unfortunately when the theatre closed he needed to step out and do something differently and is now an Independent Associate with Talk Fusion. Carl showed us how using video can make a personal statement which can better brand your business.
I was the final speaker of the day and my topic was “How To Monetize Your Blog”. Most of us realize that money can be made blogging other than having a product or service to sell, i.e. Etsy or eBay. A blog can be monetized with Affiliate Marketing, Banner or PPC/CPA ads, Sponsored Posts/Reviews, Direct Advertising, Consulting, Speaking Engagements, and/or Teaching.
Adhering to the 3-P’s, the 3-C’s and ABC as I wrote in a previous post (here), being a successful blogger and making money doing so is quite possible. It takes passion, patience, perseverance and hard work, but it is definitely doable and has provided many with “a peace of mind”.
This was yet another great event sponsored by The Money School of Delaware, a non-profit that I am proud to be associated with.
This week as in every week I am always thankful for my family, friends and my faith. Now it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Monday!
Chasing the Dream Entrepreneurship Camp sponsored by The Money School of Delaware provided youngsters between the ages of 9-13, an opportunity to learn the basics of starting a business. Last Thursday they were given the tools and a venue to showcase what they had learned.
A miniature Marketplace was set up in Rodney Square in Wilmington where the campers had an opportunity to sell their products, which included body scrubs, hand crafted jewelry, sunglasses, candy, plants, lemonade, popcorn, metal sculptures even hourly math tutoring sessions.
These young entrepreneurs obviously also learned another very important lesson, the value of customer satisfaction. They greeted each passerby with a smile and eagerly answered questions about their products.
There was a heavy downpour on and off during the day but that did not stop people from coming out to support. There was a steady stream of customers as well as WDEL Radio personality, Amy Cherry and a 6ABC News cameraman.
I was truly impressed with not only the products these entrepreneurs had created, but how each of their personalities and positive attitudes showed brightly despite the dark clouds looming overhead.
Kudos to The Money School of Delaware for supporting the youth of today with their futures of tomorrow.
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Chasing the Dream Market Day!
Thursday, August 1st
Rodney Square in Wilmington
Campers are open for business…come shop over your lunch break!
Turn Up The Heat…
August Money School Classes!
Money Smart Series
Wed., July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21 & 28 Time: 6-8pm
Bear Library
Nicole Henry, Citizens Bank
Participants must attend all sessions to receive certificate.
Lunch and Learn: Social Media and Business
Wed., July 31 Time: 12noon-1:30pm
Claymont Community Center
Stacey Schiller, Stacey Ink
Strategic Ways to Get Out of Debt
Thurs., Aug. 1 Time: 5:30-7:15pm
Dover Library
Rod Hausmann, Primerica
How to Start and Finance Your Small Business Dream
Thurs., Aug. 1 Time: 6-7:30pm
City of Dover Economic Development Office
Tim Reid, SBA
Protecting What’s Important
Tues., Aug 6 Time: 1:00-2:00pm
Kirkwood Hwy Public Library, 6000 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington
Steven Lucas, Edward Jones
Lunch and Learn: Award-winning Customer Service
Wed., Aug. 7 Time: 12noon-1:30pm
Claymont Community Center
Dinette Rivera, Rivera Business Development Group
Light lunch provided
Foreclosure Prevention
Mon., Aug. 12 Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Newark Library, 750 Library Ave., Newark
Mary Rammel, CCCS of MD and DE
Foreclosure Prevention
Mon., Aug. 12 Time: 6-7:30pm
Georgetown Library, Job Center
Lisa Spellman, Department of Justice
A Mortgage Acceleration Review
Mon., Aug. 12 Time: 6:30-7:30
Rosehill Commuinty Center
Jenine Mills, AGLA
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Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Is your palate stuck in a rut…do you find yourself always ordering the same foods…pizza, cheese steaks or Chinese takeout? Do you want something different while supporting a new local business, then I suggest you try Swahili Kitchen on Main Street in Middletown.
Swahili Kitchen specializes in East African cuisine, specifically recipes from Tanzania, and although the menu is new it’s actually the second part of Manhattan Bagel, also owned by Rishen Patel and his wife Heeral.
The concept of adding a different offering in an already thriving breakfast business was a great idea, Rishen stated that after 2 p.m. no one was coming in to buy bagels so he decided to offer his native foods. In Middletown you can find every type of food except African style which is what motivated the Patels to open Swahili Kitchen.
On Sunday, hubby and I stopped in and decided to try the chicken and beef items from the promotional menu, which also included Pork Kebabs, but you know we don’t eat pork. If you like mildly spicy foods you will definitely enjoy the Chicken dishes, especially the marinated leg quarters called Sekela. There was just the right balance of seasoning including curry and the chips weren’t soggy even with the veggie topping. The promotional prices, currently $5 and under were very reasonable considering the portion sizes which were more than enough for leftovers.
The Chicken Mishkaki is listed as being served on a skewer, but since we had take out it was simply placed in a Styrofoam container. The Tamarind Sauce was a perfect compliment to this dish of very tender chicken cubes, potatoes, green peppers and onions slices.
What are called “chips” in Africa are actually what we call “fries”, and they are topped with a veggie mix of shredded carrots, cabbage and red onions and a perfect blend of spices.
Chicken Pili Pili is a spicy BBQ leg quarter served with white rice and coleslaw
Dinner was excellent and the side sauce added just the right amount of “fire” for me!
So this weekend if you are in the mood for something different head over to Swahili Kitchen which is located at 400 W. Main St. and their hours of operation are 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday (closed Monday)
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Hello Friends and Happy Saturday!
A few weeks ago at The Java House Cafe I had the pleasure of meeting Marissa G., owner/baker of Eden’s Touch Bread Company. She was there to feature her Specialty Loaves of Homemade Breads, “made with love, no chemicals or preservatives”. Eden’s Touch Bread Company delivers fresh baked products at affordable prices and delivers exceptional customer satisfaction. The bakery is located in Collingdale, PA, however, they ship nationwide as well as make local deliveries to the Philadelphia tri-state area. Eden’s Touch Bread Company also features other items including Gluten Free Gourmet Butter, Croutons and Bread Mixes (menu).
I purchased two of the mini Banana Walnut loaves and couldn’t wait to get them home to try. I had one warm slice with my afternoon tea and then my men ate the rest! I wished I had purchased others to hide store in the freezer, I’ll place an online order.
Eden’s Touch Bread Company is a new business, only a year old and they recently launched a go fund me campaign to raise money for a larger oven. The goal is to raise $500, and if you would like to donate and receive a gift certificate please click the bread pic below.
Make sure to sign up for their Newsletter to receive discount coupons and monthly specials.
Disclosure Statement
I was not financially compensated for this post, the product was purchased with my own money. The opinions are 100% completely my own based upon my experience.
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Hello Friends and Happy Saturday!
A few weeks ago at The Java House Cafe I had the pleasure of meeting Marissa G., owner/baker of Eden’s Touch Bread Company. She was there to feature her Specialty Loaves of Homemade Breads, “made with love, no chemicals or preservatives”. Eden’s Touch Bread Company delivers fresh baked products at affordable prices and delivers exceptional customer satisfaction. The bakery is located in Collingdale, PA, however, they ship nationwide as well as make local deliveries to the Philadelphia tri-state area. Eden’s Touch Bread Company also features other items including Gluten Free Gourmet Butter, Croutons and Bread Mixes (menu).
I purchased two of the mini Banana Walnut loaves and couldn’t wait to get them home to try. I had one warm slice with my afternoon tea and then my men ate the rest! I wished I had purchased others to hide store in the freezer, I’ll place an online order.
Eden’s Touch Bread Company is a new business, only a year old and they recently launched a go fund me campaign to raise money for a larger oven. The goal is to raise $500, and if you would like to donate and receive a gift certificate please click the bread pic below.
Make sure to sign up for their Newsletter to receive discount coupons and monthly specials.
Disclosure Statement
I was not financially compensated for this post, the product was purchased with my own money. The opinions are 100% completely my own based upon my experience.
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On Saturday, at the Dutch Country Farmers Market I had an opportunity to meet a wonderful vendor representing her own small business
Tina Taylor, is a Direct Distributor of easy gourmet products from her pantry to help make your cooking easier. Most of the items in the product line require only one or two additional ingredients, allowing you to spend less time in the kitchen especially now with the better weather!
All of the products are made from the finest ingredients with offerings of sugar free and gluten free options. Whether you prefer sweet, savory or spicy, the ever-expanding product line has something for you and the entire family.
What makes Sugar Spice and Everything Nice so unique is that in addition to the packaged gourmet products she also offers many delicious cooked & baked items daily, full service catering, linen rentals, party supply rentals, balloons & party supplies, invitations, gift baskets as well as many unique favors and gifts.
Other Great Opportunities That Are Available With Sugar Spice And Everything Nice
Fundraising Program is a unique and exciting venture that has a 50% profit, no upfront investment and FREE shipping or delivery! If you are looking for an exciting, new product to sell for your organization this is your answer!
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Host a home tasting, cooking or dipping party where she will come in and serve up a variety of dips & drinks and make an amazing dish and you earn free products! This is a perfect excuse to have a GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!
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Become a consultant and sell the amazing products to generate extra income and free products all while having fun!
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Don’t have the time for a home party…host a catalog party or virtual online show and still earn free products!
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Cooking classes are offered once a month (check website for schedule).
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Customized Gift Baskets available for Holiday, Birthday, Corporate Gift and more!
Tina is also a Tastefully Simple Independent Consultant. If you would like to place an order, host a tasting party or if you would like to join her team and sign up as an independent consultant, please visit her website at
Product Review Disclosure:
I did not receive any product in exchange for this review.
Any sponsored giveaways or posts will be noted as such.
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On Saturday The Money School of Delaware held it’s annual C.O.D.E. Conference for National Entrepreneurship Week at the Chase Center on the Riverfront. This FREE event was held to give guidance to the small business community in the state of Delaware.
The doors opened at 8:00 am, and after completing a registration form you received a reusable shopping bag courtesy of Shoprite. Attendees then entered the Riverfront Ballroom where over 30 exhibitors including the SBA, SCORE, PNC Bank, Wells Fargo, DEDO, Traci Lynn Jewelry and the YWCA had tables that showcased their products/services as well as items for sale or small giveaways.
On this cold and rainy morning the hot coffee and danish was a welcomed delight, but for each of the attendees all of various ages and ethnic backgrounds they delighted in a common goal; to obtain information and guidance to make their small business more successful. Small businesses are the engine that drives the economy in Delaware and if they are successful, we are all successful.
The conference was kicked off by Mary Caracciolli, The Money Confidant, who emphasized that the day wasn’t about networking but about meeting people, building relationships and doing something for someone else. Opening remarks were made by Lt. Governor Matt Denn, a major supporter of education in the state. Chase was the #1 sponsor of C.O.D.E. and Daryl Graham spoke about the importance of supporting small businesses. Ken Anderson, a DEDO rep stated that small businesses have created the most net new jobs in the state of Delaware. State Treasurer Chip Flowers was also in attendance and video remarks were given by Governor Jack Markell and U.S Senator Chris Coons.
Judy Travis, Founder of Stockings for Soldiers Delaware spoke of how passion drives your business and presented a slide show. Last year, over 10 thousand packages containing 47 thousand stockings were made and shipped thanks to the many volunteers who devoted their time. Volunteers in this effort included students from elementary schools to members of Senior Citizen centers, but donations and volunteers are always needed. One of the major rewards in volunteering for this program is knowing you are improving the morale of our troops serving overseas.
There were two sets of morning sessions from which to choose that began at 9:30 am: Business Start-up 101, and Run Your Business, Don’t Let It Run You. The next two sessions started at 11:00 am: The Business of Your Business and Service…Your Secret Weapon To Success!
I sat in briefly in all 4 sessions and found them to be very informative, enlightening and one was quite entertaining. Ellyn and Robert of SBA and SCORE started their session by having everyone stand and sing along to the song “Good night, I Gotta Feeling”, by The Black Eye Peas, it was a great way to rev up the brain cells.
A light lunch of pizza, and snacks were provided before the final General Session, “Understanding Social Media”, presented by Eric Holtzclaw, Founder and Chief Strategist of Laddering Works, LLC. Using a PowerPoint presentation Eric highlighted the various groups of social media users; discussed understanding social media and how it makes an impact on today’s business.
Audience participation with questions followed, several asking how social media impacts their small businesses and why it was important to brand themselves on the Internet. Social Media whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Google+, is here to stay however, the advice of only using what is comfortable was the underlying message from Eric.
The conference ended with the awarding of Door Prizes ranging from a $100 gift card to autographed copies of Eric’s new book, Laddering: Unlocking the Potential of Consumer Behavior. Overall, it was a great event for anyone with or who is thinking about starting a small business in the state of Delaware. Kudos to the staff of The Money School for all their hard work and effort that made this yet another successful event.
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My husband recently had a few pieces of custom jewelry designed by D~Foss Custom Jewelry. Donna Foster, creator of D~Foss Custom Jewelry, has been crafting since childhood but only recently decided to turn her hobby into a profitable business. She began making jewelry exclusively for family members and friends but after attending a vendor show she realized that she could create pieces that were better made and more reasonable in cost.
In 2012, after much research and faith Donna began D-Foss Custom Jewelry and although challenging she has found the experience rewarding. Donna will make jewelry for men, women and children with prices ranging from $5 to $60 depending on time and material. She also has pre-made jewelry for vendor shows and all her jewelry comes with a lifetime warranty, any repairs are done at no additional cost.
Personalized necklace and bracelets has our son’s name on them
Donna can be contacted at
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